The world is gone, of course it is. We all of us live in tent cities. These vasts compounds of interconnected heavy canvas communities are sealed with animal fat and tree resin. They have to be, to stay out of the open. To stay out of the dust. Everything is toxic: the air, the water, the soil, the animals, the people. The people most of all. So we huddle. We protect ourselves. We wear masks in all but the most intimate of settings. We eat what we can grow in caves with water we run through our filtration systems. We live on the knife’s edge.
When you’re out in the dust, your ass better be behind a seal. A lot of shit can have a seal: vehicles, tents, sealsuits, etc.
All characters get this one:
Sealed Off
Seals are any piece of equipment that protects you from the dust. Seals can be applied to a lot of shit. Your sealsuit is something you’re almost born into. It’s just what it says it is: a sealed suit that protects the user from dust, specifically airborne dust. It includes a gasmask and heavy, head-to-toe canvas usually sealed with some sort of animal fat. You can also seal off vehicles or tents, whether that tent is just a one man fly or it’s a sprawling hold.
When you need it, declare what you’ve already sealed and spend your seal; you can spend 0–3 of seal per use. You can resupply it for 2-barter per 1-seal, if your circumstances let you barter for those kind of supplies, i.e. rubber hoses, prepped canvas or leather, sheet plastic, animal fats, rubber cement mixed with bubblegum, whatever. You begin play holding 3-stock.
If you take in the dust out here, whether through water, air, whatever, roll+hard.
• On a 10+, spend a few minutes barfing but you’ll be fine.
• On a 7–9, take 1-harm (ap) now and 1-harm (ap) again in a little while.
• On a miss, take 3-harm (ap) now and 3-harm (ap) again in a little while.
When your seal is in question, like maybe you got shot at or the weather’s like ass, roll+seal.
• On a 10+, you’re sealed up and doing fine for now.
• On a 7–9, you’ve got a problem with your seal, a leak or a crack, something. Take -1 seal.
• On a miss, your seal is blown. You’re taking in dust.
After you go into battle with your vehicles, guns, and gear, roll+sharp.
• On a 10+, you conserved your resources. Pick one.
• On a 7–9, choose two:
• You’re running dangerously low on fuel
• You’re running dangerously low on ammo
• Your gear needs maintenance and repair. You take -1 seal.
When you scavenge in the ruins, roll+sharp.
On a 10+, choose two and find an oddment worth 1-barter. On a
7–9, choose one and find an oddment worth 1-barter:
• You find it quickly.
• You find it with relatively little trouble.
• You find an item that is valuable.
• You find an item that can be used for a seal. +1 seal.