I’ve begun a campaign of MotW using the ETU setting from Savage Worlds.

I’ve begun a campaign of MotW using the ETU setting from Savage Worlds.

I’ve begun a campaign of MotW using the ETU setting from Savage Worlds. With only minor restrictions, it’s pretty much a rip and replace of the SW rules for MotW. Anybody else have experience with ETU?

I’ve got a tempter demon in a mystery I’m working on, and I just created this move for when the hunters might meet…

I’ve got a tempter demon in a mystery I’m working on, and I just created this move for when the hunters might meet…

I’ve got a tempter demon in a mystery I’m working on, and I just created this move for when the hunters might meet him. I think it should lead to some cool revelations and conversation. What do you think?

When Arkeensoleth reads your desires against your will, tell the other players what desire, fear, or secret of your soul you want to keep hidden from his prying eyes. Roll+Weird. On a 10+, say no more; your secret is safe and you feel strong. You get +1forward on your next roll against Arkeensoleth. On a 7-9, the Keeper will ask you one question about your secret, answer it. Arkeensoleth knows only the most general direction of your pain and desires. On a 6-, each other player, including the Keeper can ask you one question about your secret. You feel naked before him. You get -1ongoing in your future dealings with Arkeensoleth. Prepare for the worst.

Given Monster of the Week’s television inspiration (Buffy, Supernatural); I found this particularly interesting…

Given Monster of the Week’s television inspiration (Buffy, Supernatural); I found this particularly interesting…

Given Monster of the Week’s television inspiration (Buffy, Supernatural); I found this particularly interesting…


Hey everyone.

Hey everyone.

Hey everyone. I’m running my first MotW campaign and everyone is really enjoying the game. I need a little advice though:

I have 5 players, and almost every PC in the campaign has ended up with their own individual story arc. Since the system is designed to basically end with the PCs’ deaths or retirements after a certain number of sessions, I’m concerned that I might not be able to complete all of the characters’ story arcs in a narratively satisfying manner before they retire. Even if I can, it would probably mean that I would basically have to only focus on the monsters and factions at the core of the PCs’ story arcs, which could get boring and/or repetitive.

One possible solution I thought of would be to extend the amount of XP they need to advance so that it happens more slowly. Has anyone tried this? It would probably be the simplest solution but I’m afraid my players might be disappointed with the amount of time and effort required to advance if I change the pacing. The only other thing I can think of is trying to fold their character arcs into tangentially-related monster hunts. This would require a bit more work on my part and it might not be possible to tie in an individual story arc into every episode if I do that.

So what do you think? Any advice or feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Anyone have a contact over on the Apocalytica http://apocalypse-world.com/forums/index.php forums?

Anyone have a contact over on the Apocalytica http://apocalypse-world.com/forums/index.php forums?

Anyone have a contact over on the Apocalytica http://apocalypse-world.com/forums/index.php forums? I’ve been trying to get an account registered and I am not receiving any registration email. I’ve checked junk/spam and even tried to send another request, nothing. Anyone help out?

I recently became interested in PBtA games, and Monsters of the Week was the first game I’ve run using this engine.

I recently became interested in PBtA games, and Monsters of the Week was the first game I’ve run using this engine.

I recently became interested in PBtA games, and Monsters of the Week was the first game I’ve run using this engine. I tend to be the kind of GM who plots and plans obsessively, and it can really lead to some bad habits. I was wondering if you could help me get a bit of feedback, or maybe help me iron out a few kinks I’ve had over the course of the learning process?

I’m running the game for a single player, and so far its been fun, but there are a few things that kind of aggravate me. He went with the Chosen template and I believe one of the moves he took was “Invincible,” so his hunter always has 2 armor. I don’t want to make it feel like he took that move for nothing, but it kind of aggravated me that anytime I made a hard move against him, I had to deal with his character’s invincibility constantly soaking up harm. At one point, a vampire savaged him with its claws, but the player was put off by the fact that his character took 2 whole harm. But during instances where the character was shot at by witch hunters or smashed in the head by a rifle butt, he took no harm whatsoever.

I’m still learning to use tags, generally struggling to deal with the distinction between hard moves and soft moves, and just…trying to navigate the whole PBtA system. I know it can play exceptionally well under the right circumstances, but I often feel like I’m missing something crucial.

Any pointers?