Our Sunday group started up an ongoing game last weekend.
Our Sunday group started up an ongoing game last weekend. Beginning with the Man, the Woman and the Huscarl, all siblings. We got some great conflicts brewing in short order. Excited for next Sunday!
I had a question from a situation that arose from play. Has the male insult Move been made when there is no one else present to judge the truth of the insult?
My Huscarl Vebjorn confided (Confidante) in his brother Snorri (the Man) that he had slept with the wife of his lord from the neighboring homestead. Snorri rebuked him, calling him a fool. He made the insult Move and the result was an eight. I wasn’t inclined to have Vebjorn attack or challenge his brother to a duel in their first scene together and demanding an apology felt a bit like blocking in this case so I looked to the 10+ results.
There wasn’t anyone else present so it didn’t feel to me like the insult could stick, leaving me with having the Huscarl act to prove otherwise (that Vebjorn is not a fool). Vebjorn asked his brother what he should do about the situation to act with more wisdom going forward. His response provided material that will lead to all kinds of fun trouble so I’m super happy with the result.
But now I’m wondering if you can really make the insult Move if it’s a private conversation.