Big Shadowrun fan from way back and even greater fan of cyberpunk.

Big Shadowrun fan from way back and even greater fan of cyberpunk.

Big Shadowrun fan from way back and even greater fan of cyberpunk. I have The Sprawl and Shadowrun in the Sprawl. I was looking for playbooks for Awakened, adepts, etc. And came across something on Scribd. I don’t want to steal intellectual property so where can I find these playbooks legit?

New and improved 24/7 Synthwave stream with incredible visuals at 60fps!

New and improved 24/7 Synthwave stream with incredible visuals at 60fps!

New and improved 24/7 Synthwave stream with incredible visuals at 60fps!

I was irritated that I had to wait a week to get paid to buy The Sprawl, and then became delighted like a little…

I was irritated that I had to wait a week to get paid to buy The Sprawl, and then became delighted like a little…

I was irritated that I had to wait a week to get paid to buy The Sprawl, and then became delighted like a little school boy when I went to buy it and found that I already had. Doh!

I have very little experience with Apocalypse, but am looking forward to the read.

Is there anything I should know before diving in to better help me?

One consistent piece of feedback from my players from 2 sessions is that Hacking takes too long.

One consistent piece of feedback from my players from 2 sessions is that Hacking takes too long.

One consistent piece of feedback from my players from 2 sessions is that Hacking takes too long. I tend to agree with this, especially when the hacking is done during the legwork phase. How do handle situations where the Hacker wants to break into a corporate system to retrieve confidential information? It’s not Research, since there is clear opposition and the information is not readily available. (Or is it?)

I’ve been running the full “MCing the Matrix” experience for each mini-run, and it takes no more than 10 to 15 minutes each. But yet, because it only involves the Hacker, it feels it takes up a large portion of the table time. Moreover, there are a lot of rolls and holds from this once ICE gets involved. I think in our last session, around half the rolls were our Hacker doing Matrix stuff during Legwork.

Is this how it usually goes at other tables? This is my first time running the Hacker and Matrix “as written”. Are there suggestions for simplifying the “legwork runs” that don’t reduce the impact of Hacker moves?

One of my players brought up something strange after the game last night.

One of my players brought up something strange after the game last night.

One of my players brought up something strange after the game last night. Is there a reason why there is no way to purchase Intel and Gear directly with Cred (without “fishing” for an appropriate 10+ roll)?

Hey everyone!

Hey everyone!

Hey everyone!

I was just doing the legwork phase of a solo game I’ve been playing, and ran into a question I thought you all might be able to answer.

How does The Sprawl, or you as a GM, handle logging in to the Matrix?

Specifically, does a hacker character need to be inside the complex’s server room, for example, to be able to access the Matrix? Or, is it more like finding a transfer station like complex and hack over a network? Or hacking from home?

I’m sure it could be all the above, but I’m just curious as to how others think of this.

Hi everyone.

Hi everyone.

Hi everyone. I’ve been a fan of The Sprawl for a while, about to GM my first session this week, and the discussion on this board has been a big help in wrapping my head around the game. That said, I have a couple questions regarding drones and vehicles.

Are there guidelines anywhere about how much punishment drones and vehicles can take? I have a Driver in my PC group, and I don’t want to take his toys away too easily. Vehicles are listed with either 1- or 2- armor, which makes it sound like they can be damaged with handheld weapons, but I can’t see anything about when they should be pronounced disabled, or nearly anything about drones in combat for that matter.

And on a related note, should a Driver linked in with second skin take feedback damage when his metal buddy gets shot?

Any help is appreciated, thanks!




I just got the Sprawl, so I’m a total newb here. But I had a question…

I might be unclear about the use of Hold points.

Seems like Hold points can only be used only with the moves they came from? Also, are they only used to get answers to the questions on those moves, or can they be used for something else?

I’m playing solitaire and still figuring out which of the rules would pretty much only apply to group games.

Thanks, loving the game so far!