My second homebrew playbook, the Regressed. This playbook represents a teenage superhero who used to be an adult, but was somehow de-agified back into a youthful body and mind. Now, stuck as a kid with all of their adult responsibilities looming on one side, and the respect and stability that comes with it, and the fear, insecurity, freedom, and comfort of childhood on the other, they must come to terms with their own feelings regarding themselves, their past, the future, who they could be, and how their first go-around of life turned out.

Mechanically, the Regressed is not pulled toward any one Label. None of their moves involve rolling a particular Label, substituting one Label for another, or shifting a specific Label up or down. But they do have several ways to quickly shift their Labels around to explore themselves and become new things from session to session. Their Extra, Caught In Between, pulls them between sharp outbursts of either radical reinvention or authority and competence.

As with the Host, I do have some ongoing Masks games, and would like to eventually use this for actual play! So any critique or suggestions on how to improve are welcome. (The art for the Regressed isn’t done yet, so please excuse the blank space on page 1.)

A few months ago, I wrote a custom playbook for Masks – the Host – and posted it on reddit.

A few months ago, I wrote a custom playbook for Masks – the Host – and posted it on reddit.

A few months ago, I wrote a custom playbook for Masks – the Host – and posted it on reddit. They sent me here, and my join request finally went through! I was hoping to get some feedback, since one of the players in one of my current Masks games has entertained the notion of switching to it with one of his future advances.

That same player did the art for the Host, though, at the time, we were still in the middle of his character’s arc of growth and changing playbooks wasn’t really on the table yet.

So, here it is: