How do you MC your game?

How do you MC your game?

How do you MC your game?

Hi everyone, looking for a bit of help. I am quite new to PbtA, currently running my eighth or ninth session of Apocalypse World for a group of relaxed friends who have never played before either.

I like the system so far but I find that the moves are so specific, each player needs to have a moves list in front of them so that they can read the rules for whatever they are attempting to do. i had to print off extra moves sheets to hand around so that everyone had a copy. is this necessary? is there any way to play PbtA other than spending half the night reading each move to decide how to progress?

for example, the players set a trap for an enemy. i remembered reading rules for setting traps and ‘if you’re the bait’ somewhere, so I ended up flicking through the rulebook to find out how to portray this situation, when all i wanted to do was have a player roll immediately. am i missing something? I find it difficult to maintain the moves snowball mentioned in the rulebook because I don’t know every individual move in my head and I can’t stop to read a list of them every time I need to respond to a player’s action. and then once a move is being made, that still needs reading to work out what the result of a dice roll will be. some games, all the players need is their character sheet… my experience so far is that Apocalypse World is not one of those games.

And sub question, what’s your style in general? do you tend to drop players into the middle of a situation and expand the story outwards or do you follow a more linear sequence of connected events? How do you create and maintain a moves snowball throughout active scenes?

The latest iteration of the moves for #NahualRPG. I now added the translation of the move name next to it, in gray.

The latest iteration of the moves for #NahualRPG. I now added the translation of the move name next to it, in gray.

The latest iteration of the moves for #NahualRPG. I now added the translation of the move name next to it, in gray.

Originally shared by Mike Espinoza (Azlath)

Here are the latest iteration of moves for #NahualRPG

Edited: Question answered; feel free to move on

Edited: Question answered; feel free to move on

Edited: Question answered; feel free to move on

*AW seduce or manipulate question*

Hey folks, I’m confused by something. This is language from the move:

For PCs: on a 10+, both. On a 7–9, choose 1:

• If they go along with you, they mark experience.

• If they refuse, erase one of their stat highlights for the remainder of the session.

How can it be both if they’re mutually exclusive?

Next weekend is Revelation, the annual gaming gathering for playing Powered by the Apocalypse games in the UK.

Next weekend is Revelation, the annual gaming gathering for playing Powered by the Apocalypse games in the UK.

Next weekend is Revelation, the annual gaming gathering for playing Powered by the Apocalypse games in the UK.

Our website is here:

Our games schedule is here:

A great opportunity to come and play some great games and meet some excellent gamers.

I have been contemplating working on my a PbtA setting just for my own home use.

I have been contemplating working on my a PbtA setting just for my own home use.

I have been contemplating working on my a PbtA setting just for my own home use. I have something that I want to do that I think it would handle really well.

Are there any blog posts or forum posts on making PbtA hacks?

Thanks gang! 😀

So I spent a lot of time thinking about the implications of magic in games.

So I spent a lot of time thinking about the implications of magic in games.

So I spent a lot of time thinking about the implications of magic in games. This led me to create a game all about magic. It is called The Circle and is made in the apocalypse engine. A good friend of mine described it as “Mage without all the extra bullshit”. I would appreciate any feedback you all have.

I’ve been listening to some FFG Star Wars podcasts, and I like the narrative dice system.

I’ve been listening to some FFG Star Wars podcasts, and I like the narrative dice system.

I’ve been listening to some FFG Star Wars podcasts, and I like the narrative dice system. However, I find that the rules are overly complicated and dice pools are a pain. Mostly, this problem of overly complicated character creation and rules is what’s drawn me to the 2d6 PbtA systems.

I’ve been running a Masks campaign for almost a year now, and I really like the failure, partial success, and success system, but I was wondering if the advantages and threats could be added to the system.

I think what’s stopping me from immediately introducing a 1d4 with Advantages on evens and Threats on odds is that the 7–9 range already represents a kind of Failure with Advantage or Success with Threat.

Any ideas as to whether this could add anything to a narrative dice system? I’m mostly thinking about implementing it with games like Masks, Monster of the Week, Impulse Drive, etc.

I’m not trying to insist that dice pools are dumb or that the 2d6 system is broken. I’m just thinking that I would like to see if Advantages and Threats could add anything to the narrative dice system. What do you think?

I’ve been prepping Dungeon World again, so I’ve blogged about my own techinques for prepping DW one-shots here…

I’ve been prepping Dungeon World again, so I’ve blogged about my own techinques for prepping DW one-shots here…

I’ve been prepping Dungeon World again, so I’ve blogged about my own techinques for prepping DW one-shots here

(cross-posted from DW Tavern)

(cross-posted from DW Tavern)

(cross-posted from DW Tavern)

I am thinking about changing the core roll of Dungeon World (Apocalypse World) to 2d20.

My design purpose for making this change is:

o More fine tuned attribute scores, allowing smaller increases to have an impact

o No addition required, by rolling under the attribute and using D&D 5e advantage dice instead of bonuses

o No ‘bell curve’ of results, meaning that the chance of a ‘7-9’ result drops away more slowly as attributes increases

o Give the characters a difficult choice before the roll to increase their chances of success, and increase the ‘7-9’ results

o Cut the damage roll and link it to the degree of success

o Allow complications even when you have a great success.

I’d love some feedback on:

o Is the description clear?

o Does it work as intended?

o Any consequences I haven’t thought of?

o Any cool alternatives that meets my design purpose?

The core roll

When you undertake any action roll two dice:

o A White Die (or any light coloured die) that embodies the hope White Tree of Gondor and determines how successful you are.

o A Red Die (or any dark coloured die) that embodies the compromise of the shadow and determines if there are any complications on the roll.

Once you roll, first check if either die result is a 20, as a 20 on either die will affect the results of both dice. If one die result is 20, then the action is a failure and there is a complication than makes it even worse than expected. If both die results are 20, then it is a catastrophic failure and the GM will make a move as hard as they like.

Check the White Die to determine if the action succeeded or not, and how well.

o If the White Die result is equal to your attribute or less, the action is a success and you achieved what you set out to do.

o If action is a success and the White Die is more than 10, it is a critical success and achieves an even better result.

o If the White Die result is more than your attribute, the action is a failure and you did not achieve what you set out to do.

Check the Red Die to determine if there are any complications.

o If the Red Die result is equal to your attribute or less, there is no complication.

o If the Red Die result is more than your attribute, there is a complication that makes the situation worse whether it succeeds or fails.

The roll is modified:

o If you have advantage on the roll (eg: because you are taking advantage forward), you can swap the numbers rolled on each die. This can turn a complicated failure into a

o If you have disadvantage on the roll, you must swap the numbers rolled on each die if it makes the result worse for you.

o Before you roll either you can choose or a move can make the roll controlled, where the lowest number rolled on the two dice will be used for both dice. If you choose a controlled roll, there is always a complication regardless of the result of the roll.

o Before you roll either you can choose or a move can make the roll risky, where the highest number rolled on the two dice will be used for both dice.

Sample Moves

Attack [vs Strength]

When you attack an enemy in melee, roll vs Strength.

o Success 11+: deal maximum weapon damage and choose either:

o plus 1 damage per White Die over 10; or

o create an opportunity for a comrade to attack the enemy.

o Success 1 to 10: deal damage to the enemy equal to the White Die, but no more than the maximum damage of the weapon.

o Failure or Complication: the enemy makes an attack against you (which potentially causes opportunity damage).

o Failure and Complication: the enemy makes a very successful attack against you (which potentially causes maximum damage).

Level 1-5: choose one of these moves:

o Finesse

When you Attack with a weapon with the precise tag, you can roll the White Die versus Dexterity instead of Strength. The Red Die is still rolled versus Strength.