As one of the ways to pay for cyberware, “Ad supported” should be an option.
Pop up ads in your vision/targeting or interruptions in your hearing. Ads in your jack’s data stream.
As one of the ways to pay for cyberware, “Ad supported” should be an option.
As one of the ways to pay for cyberware, “Ad supported” should be an option.
Pop up ads in your vision/targeting or interruptions in your hearing. Ads in your jack’s data stream.
Revealing Directive.
Revealing Directive.
I’m preparing to play a reporter and the directive that most speaks to me is Revealing. The concept of incentivizing the finding of information that leads to breaking a story. My issue is that fill in the blank gap and the fact that directives can only be used once. I have a few thoughts about this:
1) Each time you fill in the blank differently on a directive you have made it unique and thus able to be used again in its new form.
2) You could instead take a more meta tact and fill in the directive with “Headline Threats”.
Which do you think makes for better play, or would you use a different method? I feel like the first method gives me more control over what the issue is be looking into is, while the second sets up more of a discovery and chasing of whatever issue the MC wants to represent.
Hi all!
Hi all!
IPR will be selling the NOON softcover of The Sprawl at Gen Con and on an ongoing basis directly and to retailers. In order to do that I’m in the process of organising an offset print run.
If you saw the IPR Gen Con product listing, you may have noticed that the price was listed as $27. This is calculated so that when the first print run sells out, I can pay for a second print run from the proceeds.
Because of this, I’ve raised the price of the softcover on DTRPG to $27 so that the DTRPG PoD isn’t undercutting IPR and most importantly any retailers who stock the game.
The hardcover versions will continue to be $40 and only available through PoD.
I’m at home in New Zealand at the moment, so my internet access may be limited, but I’m happy to answer any questions you might have about this (or anything else, as usual!).
Hack on!
Hamish Cameron Will I be able to find a copy of The Sprawl at GenCon?
Hamish Cameron Will I be able to find a copy of The Sprawl at GenCon?
If so, where would that be?
What do you do when the mission fails without the action clock maxing out?
What do you do when the mission fails without the action clock maxing out?
So, I ran my first game on Tuesday and we all had a blast! The thing is, I used a failure to Hit The Streets to put my players into a little bind. The character who hit the streets was shot and needed medical care, and his contact offered to take him to a black clinic if he gave them an expose on the corp they were running against.
That whole thing? It was a ruse. He went into the car high on pain meds and then woke up in a very nice, corporate, medical facility. Turns out he isn’t the only one owned by the mega, so was his contact. At this point he meets up with Mr. Johnson (not the guy who gave them the job, a rival) who tells him they put a cortex bomb in his head, so he’d better be a good boy and sneak this chip into the security office at Chizu Cybertechnology and plug it into the terminal. He does so.
The next day is the day of the job, and they get an email from their original contact for the mission, telling them that the drop location has changed. They pull the job and deliver to a smiling Mr. J who pays them and sends them along their way.
You see, this was an escort mission. The first Corp was paying to escort their researcher to a clinic. Instead they took him to a rival corp’s clinic! I upped the corp threat clock for the original Corp since the crew disappeared with their prized researcher. What would you have done as a consequence of this kind of double cross (as unwitting as 2/3 of the group was)?
As an aside, I did a small wrap up scene were they saw Mr. J putting the screws to Chizu Cybertechnology, forcing them to sell to his company!
You can hear me talk about PbtA experience systems and The Sprawl (including a bite sized matrix AP) with Richard…
You can hear me talk about PbtA experience systems and The Sprawl (including a bite sized matrix AP) with Richard Rogers on Plus 1 Fwd.
Hamish Cameron Appeared on + 1 forward.
Hamish Cameron Appeared on + 1 forward. Included is an example hack I found really helpful. Thought it should be posted over here for you guys to see.
Originally shared by Richard Rogers (orklord)
It’s a new +1 Forward! This one’s all about The Sprawl with Hamish Cameron.
We tried something new with the AP section, I hope you dig it!
Mwhaha I can finally post my own!
Mwhaha I can finally post my own!
Hey it arrived!
Originally shared by Adam “Bison Court” D
Hey it arrived!
Shipped via… Hungary?
My Roll20 Character Sheet for The Sprawl has been merged/accepted!
My Roll20 Character Sheet for The Sprawl has been merged/accepted! This means you can now select the sheet for your Roll20 game. Check it out and let me know how it goes.