I’ve just come across, Simple World, by Joe Mcdaldno from buriedwithoutceremony, and it seems to scratch and itch…
I’ve just come across, Simple World, by Joe Mcdaldno from buriedwithoutceremony, and it seems to scratch and itch for me for AW based games.
Hacking AW has always been fairly intimidating to me, not only to do, but also to convince a group to play the hack, but there are lots of things I’d like to run with AW, that I haven’t seen existing (well-regarded) versions.
However, Simple World was hard to find (I got it off the internet archive), and so I’m wondering whether I should be using, both from a copyright position (I can’t find any licensing information on it), and how good the process is for delivering a good setting/game/hack.
If you have anything to share regarding any of the above, I’d appreciate it.