If you’re a fan of Apocalypse World, you’re a fan, at least second-hand, of Genesis P-Orridge.

If you’re a fan of Apocalypse World, you’re a fan, at least second-hand, of Genesis P-Orridge.

If you’re a fan of Apocalypse World, you’re a fan, at least second-hand, of Genesis P-Orridge.

The apocalypse is happening now. Capitalism is eating the world and shitting the world out again. The artists who helped create us need fucking GoFundMe to pay for their leukemia treatment.

Friends, I hate this.

Originally shared by Alex “Dungeon Daddy” Mayo

Utterly heartbreaking. GPO was and remains a huge influence on me. Give if you can, share if you can’t.


50 years ago, the enemies of humanity unleashed a psychic weapon that destroyed all hope for the future.

50 years ago, the enemies of humanity unleashed a psychic weapon that destroyed all hope for the future.

50 years ago, the enemies of humanity unleashed a psychic weapon that destroyed all hope for the future. Anticipating the attack and its outcome, a clandestine military project rushed to evacuate Earth. They built secret orbital stations and expanded the hidden Mars base into a functional colony. Their grandchildren – you – grew up dreaming of blue skies and blue seas that no longer exist.

Today, the mission to reclaim Earth begins.

The landfall marine has access to the most powerful weapon system in Apocalypse World, but is caught in a struggle between assimilation and the horrifying and violent mission to reclaim the world for their superiors. Warning: whichever way this plays out, if anybody’s playing a landfall marine, the reclamation mission will be an unignorable central feature of your game.

This is, yes, an update and adaptation of the 1st Ed Space Marine Mammal, except human. I think it worked out well. It brings to the forefront some of the more serious tensions in the playbook, that playing a dolphin didn’t really showcase.

It also includes something new to Apocalypse World, which I find pretty exciting: an MC’s guide to go along with the playbook, with rules, threats, and MC moves for creating the rest of the reclamation mission.

Hey, and all thanks to my very generous Patreon patrons. Without them, this release wouldn’t have been possible. If you dig it, please consider signing up!


An example of a collaboration move, off the pure top of my head, which might be of interest especially to William…

An example of a collaboration move, off the pure top of my head, which might be of interest especially to William…

An example of a collaboration move, off the pure top of my head, which might be of interest especially to William Nichols and Jason D’Angelo:

When you agree to a plan, everyone who agrees to the plan makes this move in turn. On your turn, roll+sharp. On a 10+, both. On a 7-9, choose 1:

– Say what you can do personally to help ensure the plan’s success.

– Name another PC and say what they can do to help ensure the plan’s success.

On a miss, say something that might happen that could make the plan fail.

Subsequently, if you’re doing what you or someone else said you could do to help ensure the plan’s success, take +1 to any roll you make in the effort.

On the off chance some of you here in the community didn’t see this, it’s really great:

On the off chance some of you here in the community didn’t see this, it’s really great:

On the off chance some of you here in the community didn’t see this, it’s really great:

Hey I’m working on some Apocalypse World rules for like these huge powered combat armor things left over from the…

Hey I’m working on some Apocalypse World rules for like these huge powered combat armor things left over from the…

Hey I’m working on some Apocalypse World rules for like these huge powered combat armor things left over from the war that created the apocalypse, right? And I know that some people out there have already done playbooks and stuff that maybe include such things.

I tried a few search terms at the barf but didn’t find much at all. Can any of you give me some pointers? The Juggernaut is a thing that came up in my searches, did you make that, Matt Strickling ? Can you send it to me?

Anybody else make any other mecha type things for Apocalypse World? If I’m duplicating anybody’s work, I certainly want to consult them and give credit where it’s due.