Can anyone tell me the difference between MOTW and 5e? A easy way to explain it without confusing new players.

Can anyone tell me the difference between MOTW and 5e? A easy way to explain it without confusing new players.

Can anyone tell me the difference between MOTW and 5e? A easy way to explain it without confusing new players.




I have a campaign idea in mind and just started working on it. The basic concept is that sea creatures have been dying wherever the PC’s go. The dead marine life then turn into zombies and are attacking the nearby town where the Player Characters are living temporarily. The main monster I think is going to be a puppeteer who has cursed the PC’s in order to take revenge on the town for ruining her life in some way.

The problem I have is setting up the countdown. The main problem is that the Countdown is based on if the hunters weren’t there and stopped it. But I need the hunters as wherever they go, the problem occurs. I’ve tried this with past curses that the monster has put on different people but I haven’t thought of a way to incorporate into the story.

I was reading some Michael Sands posts and I was reading about “more weirdness” then his posts just cut off at the…

I was reading some Michael Sands posts and I was reading about “more weirdness” then his posts just cut off at the…

I was reading some Michael Sands posts and I was reading about “more weirdness” then his posts just cut off at the end of April. It is now September with no update and I’m getting too excited that a post could happen at any moment. I even checked the website to see if it was already out, couldn’t find it. If there is anybody that can tell me a update or just saying that he is almost finished or something will be reassuring.

Hey, Everyone!

Hey, Everyone!

Hey, Everyone!

Have you guys heard The Adventure Zone podcast? There is this one character named Angus McDonald and he is the “Worlds Greatest Detective!”. He is like The Flake, looking for clues and figuring it all out, but he also uses magic a lot (he has a book that lets him listen in on conversations in the vicinity) and The Flake doesn’t have that. I’m wondering if there is any hunter class that is close to that idea. I might need to actually make the class, I just need some ideas for moves. I really don’t know if this goes well with the horror trope of monster of the week, I will have to adjust it if I do make a it horror. Anyway I’m very interested in the idea of a magic detective that can find clues that nobody really has thought of. I also am a big fan of the character, if I do make it. How should I start it off? And do you think this is an interesting concept? Also, if you do support it try to think of any moves that might be interesting of that concept.

Thank you!