Threats and fronts

Threats and fronts

Threats and fronts

So i have a Problem with fronts. I can find threats in the game but I find it hard to put them together as a front. I can maybe come up with 2 things that can work together more or less but it’s hard. I understand that maybe half of the threats should be stuff directly found in play, the other half would come from my evil mind.

Is there a good front workshop somewhere online? The stuff in the book doesn’t help me enough. I will post the stuff going on in my game later but at first i want to know if fronts themselves are needed or if a bunch of threats can be enough.

I somehow also just stars at countdownclocks all the time empty minded. I know that it isn’t that hard or shouldn’t be but I just don’t know what to do. Mostly I have either a startpoint or endpoint and don’t know further.

Another first draft of a new Monsterhearts skin.

Another first draft of a new Monsterhearts skin.

Another first draft of a new Monsterhearts skin. Fairly complete except for the How To Play section, which will be included in the final draft. Yes, that one Buffy episode was a big inspiration.

Originally shared by Topher Gerkey

#monsterhearts   #skinning  


Last week at the prom, when the captains of the football and basketball teams were making out in the locker room while their girlfriends wondered where they’d disappeared to, none of them saw you.

But you saw them.

Yesterday, when the calculus teacher hid in the supply closet during his prep period and snorted coke until his eyes looked like a doll’s, glassy and shining in the darkness, he didn’t see you.

But you saw him.

Earlier tonight, when the nerdy, sickly kid everyone picks on lured the head cheerleader into a dirty alley, sprouted fangs, and sucked her dry, they didn’t see you.

But you saw them.

Nobody ever notices you. But you can see everything. All the things they do when they think no-one is watching. And maybe it’s time you started taking advantage of that.


Choose a name:

Billy, Cecily, Griffin, Grover, Jacques, Kitty, Laura, Lyle, Marcy, Sebastian, Sue

A nerdy name, a stuffy name, a plain name, a foreign name


Circle one from each list:

Bad posture, peering through bangs, beiges and creams, t-shirt that was popular two years ago, hand-me-downs (…not that anyone pays attention to your look.)

Knowing eyes, translucent eyes, downcast eyes, pearly eyes, forgettable eyes (…but when was the last time anyone looked into your eyes?)


Circle one:

Invisibility formula, psychic blank spot, cursed to fade away, someone-else’s-problem field, light-bending physics accident


Add 1 to one of these:

Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile 1, Dark -1


The Unseen must always declare their backstory second-to-last.

You are beneath notice. Erase all strings that other characters have on you so far.

You watch everyone in their private moments. Take 1 string on everyone else.

Someone inadvertantly showed you some very juicy blackmail material. Take 1 extra string on them.


Choose one of these two moves:

She’s Not There – You are unnoticeable. Nothing with a mind can see, hear, smell, or otherwise sense you, or anything you wear or carry. People will alter their paths to avoid bumping into you without being conscious of doing so. Evidence of your presence is ignored – if you are dripping wet or standing in a snowdrift, no-one will notice the puddle or footprints (but someone entering the scene after you have left will notice, and can point out the evidence to others, at which point they can see it). Cameras and other recording devices – anything non-sentient – can still register and record you. If you want to make yourself known to others, roll with Cold. On a 10 up, you can interact with others for one scene. On a 7-9, you stay invisible and inaudible, but you can make yourself noticed indirectly by writing notes or pushing people or furniture around. On a miss, become your Darkest Self.


See Through You – You are perfectly transparent. Nothing can see you, including cameras. This only affects your body, not anything that you are wearing or carrying, so to be completely invisible you will need to be nude. You can still be heard, smelled, or felt, and evidence of your presence (footprints, floating patches of paint, etc.) may give away your location. If you want to interact with others normally, you will need to wear bandages or a mask, or cover your exposed skin with makeup. If you are disguised in this way and your true invisible nature is exposed, roll with Cold. On a 10 up, you can retain self-control and beat a hasty retreat, leaving viewers wondering what they just saw. On a 7-9, you are enraged and embarrassed. All onlookers get a string on you. On a miss, become your Darkest Self.

Then choose two more moves:

O  Blackmailer – When you covertly observe someone doing something they’d rather keep secret, take a string on them. When you spend a string to offer someone experience in exchange for doing what you want, keep the string if they refuse.

O  Grand Guignol – When you do something violent, destructive, perverse, or sadistic in order to attract attention, roll Volatile. On a 10 up, mark experience and treat anyone seeing or experiencing your handiwork as if you had used shut someone down on them and rolled 10 up. On a 7-9, treat them as if you’d used shut someone down and rolled 7-9, but also choose one:

~ They gain a string on you

~ You gain the condition Urban Legend

~ One of them (your choice) gains +1 forward (or Advantage) against you

On a miss, your atrocity is blamed on someone else. Become your Darkest Self. If you are already your Darkest Self, gain the condition Enraged.

O  Out of Thin Air – When you are invisible and lash out physically, add +1 to your Volatile roll as your attack comes from out of nowhere. Others take -1 to attempts to lash out physically at you.

O  Threatening Whispers – You can roll with Cold to manipulate an NPC by threatening to expose their secrets.You can shut someone down in this manner as well; add +1 to your Cold roll.

O  Vanishing Act – When you are invisible, you can always successfully run away from someone without having to roll, but choose one:

~ They take a string on you

~ You take 1 harm

~ You gain the condition Urban Legend

~ They gain +1 forward (or Advantage) against you

O  Voyeur – You may spend a string on someone to invisibly insert yourself into any scene that person is in. When you gaze into the abyss about someone you have strings on, spend one of those strings to change a miss into a 7-9, or a 7-9 into a 10 up. 


When someone acknowledges your existence through physical intimacy, give up all strings on them and give them three strings on you. They develop an uncanny sense for your presence and will always know approximately where you are when you are in a scene together. This sense lasts until either of you have sex with someone else or until they harshly ignore you.


Such a bland and boring wallflower. You’re not even interesting enough to torment. None of them know you even exist. What will it take to get them to notice you? Something big. Something bloody. Something vile and terrifying and above all, something showy. They won’t be able to ignore you after this. You’ll show them who you really are.

You can escape your Darkest Self only when someone makes it clear that they know you exist, even if only for a moment.


~ Take another Unseen move.

~ Take another Unseen move.

~ Take a move from another skin.

~ Take a move from another skin.

~ Take the initial move that you did not choose.

~ Add 1 to Hot (max 3).

~ Add 1 to Cold (max 3).

~ Add 1 to Volatile (max 3).

~ Add 1 to Dark (max 3).

Does Monsterhearts have a Buffy playbook?

Does Monsterhearts have a Buffy playbook?

Does Monsterhearts have a Buffy playbook?  I mean something like “The Fated” or “The Chosen”–the person who is destined to save the world/fight the evil, but doesn’t want to.  

Because if not, I have this idea. 🙂

Are you:

Are you:

Are you:

Pure Wizard? +2 Ambition, -1 Curiosity

Half Mortal? +2 Courage, -1 Ambition

Mortal Born? +2 Curiosity, -1 Courage

Half Wizard? +2 Stalwart, -1 Curiosity

Do you favor:

Madris? +1 Courage, -1 Curiosity

Dracon? +1 Ambition, -1 Stalwart

Risara? +1 Curiosity, -1 Stalwart

Urza? -1 Ambition, + 1 Stalwart

Basic Moves:


When you try to find out something within Boarsdraft roll + Curiosity. On a hit you find it before you are needed elsewhere. On a 10+ you discover some new facet of the castle along the way. On a miss you are called away before you can find it. Someone is upset with you.


When you take time investigating a magical mystery roll + Curiosity. On a hit you may ask the HM questions about it. On a 10 ask 3, on a 7-9 ask 1:

– Who made this?

– What was it’s original purpose?

– Who made use of it most recently?

– How do I trigger it?

– When was it put into place?


When you rush through the halls of Boarsdraft to find or lose someone roll + Courage. On a hit you catch or lose them. On a 10+ you do so in a timely manor. On a miss you lose your quarry and the HM may make a Hard Move against you.


When you try to tell an adult about anything that does not fit their preconceptions roll + Courage. On a hit you don’t get into trouble for speaking up. On a 10+ they take you seriously enough to look for confirming evidence. On a miss, you are risking detention.


When you wander the halls of Boarsdraft aimlessly roll + Stalwart. On a 10+ your GM will offer you a Golden Opportunity. On a 7-9 you are unbothered in your perambulations. On a miss you open yourself up to a Hard Move.


When you stand up for someone take a String on them and then roll + Stalwart. On a hit they don’t get hurt or in trouble. On a 10+ you don’t get hurt or in trouble either. On a miss you both are hurt, in trouble, or both.


When you get into a fight roll + Ambition. On a hit your opponents have to visit the Hospital Wing. On a 10+ you don’t get into trouble over it. On a miss you are in the Hospital Wing and in hot water.

Make Friends:

When you make an overtly friendly gesture towards someone roll + Ambition. On a hit they do not suspect you of having ulterior motives. On a 10+ they count you as friend if you give up every String you have on them (friends don’t hold things over each other’s heads).


When you ask someone for a favor and give them a String on you then if they do it they mark XP.


When you want a character to show up where you are and you have a String on them, burn that String and if at all conceivable they will show up.

Earn House Points:

When you do something that earns you House Points (HM’s call) you earn 1 Popularity.

Lose House Points:

When you do something that looses you House Points (HM’s call) you earn -1 Popularity.


When you try to get a group to do something that is in their best interest roll + Popularity. On a hit they do what you suggest if you reset your Popularity to zero. On a 10+ if things go well for the group you mark XP. On a miss they don’t do what you want but you keep your Popularity.

Learning Magic:

When you attempt to learn a spell tell us about it and then the HM will tell you “You can learn that but…” and then 1-4 of the following:

• it’s going to take hours/days/weeks/months of work to master;

• first you’ll have to get/understand _;

• you’re going to need _ to help you learn it;

• the best you’ll be able to do is a weaker version;

• it is restricted knowledge;

• it’s going to take several/dozens/hundreds of tries;

Once you have done what the HM says then write the spell’s name (in your best psudo-latin) on your sheet. Make a note if it is restricted or not.

Casting Magic:

When you declare that you are using a spell you have on your sheet while making another move take +1 to the roll.

Advanced Moves:

Show Off:

When you show off in an attempt to gain popularity roll + Ambition. On a hit increase your Popularity by 1. On a 10+ you didn’t injure yourself doing it. On a miss everyone thinks your a showoff and you probably hurt yourself doing it.

Press On:

When you decide to act even though your life may be in danger roll + Courage. On a hit you do what you wanted to do. On a 10+ you are not injured doing it.

When you stand shoulder to shoulder with a friend in battle roll + Stalwart. On a hit you both take +1 forward for as long as you are together. On a 10+ you share any damage that comes at you (1 is ignored, 2 is one each, 3 is one each and so on). On a miss you and your friend stand out and become a focus of the battle.

When you search in ernest for the answer to a question roll + Curiosity. On a hit the HM will tell you the answer. On a 10+ you may ask one follow up question.


Every friend you have is a permanent +1 to your Popularity. If you ever take a String on a friend they no longer count as a friend and it may mean you have made an enemy.


When you use your friends for insight, ask your followers what they think your best course is, and the HM will tell you. If you pursue that course, take +1 to any rolls you make in the pursuit. If you pursue that course but don’t accomplish your ends, you mark experience.

This is My Gang:

As long as you have friends with you, you count as a gang (the size depends on how many friends you have with you.

I Have Needs:

When you tell your friends that you need something roll + Ambition. On a 10+ they will bring it to you, no strings attached. On a 7-9 they will bring you something close or at least word on where you can find it. On a miss, they find it but there will be a cost to get it. Your HM will tell you what that is.

Lend Me an Ear:

When you tell your friends that you want to speak with someone roll + Curiosity. On a hit they find them and either bring them to you or you to them. On a 10+ the person is predisposed to talk freely.

Stand Up:

When you want a policy, staff appointment, or some other facet of the way the school is run to change scratch through Popularity and tell us what you do to force the change.


I posted this at the end of a discussion and didn’t really get any response, I’m assuming because it was a little…

I posted this at the end of a discussion and didn’t really get any response, I’m assuming because it was a little…

I posted this at the end of a discussion and didn’t really get any response, I’m assuming because it was a little buried. So, I’m reposting it here, let me know if that’s uncool.

Damn… I thought I had a decent understanding of things, and then I read this part about run away (emphasis mine):

In such a situation, it’s up to MC discretion whether or not you can roll to run away. Instead, the MC might judge that the other party can attempt to lash out physically before you have a chance to run away, thus holding you captive.

Does this mean that lashing out physically can dictate a fictional result? Is this only in this case, against running away? Or just because it makes sense in the fiction? I would understand it if it was just a chance for the aggressor to get a parting shot in, dealing harm as the runner ran, but it’s the “thus holding you captive” part that threw me.

Anybody? Joe Mcdaldno Ralph Mazza Ben Wray


How do you decide what playbook to play?

How do you decide what playbook to play?

How do you decide what playbook to play?  Do you pick what you want every time?  If you do, do you find that you end up playing the same books over and over again?  Or do your characters feel similar   If not how do you like to institute unpredictability into your character choices?

There are a small group of people who think trading is “superior” to just giving them away, and I’ve debated with…

There are a small group of people who think trading is “superior” to just giving them away, and I’ve debated with…

There are a small group of people who think trading is “superior” to just giving them away, and I’ve debated with them because they don’t want me intruding on their “fun.” I think this screencap perfectly encapsulates why I think trading playbooks (versus sharing) is elitist and stupid.

It would be nice if Vincent were not so deliberately ambivalent and tight-lipped about trading versus sharing, because often these people seem to think Vincent sanctioned trading over sharing, when he didn’t. But they use that idea as a way of telling me to shut up or go away, and I won’t do either.

If you don’t want to debate about this, then stop bringing it up and don’t follow up your commentary by locking the thread or deleting it. That’s just cowardly.

Apart from calling the act of trading stupid, I’ve never resorted to calling people names or telling them flat out they’re doing it wrong. There is no right or wrong, I just favor sharing over trading because I think it’s more inviting and I think trading is insular. But what is wrong is the way people handle this debate and how they address it.

So I was just doing some prep and I noticed that I’ve somehow lost my copy of the Hoarder.

So I was just doing some prep and I noticed that I’ve somehow lost my copy of the Hoarder.

So I was just doing some prep and I noticed that I’ve somehow lost my copy of the Hoarder. I’ll trade any of the LE books, including The Solace, for a copy.