Michael Sands Hi, I am currently working on a Moves SRR ( system resource Rep) this is a searchable tool for…

Michael Sands Hi, I am currently working on a Moves SRR ( system resource Rep) this is a searchable tool for…

Michael Sands Hi, I am currently working on a Moves SRR ( system resource Rep) this is a searchable tool for keepers in the Keepers Fellowship Discord. ideally this will lead to the building of a Hunter Wizard tool that lets you select a playbook, make all your choices then export a populated play sheet or share with the keeper.

Question: how can I acquire your permission to share the texts of Moves from the rulebook? currently ( only I can see it ) the moves database show the name of the move, it’s type, it’s source/author.

currently only I can see this tool, but I would like to share it with all registered members of the Keepers Fellowship Community.

Last week I started an impromptu set of MotW, specifically involving a machine that cranked out inexpensive…

Last week I started an impromptu set of MotW, specifically involving a machine that cranked out inexpensive…

Last week I started an impromptu set of MotW, specifically involving a machine that cranked out inexpensive companions from a supply of magical love roaches. This week’s began with an investigation into several driverless cars (of suspiciously improving condition) with murderous impulses around an abandoned airfield in south Florida.

And both have allusions to a big bad that looks like an eyeball atop six legs with runes and symbols carved up and down their length.

Now, here’s the kicker: “Big Bad” is kind of a double-entendre here—not only is the thing lurking in the background causing all the trouble, but it is pretty close to one hundred feet tall. The final confrontation with it should be a chaotic mess of high-level spell-slinging and car chase, preferably on a four-lane highway running through the city. It’s turning out nice so far…

Any tips on how to run a short story arc (~4 sessions) in the Evil Dead universe?

Any tips on how to run a short story arc (~4 sessions) in the Evil Dead universe?

Any tips on how to run a short story arc (~4 sessions) in the Evil Dead universe? Obviously, monsters would be demons and their minions every session. Which isn’t “monster of the week” like. Maybe lesser monsters leaving a trail of bread crumbs to a watcher in the woods boss?

We just began playing MotW and we found out that the movement Smite from Divine makes useless the investigation for…

We just began playing MotW and we found out that the movement Smite from Divine makes useless the investigation for…

We just began playing MotW and we found out that the movement Smite from Divine makes useless the investigation for weakness. If your weapon always is considered to be the weakness, why do you need to investigate?? How are you fixing this bug in the game?

Has anyone produced Luck moves for any of the Mad Scientist, Luchador, Constructed or the Big Game Hunter they’d be…

Has anyone produced Luck moves for any of the Mad Scientist, Luchador, Constructed or the Big Game Hunter they’d be…

Has anyone produced Luck moves for any of the Mad Scientist, Luchador, Constructed or the Big Game Hunter they’d be willing to share?

I did a version of the Mystery Prep Sheet with drop-down lists, just in case anyone finds in useful.

I did a version of the Mystery Prep Sheet with drop-down lists, just in case anyone finds in useful.

I did a version of the Mystery Prep Sheet with drop-down lists, just in case anyone finds in useful. I did it mainly so I wouldn’t need to keep flipping through to find the types and motivations, and to remind me to fill out all of those categories when making a mystery.
