So, just finished up with a session that I think was the best one yet:

So, just finished up with a session that I think was the best one yet:

So, just finished up with a session that I think was the best one yet:

The setting was a haunted hospital, and I used horror movie logic to split up the characters and put them back together for plenty of dramatic scenes.

Through it all, the Janus stayed in her secret identity. She’s not out to any of her teammates and worked really hard to stay that way even in the face of a provocative Bull who suspects that his masked rival and the girl he knows from school are the same person.

It’s clear from the way this session was going that her reluctance to share her identity with any of her teammates is a great source of potential drama for us to explore going forward–So i ended with a cliffhanger to highlight that. As the four other members of the team were hanging out with the Janus who they didn’t know was their teammate, enjoying their triumph over the ghostly hospital, the Janus’s masked identity shows up, greets her teammates, and apologizes for missing the fun. Cue in-character surprise from Janus and out-of-character surprise from all of the players.

I”m looking forward to next week as they unravel the mystery of this doppelganger.

After an awesome Issue 2 of X-pelled my X-men Masks: A New Generation, things could only go down hill.

After an awesome Issue 2 of X-pelled my X-men Masks: A New Generation, things could only go down hill.

After an awesome Issue 2 of X-pelled my X-men Masks: A New Generation, things could only go down hill. I forget about the rules and things take a turn. Find out what happens and what I learned In Issue 3, GM Missteps.

Well, the last half of episode 4 got a little weird: To save first a kid, then Tachyon, the group traveled through…

Well, the last half of episode 4 got a little weird: To save first a kid, then Tachyon, the group traveled through…

Well, the last half of episode 4 got a little weird: To save first a kid, then Tachyon, the group traveled through time and space which I analogized as alternatively slices of Velveeta cheese or rugs. So there ya go.

a new computer slowed my output, but here is a page from our continued Masks game.

a new computer slowed my output, but here is a page from our continued Masks game.

a new computer slowed my output, but here is a page from our continued Masks game. To keep Sharkface safe, Tachyon deploys the antidote to the drug Lucid, developed by Dr. LaCroix at Vector labs. And then time unraveled.

X-pelled my X-men flavored Masks Game Continues with the second part of Issue 2: Things come full circle and some…

X-pelled my X-men flavored Masks Game Continues with the second part of Issue 2: Things come full circle and some…

X-pelled my X-men flavored Masks Game Continues with the second part of Issue 2: Things come full circle and some bad rolls make the session just that much better. See what I’ve learned GMing this game

I hope it’s ok to share this here.

I hope it’s ok to share this here.

I hope it’s ok to share this here. Feel free to delete if not. But we have a Masks Actual Play session every other Monday, streaming on Twitch. We’re live at 8pm PDT, and then we push the episode to YouTube after. Let us know what you think!

Happy Jack’s RPG:

I am working on pages to put between the pages that I draw (since I am “too lazy” to draw all the pages from our…

I am working on pages to put between the pages that I draw (since I am “too lazy” to draw all the pages from our…

I am working on pages to put between the pages that I draw (since I am “too lazy” to draw all the pages from our session) After the campaign I hope to put them all together as a keep sake for my players, and anyone else that wants a copy.