Just got my book! It is a thing of beauty.

Just got my book! It is a thing of beauty.

Just got my book! It is a thing of beauty.

I just sat down to watch the doco in honor of getting the book. I nearly cried. Quite a few times. Such an incredible story…

This is a special and , IMO, an important game. Thank you Jason Morningstar 



Handouts & doubts & typos

Handouts & doubts & typos

Handouts & doubts & typos

Pages from the complete, 46-pages file.


Pag. 13: In Missions, there is a “Spewcial” and a “duty station. veryone”.

Pag. 17: In Honors, it’s not said the medal doesn’t increase +medals, while in all the other it’s said.

Pag. 21: In Mission A, I guess the part “All consequences are increased by one during this mission” should be red.

Pag. 25: I guess “Wingman move” should be “Vedomaya move”.

Pag. 31: I guess “Support” should be “Vedomaya”.

Pag. 40: “after the debrEIf” (inverted letters).

Pag. 40: “choose an initial GM” seems to imply the training duty station is played without a GM.

Pag. 44: “in the form of Captain barsukova” (missing capital letters).


Pag. 18: “Adequate supplies: +0 to all Scrounge and Repair rolls.”

There is some difference between this and pag. 20, “There are no special supply rules for Peresyp’”?

Pag. 36 & 38: “As Senior Lieutenant Petrova, ask each player one question” & “As Captain Barsukova, ask each player one question”.

Questions like “What did you lie about on your regimental intake form?” and “Why does the NKVD already have a file on you, and how did you get around that black mark to join the regiment?” seems more like questions done by GM, than an NPC; the second, asked by an NKVD official, sounds almost like a request for auto-impeachment O_o

Pag. 41: “We’ll be pilots, navigators, mechanics and political oficers”.

Players characters can help mechanics, but can they also be mechanics, as an official role? O_o

One thing I’d have loved to see in the rules are examples from real women: what was their life in the base?

One thing I’d have loved to see in the rules are examples from real women: what was their life in the base?

One thing I’d have loved to see in the rules are examples from real women: what was their life in the base? what was like being caught being a lesbian? what was like having to scrounge for parts? But with real examples from history.

The same for Natures and Roles: there was a woman from the 588th who was a Hawk? What was she like? And a Protector?

If you know Grey Ranks, I’m thinking about the sidebars with grey ranks’ stories: I always use them when presenting the game, because I can spend ten minutes trying to explain what the Thing Held Dear is and what does it mean lose it, or I can just read Anna’s story.

Jason Morningstar, could you share some stories like those? A Hawk, a Sparrow, some good moment, someone who paid just for being herself, things like those?

I just finished reading this over the weekend and I think it is excellent and looks like a lot of fun to run.

I just finished reading this over the weekend and I think it is excellent and looks like a lot of fun to run.

I just finished reading this over the weekend and I think it is excellent and looks like a lot of fun to run.

My main comment is about the lack of a blank set of character sheets (or a single sample one) in the rule book.

My printer died the other week so I was doing it without printed character sheets and I found following the marks/advancement stuff a little confusing. I know i could have looked at the pdf or something but I found that it was something missed and i felt that i needed to be in the rule book.

I guess my only other request would be a few more pages of example gm moves, events and plot ideas.

I think everything else flowed really well and this really fired my imagination. 

(Ive been thinking of running a series of rpg stories hopping round ww2 and books like this get my creative juices flowing. Great work!)

Finally and most importantly…. has anyone found a subtitles file for the 1981 russian movie mentioned in the bibliography? Just asking… nooooo reason…… 😉

Well, I just have found out this little drawing I had done some months ago and I thought it could fit for Night…

Well, I just have found out this little drawing I had done some months ago and I thought it could fit for Night…

Well, I just have found out this little drawing I had done some months ago and I thought it could fit for Night Witches!

A question about flying and navigating (quoting from the rules): “In an emergency, anyone can fly and anyone can…

A question about flying and navigating (quoting from the rules): “In an emergency, anyone can fly and anyone can…

A question about flying and navigating (quoting from the rules): “In an emergency, anyone can fly and anyone can navigate, both from either seat, but making a Move outside your assigned position requires a change in the fiction first”.

I was wondering, which change in the fiction? I’m not very clear about what, in reality, means trying to fly or navigate from the wrong seat, so I’m not sure about these changes. Any examples?

Just a stupid observation, but the “Bully Pulpit Games” link in the community description links the Kickstarter…

Just a stupid observation, but the “Bully Pulpit Games” link in the community description links the Kickstarter…

Just a stupid observation, but the “Bully Pulpit Games” link in the community description links the Kickstarter page, instead.

We’re working up a more formal FAQ but here are the questions and answers we have right now.

We’re working up a more formal FAQ but here are the questions and answers we have right now.

We’re working up a more formal FAQ but here are the questions and answers we have right now.


Since everyone must make at least one successful Wayfind and Attack Run Move while in training to qualify for combat duty, what happens if my character … doesn’t?

Your character shows up at Trud Gornyaka without her combat flight certification, which is shameful and inconvenient. She’ll be a trainee, under the watchful eye of the overworked and under-staffed Regimental training officer, until she earns her wings.

Duty Stations

Are the questions in the Duty Stations meant to be answered by the group at the beginning of the Station, or should they be answered and discovered mostly during play?

You can mix those two approaches according to your group’s preferences. Do answer some though, to give the current GM something to work with.


You can only choose the “honor and pride” (gain a medal) Advance four times. Since medals are awarded in ascending sequence of honor and rarity, doesn’t that mean that characters can only earn the first four medals, ending in Order of the Great Patriotic War?

Every playbook offers four different medals within that sequence, always ending with the HSU. 

Sparrow is MV, OPW, ORS, HSU and Hawk is MV, OG, ORB, HSU for example.

Also worth noting that whole-Regiment medals and banners, achieved by surviving various duty stations, do not count toward either advancement or medal count and don’t raise your +medals score.

This also means you can award the Order of Battle Merit to a Sparrow as pure color, if the need arises. She’ll never earn it normally because it isn’t in her playbook’s sequence.

Roles: Dreamer

The Dreamer role doesn’t list an action for Advancement. Should it?

Yes. Unfortunately that bit was left out of the role’s description in the book. It is included on the playbooks however:

“When you change Duty Stations, advance if you shared a premonition and it came true.”

Roles: Zealot

On page 46, it says “Call out another player character you despise at a Debriefing and roll +regard. On a 10+ hold three; on 7-9 hold one. Spend your holds, one for one, to give your enemy -1 forward.” Arent’ the Germans the enemy?

In this case “enemy” refers to the person you’ve called out – a fellow airwoman your character has a grudge against. 


Night Moves: Vedomaya

If I want to help a plane I’m not Vedomaya-ing on, I can’t use my hold, so am I Tempting Fate?

The Vedomaya move just allows you to cover them – to draw danger onto yourself. otherwise, follow the fiction. Trying to help them is probably Tempting Fate. Under ideal circumstances you might even be able to Eyeball them. Maybe it is impossible to help at all. 

Do player characters have to be assigned as Vedomyye? Can anyone be a Vedomaya?

No one is required to serve as a Vedomaya, but it is a useful function and you’ll want to apportion the role tactically. Omitting it will lead to trouble. Both pilots and navigators can serve as Vedomyye.

Night Moves: Wayfind

If I’ve been assigned to navigate a mission for the section and fail my Wayfind roll, what happens?

You have two options: Scrub the mission and fly home or attack late and alone. Each other plane in your section has the same two options, and can choose however they like.

Night Moves: Attack Run

If I’ve been assigned to lead the attack on a mission for the section and fail my Attack Run roll, what happens?

You have two options: Scrub the mission and fly home or press on, Tempting Fate first. Each other plane in your section has the same two options, and can choose however they like.

Day Moves: Reach Out

Does the “change regard” option for the Reach Out move only change the Regard of the character making the move?

Yes, you are changing your Regard for another. Fictionally, by Reaching Out perhaps your feelings change during the scene. You hated them, now you fear them. You loved them, now you hate them.

Day Moves: Act Up

On a 10+, can you choose the same option more than once?

Yes, although it is a bad idea.

After a first reading of the rules, there is some rule I’m not sure about (sorry if some answer is already in the…

After a first reading of the rules, there is some rule I’m not sure about (sorry if some answer is already in the…

After a first reading of the rules, there is some rule I’m not sure about (sorry if some answer is already in the rules, I must have missed them); between «» quotes from the rules:

• If I want to help a plane I’m not Vedomaya-ing on, I can’t use my hold, so it’s Tempting Fate?

• Pag. 39: «Assign one player character as a navigator to Wayfind and one as a pilot to lead the Attack Run. The remaining player characters are Vedomyye, or “wing women.” Assign them planes other than their own to protect using the Vedomaya move. A pilot or navigator can be a Vedomaya».

So, one PC is navigator, one is pilot, the other are Vedomyye; they must be, or can be? From here, it seem they must, but on page 41 it says «Anyone […] who wasn’t assigned a primary mission function […] can be assigned a plane to watch over as Vedomyye» (bold added). On page 94, it says «All other player characters must be assigned other planes to serve as Vedomayas» (bold added, almost same thing on page 97). So, other PCs must, or can, be assigned as Vedomayas?

Moreover, what does it means «A pilot or navigator can be a Vedomaya»? If it refers to pilot and navigator who Wayfind and Attack Run, I don’t get the «the other are»; so I think it just says no matter your role you can be Vedomaya… just looking for confirmation, about this.

• Pag. 41: «On a miss, either scrub the mission and return to the airbase in shame, or strike the target late and alone, forcing you to make your own Attack Run. Planes relying on your navigation can choose which miss condition they would prefer».

Here I’m not sure about the «Planes relying on your navigation can choose which miss condition they would prefer» part: does it means they have to choose if either scrub the mission, or strike the target late and alone?

Same doubt for Attack Run move.

• Pag. 46: «Call out another player character you despise at a Debriefing and roll +regard. On a 10+ hold three; on 7-9 hold one. Spend your holds, one for one, to give your enemy -1 forward. For more on holds, see “Rolling the Dice” on page 11».

«To your enemy» could mean Germans, right? Not (just) the PC you despise.

• Pag. 104: «Everyone must make at least one successful Wayfind and Attack Run Move while in training to qualify for combat duty.»

So, if some PC isn’t successful in those moves she just begins the second Duty Station without being able (officially, at least) to be pilot or navigator?

• Pag. 140: «You could also choose Mission Pool twice»

So if I have three holds I can choose three times the same option?

• Last, I’m not sure about what happens in Replay:

«I want our lead navigator, Lieutenant Gordievskaya, in plane 079 with Lieutenant [Zoya] Kovalyova. And in the lead plane, 122, will be myself [Tamara] and our new Junior Lieutenant. [Valya]». So Gordievskaya and Zoya in 079 and Tamara with Valya in 122. “Lead navigator” means the one rolling Wayfind? On page 97 it says, «The lead navigator will usually make the Wayfind Move» (bold added), and Gordievskaya is an NPC, so I’d say no; but later on Grace (as Tamara) says, «Uh, I’m lead navigator, obviously»; the lead navigator wasn’t Gordievskaya? O_o

Then: «I want Valya looking out for the crew of 079 when they lead the attack. I’ll cover them as well. Anna, I want Zoya watching us in 122»; so 079 is covering 122 and 122 is covering 079.

Then: «Zoya’s been through this before. She’s flying close to 079, close enough to see Valya and Tamara»; so Zoya, now in 122, flyes close 079? O_o Indeed, it’s 122 that distracts enemies: «A searchlight is about to find us but 122 races ahead and distracts it».

There was a switch where it’s said «Yeah, switching duties mid-mission is weird. But it makes sense 122 could cover 079»? But 122 is covering 079 is from the beginning.

So… am I missing something amidst all the names and numbers? O_o

I am digging in the rules.

I am digging in the rules.

I am digging in the rules.

I have two doubts:

1- the questions in the Duty Stations are meant to be answered by the group at the beginning of the Stations? or should be answered and discovered mostly during the game play?

2-the change regard option for the Reach Out move is only towards the regards of the PC, not the regards that are towards the PC, right?