Sorry for the long post!!

Sorry for the long post!!

Sorry for the long post!!

So I finally got to run the team creation session of our biweekly lunch-hour game I’m running at work. Everyone was really excited, so yay for that. It’s going to be fun. Having never run a MotW game before, I had a couple questions…

1) Only one other person than me (there are 6 total) have ever played RPGs before, so I found myself prompting them a fair bit about their histories. How far do you tend to push in character creation? I tried to be sensitive to where someone felt stuck and let us move on. I plan on bringing some of this stuff back up as we play. I’m also doing a Google Doc that everyone can edit as we play through so we can flesh things out as we go. Just wondering how detailed you usually get off the bat.

2) Have others done preemptive prompts outside of the session? Sometimes private ones? I plan on preparing some players before the session with the questions I am for sure going to lead with. (We only have an hour, after all.) The hook if this mission, for example, starts with a phone call from someone (I’ve decided) one of the players knows. I was going to get that to her early so she’s not surprised. Have other people done this? Anything I should know?

3) How important is physical location? Our Crooked, for example, has “Home Ground.” And our Expert of course has their Haven. We didn’t quite get to the point where we were able to finalize the team concept (though it’s much clearer now that the histories are done). Should I let them all decide together where they’re located? The first mystery takes place in New York, so if they’re elsewhere, I assume the Haven is just less useful during that mission?

4) How tangled do you let histories get? We ended up tying a bunch of history points to an event our Crooked described. Near the end I actually intervened and suggested we try not to pile too much weight on this one event, and I’m glad I did. But maybe I shouldn’t have interfered? This one event is where the Crooked learned about monsters, the Professional saved the lives of the Crooked and Divine, and the where the Divine decided the Crooked was an abomination. When the Expert got sucked into things, I suggested they tie that to a different event. So there are two major events that tie most of the characters together.

Thanks! I’m sure I’ll have more questions as things play out. This is the most fun I’ve had in character creation in a long time. I’m sure that’s mostly due to just bad DMing, but I love the PbtA approach of history/bonds/debts. So compelling.

Totally random thought that struck me as I was discussing Supernatural with my wife (as often happens, because it’s…

Totally random thought that struck me as I was discussing Supernatural with my wife (as often happens, because it’s…

Totally random thought that struck me as I was discussing Supernatural with my wife (as often happens, because it’s a geeky thing I think she is actually more obsessed with than I am).

This is probably a terrible idea, but it struck me that you could almost have two Luck tracks–the character’s Luck track, and the Season Luck track.

Whenever someone pulls from the Season Luck track, something major for a recurring threat comes to pass. That may not be the only way the long term big bad advances their cause, but when Luck is used in this manner, they get a big win, full stop, no hunter intervention to stop their goals.

When the last Season Luck is triggered, the next mystery is all about the big bad essentially winning if the hunters don’t stop them, and everything is heavily stacked in the big bad’s favor.

As an example of how this might model the show, any time the seasons ends with one of those kind of “no win” situations, that’s an example of a season where the Season Luck track ran out before the big bad could be confronted about their long term plan.

As a comparison, this would be your Season Two or Season Four finales, with the heroes making things worse and getting one step closer to full on Apocalypse. Season Five and Seven might be examples where the end wasn’t triggered by Luck, so the Hunters have a little more time to end the threat on their own terms (even if they have to make some sacrifices).

Terrible idea? Need some work? Just wondering what others think.

Hey podcasters/streamers/actual play broadcasters

Hey podcasters/streamers/actual play broadcasters

Hey podcasters/streamers/actual play broadcasters,

I’d like to put up a page linking to any and all MotW actual plays available to listen/watch. If you’ve got some, please give me a link to them and I’ll include it.


This is the Text of my mystery prep notes for the Keeper’s Fellowship Round Robbin Mystery #1.

This is the Text of my mystery prep notes for the Keeper’s Fellowship Round Robbin Mystery #1.

This is the Text of my mystery prep notes for the Keeper’s Fellowship Round Robbin Mystery #1. given I was Limited to 2 play sessions during my turn as keeper, I left a lot out, but we hit on most of the major points and had a lot of fun.

I wanted to also post the mystery here in hopes of getting some feedback.

“The Curse of Calpurnia” is a mystery revolving around a Greater Mummy, and her minions as she tries to see her evil machinations to fruition.

Full Write-up Here

We just completed our first Round Robbin Mystery, this is session two of Mama’s Angels and the conclusion of the…

We just completed our first Round Robbin Mystery, this is session two of Mama’s Angels and the conclusion of the…

We just completed our first Round Robbin Mystery, this is session two of Mama’s Angels and the conclusion of the Mystery.

this is my first completed live stream as keeper, and it was a lot of fun. I’m still figuring some things out and my Mystery was truncated a lot because I had to finish it tonight for scheduling reasons. but all in all we had a lot of fun with some good roleplay even if the end felt rushed.

Trying to create a playbook for a character that uses naturalistic ritual to unusual degrees of success (crystal…

Trying to create a playbook for a character that uses naturalistic ritual to unusual degrees of success (crystal…

Trying to create a playbook for a character that uses naturalistic ritual to unusual degrees of success (crystal healing, incense, feng shui, that sort of thing) Mostly a cleric type.

Anyway, the main thing I want to ask is if anyone has tips on editing the Template in Google Drive (my preferred document editor)

Can someone confirm that I am understanding harm recovery correctly?

Can someone confirm that I am understanding harm recovery correctly?

Can someone confirm that I am understanding harm recovery correctly? The manual is confusing because it talks about “1-3 harm wounds” as if it’s an individual thing and not your total health. The way I’m understanding it is if after an encounter a player has <4 harm, they can rest and they recover 1. "Rest" is not well defined. I'm assuming it means at least an overnight sleep or something like that. If after an encounter you have 4+ you are unstable (meaning the Keeper can make things worse) until stabilized either by a move or proper medical attention. It's not clear how quickly one can recover that. Essentially just 1-harm per rest period? Or is it really a wound-by-wound thing, in which case I'm not sure how to handle it at all.

Progress is being made on the Keeper’s Fellowship site, however it’s still not ready for public registration.

Progress is being made on the Keeper’s Fellowship site, however it’s still not ready for public registration.

Progress is being made on the Keeper’s Fellowship site, however it’s still not ready for public registration. in the meantime I have added a direct link to the Discord server on the home page.

If you want to join the Keeper’s Fellowship discussion group you can click the link here and join the Discord now.

I will post further updates as the site gets closer to being Open to the Public :D.

As the Keeper’s Fellowship community continues to grow with about 50 members many of who are very active in the…

As the Keeper’s Fellowship community continues to grow with about 50 members many of who are very active in the…

As the Keeper’s Fellowship community continues to grow with about 50 members many of who are very active in the keeper support section, I have noticed a trend.

we are getting many new keepers who were turned on to the system by TAZ, and their Amnesty MotW Campaign, while its far more orchestrated than your typical actual play podcast. they are great. and if you have not heard them I recommend you check them out.