So this weekend I ran another episode in my 1901 San Fran game featuring the Faithful of Shulpae out of Hunter the…

So this weekend I ran another episode in my 1901 San Fran game featuring the Faithful of Shulpae out of Hunter the…

So this weekend I ran another episode in my 1901 San Fran game featuring the Faithful of Shulpae out of Hunter the Vigil.  Basically their an ancient hunter cult that ritually kills and eats monster flesh to gain their powers to become better hunters.  

I built them as multi-classed hunters.  Each started as a different non-supernatural playbook and got its core feature and weapon selection from that playbook and then they each got a move from a supernatural playbook.  So for example their expert had Haven that was a rail road car and packed a flamethrower and enchanted cloths out of Spell-Slinger and there was one who was an Initiate with Angel Wings out of the Divine.  I then played them as if I was a PC.  I made a plan of attack on the PCs and then I made multiple contingency plans and audibles based on what abilities the PC hunters revealed.

The players loved it and part I most enjoyed was them trying to figure out how to hunt the Shulpae in a way that as fellow hunters the Shulpae wouldn’t anticipate and make contingencies for. 

One of the oldest, biggest cons on the US West Coast, Dundracon, happened over Presidents Day weekend.

One of the oldest, biggest cons on the US West Coast, Dundracon, happened over Presidents Day weekend.

One of the oldest, biggest cons on the US West Coast, Dundracon, happened over Presidents Day weekend. On Sunday night, some friends and I didn’t get into any games, so we decided to play MotW. It’s my go to game for pickup games. 

My friends had a room on the 2nd floor with a balcony and a table. The weather was nice (I <3 California), so the four of us hung out and had an awesome game. 

Our PCs were a Chosen, a Divine, and a Monstrous (Demon). The group had great dynamics and the backgrounds practically wrote themselves, with the Chosen trying to find her way while guided by her companions of light and dark.

We set our game in San Francisco, since we’re all familiar with it. Our Chosen was a homeless teen (also appropriate for SF 🙁 ). I love creating mysteries on the fly, because the tools in MotW make it so easy! Since it was also Valentine’s day, I gave the Mystery a few twists. I’ll post the details of the monsters later, but in brief they were:

Mad Dogs: homeless alcoholics turned into werewolves by a new drink on the market, Ruby Red, a fortified wine$.05 cheaper than the old familiar brands. 

Red Ties: agent looking guys with comm links, .45s and red ties.

The Red Queen – head of Red Queen Industries. Her plan is to inspire a total meltdown in the poor neighborhoods of the city, via fear of Mad Dogs and the total over-reaction of the police/mayor. She had a “Heart of Darkness” device that gathered energy from the Mad Dogs’ violence. Once it was fully charged, it would release a wave of violence and terror on the city.

Her ultimate goal, ownership of the land and complete gentrification of the city. 😉

Things started off with a buzz among the homeless about a crime in the neighborhood. One of the regulars, who was always friendly and mellow, went mad apparently and killed a bunch of people in a convenience store.

On the first failed roll, I decided to check off the Doom clock and have the heroes head to a rampage in progress. This was a pretty cool fight scene in a head shop. The Chosen had magic whips and used them to cast out the Mad Dog, saving the person who’d been rampaging. Nice job!! The Demon PC had some serious bullshitting skill and talked his way into applying for a job as a Red Tie. The queen had been watching him, so she had him delivered to her, where he did a great job of keeping her slightly distracted while the Divine and Chosen teleported in and tried to figure out how to destroy the Heart of Darkness.

Both the Red Queen and the Heart had a vulnerability to Love. 🙂 I didn’t want the RQ to be a complete idiot, so she wasn’t ready to give in to the Demon’s allure entirely, it just delayed her. Meanwhile the Chosen fought off a pack of Red Ties, sustaining severe injuries in the process. The Divine character sacrificed their (NB) divine power out of love for the people of the city to destroy the Heart of Darkness. It worked. Expensive special effects accompanied the RQ’s cry of despair. She’ll be back!

In the end, the Divine took up living with the Chosen in poverty, serving the poeple of the city. And the Demon continued being a rich looking jerkwad with a thing for foiling evil plans from messing up his scam. 😉

Four hours of MotW bliss!

I’ll post stats later.

So I finished up a six session arc of Monster of the Week tonight and I have to say that I really love the system.

So I finished up a six session arc of Monster of the Week tonight and I have to say that I really love the system.

So I finished up a six session arc of Monster of the Week tonight and I have to say that I really love the system. It’s probably my favorite PbtA game so far having played AW, DW, and Masks. It is super effective at it’s goal of telling the Monster of the Week story. I was never really let down by the system and while my bad memory kept me looking up moves to read, the system flows really awesome like. As far as “stress testing” the system, we had some pvpish behavior and some non monster investigation and I though that the system still covered these things really well. 

The campaign itself started in England in 1914, jumped to France in 1915, and then went to the Easter Rising incident in Ireland. The campaign then flash backed to tell an origin story in Morocco in 1912 and then the final two games were in Russia for the October Revolution and Germany during their final offensive. At all times for a system that is set for a thoroughly modern world, it was easy to use all the playbooks and keep them set in WWI period. 

Thanks Michael Sands for an awesome game and I look forward to playing it again. This system rolls 12s on kick some ass!

FYI…if you need a creepy Mesoamerican/Angkor Wat looking building set in the middle of Europe…Monument of the Battle of Nations is your winner.

Ran MotW twice at this weekend’s OrcCon in Los Angeles.  Everyone really enjoyed the games and the system.  I…

Ran MotW twice at this weekend’s OrcCon in Los Angeles.  Everyone really enjoyed the games and the system.  I…

Ran MotW twice at this weekend’s OrcCon in Los Angeles.  Everyone really enjoyed the games and the system.  I actually got a number of people who had never played an PbtA game and loved the easy of mechanics, not to mention failure nets you XP. 

Game 1 was a Buffyverse game set in 1901 San Fran w/ Morbus vampires (out of WoD) using ruins to inflict cholera on the city and feast on the sick in the hospital.  They ended up bargain with a Spirit of Concept called “Simmering Pork” a ramein broth spirit as well as ‘Leaden Glory’ a Spirit of Sewer Pipes for info on the vamps.   Players go really into the game, included mime talking into old-timey wall telephones and acting like they were sitting on trolley cars as they traveled places was hilarious. 

Game 2 was a Dresden Files game set in Chicago (dresden was out of town).  PCs had to contend with a minor practioner vetrinary student who had aquired demonic tomes to create chimeras.  And there was a black court vampire hitman running around too.  The vampire war was going on after all.   The players getting into a highspeed chase/shoot out in an uber was pretty funny (the poor driver was an NPC).  A PC also got caught attempting to impersonate a police officer at a crime….Lt. Murphy was not happy.

Great fun all around.  Had a mother and son playing together as well as married couples at both games. 

Awesome game of #monsteroftheweek  tonight on Fantasy Grounds.

Awesome game of #monsteroftheweek  tonight on Fantasy Grounds.

Originally shared by Eric “No-Sleeves Mcgee” Lamoureux

Awesome game of #monsteroftheweek  tonight on Fantasy Grounds. The Hunters were investigating a mystery involving a Pinnochian demon wreaking havoc in Yorktown for the Jester of Puppets case file. Thanks to John Storfer Daniel McLaughlin Squeeker Mouse sctorchwoodfan and John (irishbozooki) for bringing their hunters to life. It was my first game running this game and I enjoyed it quite a bit!

So started my first MotW game and set it during the Great War.

So started my first MotW game and set it during the Great War.

So started my first MotW game and set it during the Great War. The group is an unsanctioned group of monster hunters operating in London during summer of 2015. The monster was Tabia Kendrick, an Egyptian Sorceress that was summoning Ammit to eat up conscientious objectors to the war. I am enjoying the system and the mystery creation rules. 

On this mystery, I gave Tabia the ability to summon Ammit as an attack. I think I should have kept but made Ammit a minion just to be a bit more precise and that way I could have Ammit doing things seperately.

All in all i enjoyed the moves as Keeper and the various basic moves as they presented themselves. I’m looking forward to the next session I run.

Here’s the link to Google Doc mystery. I’m currently wondering if I’m setting things up correctly. Be interested to hear any feedback!

Yay! I have a MotW actual play video up (I still have to edit the audio from the TS/roll20 game)

Yay! I have a MotW actual play video up (I still have to edit the audio from the TS/roll20 game)

Yay! I have a MotW actual play video up (I still have to edit the audio from the TS/roll20 game)

Warning: I got dumped by computer at about 1:52:00 or so.

Well got an actual play of my Tournament of Fate scenario recorded (still need to edit and process the recording).

Well got an actual play of my Tournament of Fate scenario recorded (still need to edit and process the recording).

Well got an actual play of my Tournament of Fate scenario recorded (still need to edit and process the recording).

We had:

Ann: The Divine, sent to guide a chosen person toward their role in things. A blonde woman with (literally) starry eyes and rumpled clothing.

Branwen: The Changeling, a Valkyrie with death magic powers who is potentially related to Ann.

Atomic Robo: Yes, one of the players took the Action Scientist and played Atomic Robo. One of his weapons was: Jenkins 3-Harm Human WMD.

For roles, Ann was the Wielder, having obtained the Chalice sometime prior to the scenario. Branwen was the Friend, and thus had 1 more point of Luck (4 instead of 3) and Atomic Robo (and his team) was the Conjured, who had been called in to the dimension to help out.

As we determined, Ann warped dimensions to bring Atomic Robo in to help Branwen (her chosen person) only Robo made some muttering comment about wishing whoever was responsible for this being stuck in the situation with him and so Ann was sucked down to the material plane herself. Then they rescued Branwen from some over eager ghost hunters who thought the half-Valkyrie was some sort of ghost lady.

For competition in the tournament, they got lucky on the random rolls and pulled both Fred Teague and Cacile (both the Bystander competitors) Fred’s team ended being the team that had tried to trap Branwen and Ann turned out to be obliquely responsible for the shadow spirit Cacile receiving some sort of past divine censure. The other two enemy wielders were the immortal samurai Nasato and the blood sorcerer Yoni Kavik.

I’ll leave it there for now and save the rest for when I edit the five hours of audio.

However, it involved zombie apocalypse advisories, geysers of coca cola, ninjas, torrents of bleach and teleportation fumbles.

I didn’t know if general discussion was the place to put this or not so, here goes and may the moderator change the…

I didn’t know if general discussion was the place to put this or not so, here goes and may the moderator change the…

I didn’t know if general discussion was the place to put this or not so, here goes and may the moderator change the local if needed.  I have yet to experience the AW system, honestly this is the first that appeals to my likes.  If anyone has a open seat and playbooks available I would really like to play first with full intentions of being a keeper once I am comfortable with the mystery and moves mechanics and how they mesh with the narrative and storytelling in general.

Put me in a game already…lol, thanks.

So my practice run in September (plus some other one-shots I want to play with)

So my practice run in September (plus some other one-shots I want to play with)

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

So my practice run in September (plus some other one-shots I want to play with)