Saudi Arabia’s silent desert city
Saudi Arabia’s silent desert city
Saudi Arabia’s silent desert city
Hi I am looking for players to join in a Monster of the Week game on my twitch channel, every Monday night 7pm GMT+1…
Hi I am looking for players to join in a Monster of the Week game on my twitch channel, every Monday night 7pm GMT+1 as I refocus my channel towards pen and paper roleplaying games. You will need to have a good webcam, and microphone.
We shall be using Roll20 as a virtual tabletop, to do dice rolls, and keep track of character sheets, and other things.
The GM’s intentions are basing this on British folklore which not necessarily everyone will be familiar with, Arthur, Merlin, giants, pixies, The black dog Ect.
If you are interested please DM me or join my Discord
21 Modern Urban Legends That Will Keep You Up Tonight
I ran Monster of the Week at Seven Hills convention in Sheffield, UK, this weekend just gone, and reflect on my prep…
I ran Monster of the Week at Seven Hills convention in Sheffield, UK, this weekend just gone, and reflect on my prep – and it’s effect – here
Hi everybody.
Hi everybody. I have a question regarding the Act Under Pressure move. It says that in case of a partial success the keeper gives the hunter “worse outcome, hard choice, or price to pay.”
My question is : as a keeper, do i tell my player to chose between one of these options, in their abstract, and then define what it means, or would i just come up with one of these and they deal with it?
It’s probably obvious but to y’all but I’m a little committed
Anyway thanks in advance
T minus 1 hour until the Werewolves of London are unleashed. Last minute prep? Surely not?
T minus 1 hour until the Werewolves of London are unleashed. Last minute prep? Surely not?
Weird And Scary Undead Creatures Currently Underused In TV Shows |
Maybe they woke somebody up from “the big sleep”?
Maybe they woke somebody up from “the big sleep”?
I’ve blogged about my MOTW prep for Seven Hills, a convention in Sheffield, UK next week here – may be useful for…
I’ve blogged about my MOTW prep for Seven Hills, a convention in Sheffield, UK next week here – may be useful for anyone planning a one-shot of the game