Trying my hand at making Jump Points as I am ‘rebooting’ my Uncharted Worlds campaign in a different system set…

Trying my hand at making Jump Points as I am ‘rebooting’ my Uncharted Worlds campaign in a different system set…

Trying my hand at making Jump Points as I am ‘rebooting’ my Uncharted Worlds campaign in a different system set within the same setting. We’ll be focusing on more mission-based episodic play. Would love feedback and advice on both fronts. Could use a few more questions I think. A ‘complication’ question, perhaps.

Apprehend the Fugitive

Situation: The characters have been sent to apprehend a fugitive aboard a space port before they can board a ship and make it to the nearest Jump Point.

“You watch as the last of your weapons are processed and confiscated, and you are ushered past the uniformed customs officer into the space station proper. As soon as you’ve left the terminal you find yourself on the brink of an ocean of life of all shapes, sizes, smells, and origins. Somewhere, among the thousands of crowded bodies, is the individual you’ve been sent here to collect.”


*”Who is your assailant? What do they look like? What disguise were they in when you last saw them?”

*”How have you been tracking them so far? What faction are they fleeing to for safe haven?”

*”Why isn’t Space Station security in on this? Any idea why you were instructed to do this on the down low?”

Episode 12 of K Band Radio is out now!

Episode 12 of K Band Radio is out now!

Episode 12 of K Band Radio is out now! The crew of the ¡Smash N Grab! try to wrap up their latest job, then make a delivery decision that could put them on the front line of chaos. Just another day on the job for a team of starship repossession specialists.

Flossy gets a psychic message she has been searching years for and the crew go investigate.

Flossy gets a psychic message she has been searching years for and the crew go investigate.

Flossy gets a psychic message she has been searching years for and the crew go investigate… and I won’t spoil how it turns out but another bar catches on fire…