This is my MotW file of free material, please download while you still can…

This is my MotW file of free material, please download while you still can…

This is my MotW file of free material, please download while you still can…

Pardon my French, but Goddammit. Where we going next, friends?

Pardon my French, but Goddammit. Where we going next, friends?

Pardon my French, but Goddammit. Where we going next, friends?

Our latest episode of Monster of the Week see’s Mercedes slide into darkness accelerate and Agent Alexander begins…

Our latest episode of Monster of the Week see’s Mercedes slide into darkness accelerate and Agent Alexander begins…

Our latest episode of Monster of the Week see’s Mercedes slide into darkness accelerate and Agent Alexander begins the unenviable task of trying to figure out just what the hell is going on!

Decided to give the characters more personal connections to the world and the mysteries back several sessions ago.

Decided to give the characters more personal connections to the world and the mysteries back several sessions ago.

Decided to give the characters more personal connections to the world and the mysteries back several sessions ago. Yesterday was the first time most of the original players were at the table together for several sessions, due to circumstances out of their control. So, after the wrap up of the mystery which they had left unfinished last session, I did something I never do. I took the half formed plans in my head and implemented them with NO formal mystery prep. The agency the professional and the rest of the PCs work for is becoming corrupted and because the spell slinger FINALLY used ” Big Magic” he has caught the full attention of the college of wizards. Next session will have to relate to Samhain.