Question: Has anyone used the playbooks as villains instead of heroes?
Question: Has anyone used the playbooks as villains instead of heroes?
The reason I’m asking is that tonight we got together to play a session of masks and the group thought it would be fun to be villains for a change, so I allowed them to do it.
The game went really well and they had a blast and want to keep playing the villains (teens of course).
In our group we have a Protege (weapons and gadgets and impossible fighting skills) his mentor has power mimicry (with skills) and weapons and gadgets, we have a Doomed (with body transformation (electric), psychic constructs (electric) and vitality drain that works in unison with transformation), and last but not least, our bad ass Beacon (with phasing and martial arts, a fun character with the personality of Deadpool).
So any suggestions or thoughts on a villain game