Introducing the WOLF

Introducing the WOLF

Introducing the WOLF

I finally got my hands on a program that allows me to make pdfs. I spent a few days twiddling with it to get my first playbook just right. It’s not 100% perfect, but I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out.

If you notice any typos, or if you think one of the moves on here needs editing, let me know. I should probably also point out: this playbook hasn’t been playtested yet.





And children of all ages.

Come take a tour of the world gone to heck in a handbasket!

Try your hand at barfing forth Apocalyptica!

A very different gaming style than the games i normally run and every session has been a great deal of fun.

So come one, come all and join us in a wrecked world of your own making.

Originally shared by Jonathan Henry

Come and take a look at a very different style of roleplaying game.

The link below has everything you will need short of 2D6.



is there a ‘toolbox’ edition of the Apocalypse World Engine?

is there a ‘toolbox’ edition of the Apocalypse World Engine?

is there a ‘toolbox’ edition of the Apocalypse World Engine?  i purchased the pdf of Dungeon World and get the jist of it so far but i am a bit ADD and want to hack the AWE into something i’ve been working on of my own… and while Dungeon World is awesome, reading it through completely doesn’t seem to be the best way get the Enginge rules down.

Playbook Build of the Day #5

Playbook Build of the Day #5

Playbook Build of the Day #5

Hocus of Capitalism

i had this one in mind for a long time. A hocus that totally got the financial system of the golden Age totally wrong and turned it into a weird religion is cool. This one gives you a lot of roleplaying opportunities (okay, actually everything gives you a lot of RP ops but you know what i mean) 

Still totally fun to look for moves and opportunities to really hammer in the focus. From what i saw Barter is often overlooked in play, this guy forces this hard into the game. 

Think about including a busy market into your fiction where you can go and buy extra equipment. Your Barter isn’t worth shit if you don’t put it to you. 

For those of you who have yet to try out playing in a Google Hangout.

For those of you who have yet to try out playing in a Google Hangout.

For those of you who have yet to try out playing in a Google Hangout.

I invite you to come take a look this Saturday as i run a demo of Apocalypse World.