Hey guys, I recently gm’d my first round and had a blast, but I’m curious about two things.
Hey guys, I recently gm’d my first round and had a blast, but I’m curious about two things. I haven’t been here in a few days, so please forgive me if these were recently covered, but I was hoping someone could add some clarity before my group’s next session.
1). When a player deals harm beyond the target’s range, do they get the benefits of a 10+ kick some ass role? Do they just deal whatever base damage plus bonuses (like sneaky) they would without the success equivalent of a high role? If they’re not rolling under pressure, how is this treated?
2). Small magic allows for creating a barrier. On a perfect cast, how long does this last? Is it a wall or bubble? What differentiates this from the spell slinger’s wall technique?
Thank you guys so much for your help and clarification. Knowing these things should improve upon our great first round with an even better second!