Just a thought while sitting here “working”.
Just a thought while sitting here “working”. What about a one-shot game where the protagonists start in a mysterious situation and you reveal basic moves to the players as they perform them, to really drive home the “to do it, do it” philosophy.
Here’s an example. I am running a custom con game where the players are playing medieval people and they all wake up in a forest clearing and the woods around them are dark and thick and no one remembers how they got here. I have prepared the basic moves of “when you call out to the forest, roll +dark…” “when you venture into the forest, roll+daring…” and let’s say “when you try to remember who you are, roll+memory…”
The players don’t know the moves but as soon as someone says their characters calls out into the forest to see if anyone answers, then you hand them and the rest of the group a slip of paper with that basic move on it. So on and so forth. You’d have to come up with some new stats, maybe some playbooks moves but maybe not too, and of course flush out the basic moves.
Does this sound like a fun idea? Or am I just nuts?! 🙂