Some questions/comments after our first session of Sagas last week

Some questions/comments after our first session of Sagas last week

Some questions/comments after our first session of Sagas last week

1. the advancement rules really direct the PCs towards their relationships. I reckon this will take a while to sink in with some of the players; it’s a big change from previous PbtA games we’ve played.

How rigid are people with the instruction “When one of your moves targets a character that you have a relationship with”? 

If a character’s honour is questioned by someone they have a relationship with, does that count?

2. In the moves which allow characters (Shield Maiden and Godi) to pick moves from rolesbooks of the other gender, they say “If it uses Gendered, you use Wyrd instead.”, but there are very few of those I can spot (Child: Play; Woman: Running the house, Family Chest; Man: Man’s work) and some of those seem very specific to that role and not really transferable – am I missing something?

Also, given that Monster and Thrall can be chosen with either gender, I presume they’d be fair game to pick?

3. In the Armour move, one of the choices is that the armour gets “irrevocably destroyed” that’s obviously expensive if it comes to mail; but there’s nothing that forces someone to do that.

Though “You regain the hold spent only when you have plenty of time to fix and readjust your armour” makes me suspect that this mightn’t actually be irrevocable after all.

In the Weapons section, spears destroy mail automatically. Is that also irrevocable or is it temporary?

4. In Battle, how many of the PCs group should we assume are harmed by default? I would have guessed at a few…but then the ‘you watch each other’s back’ choice would be pointless, so half?

Also, what would you suggest for a PC participating in a battle – accepting a physical challenge?

(I love these battle rules by the way, talk about hard choices!)

Does anyone know if Speak Up and Talk Sense has any alternate rules for use with NPC’s?

Does anyone know if Speak Up and Talk Sense has any alternate rules for use with NPC’s?

Does anyone know if Speak Up and Talk Sense has any alternate rules for use with NPC’s? It only seems to work on PC’s as it is written and that kinda fell flat for us last night. Otherwise the moves really sang during our first session!

Thanks in advance.

Hey there everyone!

Hey there everyone!

Hey there everyone! Just started playing Apocalypse World with my group a few weeks ago. The world we made is based around a nuclear winter and our hold is inspired by Viking ideals, but it’s still in the far future. Just wondering if the Sagas of the Icelanders books would be useful for this sort of game, since it’s based in the past rather than the post apocalyptic future like our game. Are there any resources in the book that would be useful for our game? If you could give some examples that would be great, I’m just wondering if I should buy it or not. Thanks!……

In my Sagas game the Shield Maiden has told of a land to the West “infested with elves” but holding a great bounty…

In my Sagas game the Shield Maiden has told of a land to the West “infested with elves” but holding a great bounty…

In my Sagas game the Shield Maiden has told of a land to the West “infested with elves” but holding a great bounty of timber. At least some of the PCs are planning an expedition back to Alfheim or Vinland or whatever they’re going to call it 🙂 So I wrote up some moves! And would love some feedback from the Commonwealth!

I specifically added the “Take a bond with Fate” bit so that PCs who were separated by great distance could still use bonds easily.

Hi all

Hi all

Hi all,

Just discovered and bought SotI – really impressed with the feel and tone of the game, but still working through exactly how moves work, particularly for combat. I’ve roughly hashed out how I think it works, but would appreciate corrections, feedback, house-rules, custom moves or whatever.

Sven (PC) and Bjorn (NPC) are enemies who meet each other by chance . Famously angry and foolhardy, Bjorn attacks Sven.

Sven accepts a physical challenge and rolls +young for a total of 10. He decides that he will win the challenge, and act honourably (he wants the witnesses to see him win the fight lawfully, skilfully and bravely). Sven strikes Bjorn with his sword and kills him. This means that Sven tempts fate (since he didn’t choose not to do so when he accepted the physical challenge). He rolls +wyrd for a total of 6; disaster strikes!

At this point, he might suffer great harm, in which case he rolls +young as usual and picks consequences if he succeeds. If he has armour, it might protect him from great harm, and might break or impede him depending on the result of that roll. Alternatively (maybe it fits the fiction better) the MC might decide that Sven’s heirloom sword breaks when he kills Bjorn, simultaneously depriving him of an incomparable weapon and bring a prophecy of doom to the brink of fruition (a völva told his grandfather that if the sword ever failed in battle, so too would the lineage fail and wither).

If Sven had chosen to win the challenge and to not tempt fate, his win-at-all-costs fighting might lead to someone calling his honour into question.

If Bjorn had a spear, Sven would have had to find a way to get past it in order to strike Bjorn; I’m getting pretty uncertain here, but I suppose that could be tempting fate, accepting a physical challenge or something else. I guess it might be part of the initial accepting a physical challenge roll, in which case the tempting fate failure seems very likely to be Sven getting impaled on Bjorn’s spear. 

Part of my uncertainty here is that the fight can potentially become something like 6 rolls at this point, which isn’t specifically prohibited or anything but definitely feels like it runs counter to the mechanics/fiction balance of SotI. 

Am I over-thinking it? Have I missed something? And how should PvP fights be handled? It seems like the kind of thing you’d want to be prepared for…

Thanks in advance!

I think the custom moves in our Sagas of the Icelanders game do a pretty good job of indicating where the game is at…

I think the custom moves in our Sagas of the Icelanders game do a pretty good job of indicating where the game is at…

Originally shared by Keith Stetson

I think the custom moves in our Sagas of the Icelanders game do a pretty good job of indicating where the game is at right now:

When you gaze through Odin’s empty eye, roll +wyrd. On a hit Odin reveals the true form of what lies before you. On a 10+ the vision is relatively clear and quite likely to be what others also deem the truth. On a 7-9 the vision is murky and perhaps less unanimously the truth. On a 6- another deity shows you what they wish. The provenance of all visions is suspect.

When you don the skin of a wolf properly killed, roll +young. On a 10+ your spirit dominates that of the wolf and you maintain control. On a 7-9 you struggle back and forth, sharing control. Choose two:

-You do not harm your allies

-You do not harm yourself

-You do not reveal yourself to another

On a 6- you awake as if from a black slumber with no recollection of what you have done.

So; How do people START their games of Sagas?

So; How do people START their games of Sagas?

So; How do people START their games of Sagas? This is clearly of the “don’t plan too much as the GM” school of gaming, but how much is “not too much” and what SHOULD I know? What should I try to work out with the players?  Any tips?

Sagas of the Icelanders [Print+PDF] is back in stock at Indie Press Revolution!

Sagas of the Icelanders [Print+PDF] is back in stock at Indie Press Revolution!

Sagas of the Icelanders [Print+PDF] is back in stock at Indie Press Revolution!