My Sunday group had our first full session of Legacy: Life Among the Ruins last night.

My Sunday group had our first full session of Legacy: Life Among the Ruins last night.

My Sunday group had our first full session of Legacy: Life Among the Ruins last night.

The Legacy playbooks generate so much content to contend with right from the beginning. In addition to the four Threats (a plague too efficient and dreadful to be natural: The Twist, a crude tribe of raiders using advanced tech: Dark Omega, a settlement dominated by an unknown force: The Edge, a derelict corporation on the hunt for your body parts: The Reclamation Project, we had history (the hunt for the Homeland’s worst criminal) & literal fallout from The Fall (debris still raining down from orbit – the next starfall forecast by the Enclave to hit the settlement of Ashbourne within the next week) to immediately deal with.

As someone who has run or played scores of Apocalypse World sessions I have several thoughts, questions and cool moments to share, but no time at the moment to write it all up just now.

This post will serve as our placeholder & I’ll add more as I’m able.

Long story short: There are some very interesting differences between this game and Apocalypse World and other PbtA games we’ve played & I’m looking forward to our Legacy run.




I’ve got some Families with a good Sleight stat coming at me soon. Regale me with stories about the things subtle agents achieved in your Legacy games! I’m especially interested in those times they made a resource appear more or less desirable and to what end?

Did high Sleight portend a special interest in PvP or was it as often used to handle Threats in a more circuitous manner?

Using the quick character names as reference, has anyone made any name lists for PCs?

Using the quick character names as reference, has anyone made any name lists for PCs?

Using the quick character names as reference, has anyone made any name lists for PCs? It seems strange not to have a short list for each playbook.

Here are the quick character names:

Ada, Anders, Angel, Brigit, Buffalo, Cant, Cato, Cloud, Elijah, Erwin, Eva, Firestone, Flame, Gil, Hive, Isis, It, Leo, Lin, Longshot, Louis, Lux, Makoto, Masud, Max, Moon, Nemo, Nora, Rebar, Silver, Sky, Smoke, Tadpole, Taliha, Wither, Xu.

What size are the Handout_Sheets_Web pdfs supposed to be printed at?

What size are the Handout_Sheets_Web pdfs supposed to be printed at?

What size are the Handout_Sheets_Web pdfs supposed to be printed at? Trying to print out sheets for my upcoming game and it is… not going well.

edit: I figured out some solutions. Expensive mistake on my part…

When you get a move from another archetype can you take the primary (obligatory) move from that archetype?

When you get a move from another archetype can you take the primary (obligatory) move from that archetype?

When you get a move from another archetype can you take the primary (obligatory) move from that archetype?

e.g. The Immortal marking “ I’ve Seen Better Days: Choose

a move from another archetype.” to take the King’s “King of the Castle: You have

a crew of around fifteen to twenty people and a headquarters from

which you run things. Detail your headquarters with the MC…”

Apologies if this is made clear in the rules; I’ve only browsed them and am brainstorming characters for an upcoming game.

I don’t have time for it today, but there’s someone over on RPGnet asking about SotI if any other enthusiasts want…

I don’t have time for it today, but there’s someone over on RPGnet asking about SotI if any other enthusiasts want…

I don’t have time for it today, but there’s someone over on RPGnet asking about SotI if any other enthusiasts want to lend them a hand.

“It is about real people, some of whom are still alive.”

“It is about real people, some of whom are still alive.”

“It is about real people, some of whom are still alive.”

I own and have read Kazimiera Cottam’s Women in War and Resistance and Anne Noggle’s _A Dance With Death: Soviet Airwomen in World War II and can recommend both of them.

If wanted to read a third book from the bibliography with an eye towards scene/situation grist, is there one you’d especially recommend? The personal stuff as much as the sorties.

1) Who else always flips to the bibliographies first?

2) I know this is a hack of Apocalypse World but the other thing I flip to is designer notes. If you feel inspired and have something to say about the the design process for this game, I’d love to read about that. Inside or apart from the book. I suspect though there are others like me who wouldn’t necessarily be able to track those thoughts down if it’s not included as a page inside the book itself.

So in the extended games of SotI that I’ve played the bonds have tended to pile up on some NPCs, not seeing much use.

So in the extended games of SotI that I’ve played the bonds have tended to pile up on some NPCs, not seeing much use.

So in the extended games of SotI that I’ve played the bonds have tended to pile up on some NPCs, not seeing much use.

Has anyone developed or hacked in any bond/string moves to SotI that might be fun to try?  I’m thinking even of some uses that might cost two bonds to effect.

Our Sunday group started up an ongoing game last weekend.

Our Sunday group started up an ongoing game last weekend.

Our Sunday group started up an ongoing game last weekend. Beginning with the Man, the Woman and the Huscarl, all siblings. We got some great conflicts brewing in short order. Excited for next Sunday!

I had a question from a situation that arose from play. Has the male insult Move been made when there is no one else present to judge the truth of the insult?

My Huscarl Vebjorn confided (Confidante) in his brother Snorri (the Man) that he had slept with the wife of his lord from the neighboring homestead. Snorri rebuked him, calling him a fool. He made the insult Move and the result was an eight. I wasn’t inclined to have Vebjorn attack or challenge his brother to a duel in their first scene together and demanding an apology felt a bit like blocking in this case so I looked to the 10+ results.

There wasn’t anyone else present so it didn’t feel to me like the insult could stick, leaving me with having the Huscarl act to prove otherwise (that Vebjorn is not a fool). Vebjorn asked his brother what he should do about the situation to act with more wisdom going forward. His response provided material that will lead to all kinds of fun trouble so I’m super happy with the result.

But now I’m wondering if you can really make the insult Move if it’s a private conversation.