The Adventure Log begins a new chapter in Halcyon City, home to generations of superheroes who have defended it,…

The Adventure Log begins a new chapter in Halcyon City, home to generations of superheroes who have defended it,…

The Adventure Log begins a new chapter in Halcyon City, home to generations of superheroes who have defended it, with the latest generation of teenagers donning their costumes and deciding who they’re going to be. Played using Masks: A New Generation from Magpie Games the story of High Impact Heroics will follow a certain team of these young heroes as they fight for their place in the City’s history. In this Prologue we learn who they are and how they came together as a team, and then I talk about asking the questions needed to get your players to help build the world, in this game and others!

Last episode of AW for a bit.

Last episode of AW for a bit.

Last episode of AW for a bit. Please enjoy as our players deal with the fallout of their actions from the last couple episodes!

Originally shared by Colin Matter

Hello! Please join the Wednesday Night Crew for our third session of Apocalypse World! Alex, Kaetlyn, and Kolton joined me to play in our very own apocalypse.  Please join Koo the Childthing, Kray the Faceless, and Wolf the Gunlugger as they return to…

Update to #Wyrdish, my rules-light, Destiny-inspired, sci-fantasy PbtA hack about immortal wyrdens that can be run…

Update to #Wyrdish, my rules-light, Destiny-inspired, sci-fantasy PbtA hack about immortal wyrdens that can be run…

Update to #Wyrdish, my rules-light, Destiny-inspired, sci-fantasy PbtA hack about immortal wyrdens that can be run without a GM!

The backbone is being built now. Some of the classes still need more abilities to really flesh them out, I want to shoot for about 10-12 each. The races also need racial abilities filled in. Then there will be lists and tables all full of different prompts — items and weapons, places, enemies, trouble, treasure, story hooks, etc.

Also check out the character sheet — you print it landscape and fold in half for a cute little minimalist four-page booklet/playbook.

VIRTUACON — October 6-8

VIRTUACON — October 6-8

VIRTUACON — October 6-8

Here’s a World Wide Wrestling game on Friday, run by Lowell Francis, with seats available (as of this posting). Game registration is on Warhorn:

Free online gaming con, VirtuaCon, is right around the corner, and the vast majority of its games still have seats available.

Entire event schedule:

(FYI – The listed GMT times are 4 hours ahead of EDT, and 7 hours ahead of PDT; so 9pm GMT is 5pm EDT and 2pm PDT.)

VirtuaCon is the gaming con of RPGgeek/BoardGameGeek:




Originally shared by Colin Matter

Hello! Please join the Wednesday Night Crew for our third session of Apocalypse World! Alex, Kaetlyn, and Kolton joined me to play in our very own apocalypse.  Please join Koo the Childthing, Kray the Faceless, and Wolf the Gunlugger as they escape from…

It is probable that I shall soon have to run Dungeon World for the first time, having read it through once and…

It is probable that I shall soon have to run Dungeon World for the first time, having read it through once and…

It is probable that I shall soon have to run Dungeon World for the first time, having read it through once and played it once. Obvs, I’m going to read it again.

Anyway, this may be a stupid question that I could perfectly well get from the book, but – do you actually have dungeon maps in dungeon world? I mean, do you plan out the detail of places the players might go, and stuff they might encounter, like you would with D&D? Or do you just sort of come up with a bunch of things they might come up against and then throw them in as needed, making up the detailed geography as you go, like you would (well, like I would) in Apocalypse World?

Anything else I should know about prepping and running DW?

So I got that recent Bundle of Holding and also bought The Sprawl.

So I got that recent Bundle of Holding and also bought The Sprawl.

So I got that recent Bundle of Holding and also bought The Sprawl. What other PbtA games should I check out if I want to eventually write my own game? I want to see as many interesting takes on the system as I can.

I’m going to be running my first campaign of Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires this weekend.

I’m going to be running my first campaign of Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires this weekend.

I’m going to be running my first campaign of Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires this weekend. Any caveats or items of note from the peanut gallery?

The Gauntlet is putting on a writing contest!

The Gauntlet is putting on a writing contest!

The Gauntlet is putting on a writing contest! You can check out the details at the link below, but the basics are you can write either a Dungeon World starter or an OSR scenario. Winner of the contest will receive a $100 cash prize, publication of their scenario in Codex, our zine, and will have their scenario featured on one of our podcasts, either Discern Realities or Fear of a Black Dragon. Deadline for submissions is October 16th at 11:59 PM EDT.

Gary Furash asked about player input in PBtA games, and the resulting conversation inspires this question to you all:

Gary Furash asked about player input in PBtA games, and the resulting conversation inspires this question to you all:

Gary Furash asked about player input in PBtA games, and the resulting conversation inspires this question to you all:

What are some of the best questions you’ve asked as MC of a PBtA game?

(Please indicate which game, because I’m curious to see if there’s a pattern there!)

(AW) “So what do you do with the bodies of your dead?”

(AW) “Brainer, what’s the startlingly unexpected thing on the walls in your room?”

(AW) “Chopper, where and how are you refueling now that the bridge is out?”