Seen on DriveThru
Seen on DriveThru
How do you GMs reward your crew?
How do you GMs reward your crew? Some missions like salvage and ye olde trucking runs provide their own reward via the Cargo and Barter systems. And bigger missions could be rewarded by clearing Debt. But what about other situations? Say a passenger wants to charter passage (or even charter passage in a hurry)? Or variations on the Fetch Quest (go deliver the McGuffin to the Tatooine system)? What other carrots have GMs baited their plot hooks with?
Must players gamble their data points (p11) pre-roll or can they wait to see if the data point will nudge them into…
Must players gamble their data points (p11) pre-roll or can they wait to see if the data point will nudge them into a happier outcome post roll before spending the point?
I see the first way as less friendly to the players but more realistic. This way also leads to the player attempting to get more data points to wager.
The second is friendlier to the player but it feels too staged (one of the failings I see in other pen and paper RPGs), in my opinion.
I would like to hear your opinion,
Otter Shaman
Just took UW out for a test-drive and enjoyed it a lot.
Just took UW out for a test-drive and enjoyed it a lot. My son 10 and his friend wanted a couple of hours of play and I had my son’s character nearly ready. Wanting to speed through the process, I used one of the pregen characters accessible via a link provided in the book. He chose a character that was the same ‘role’ as my son’s character and I thought ‘well, I wonder how I am going to make this work?’.
Long story short, we worked it through as supporting storytellers, we had a great time and all better understand how the game works.
Thanks for a quick and, mostly, intuitive system to ‘live’ a colorful, action-filled life among the stars and factions.
Otter Shaman
Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere: Is Far Beyond Humanity going to be available as a physical paperback or…
Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere: Is Far Beyond Humanity going to be available as a physical paperback or will it be digital only?
Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #17
Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #17
I’m looking for proof readers. See below.
Proof copy is done
I’ve done the layout, got a proof copy of the pdf that I’ve sent to the editor for a second pass. Just need to put the final bits of artwork and marginalia, and it’ll be as good as done. Soon my friends. Soon.
On that note:
I’m looking for proof readers to quickly skim the semi-almost-final document to find any glaring issues. Major spelling issues or missing words, wrong reference pages (the dreaded “see page xx” that has plagued tabletop roleplaying books since the dawn of Gygax), etc.
Obviously this self-imposed deadline coincides with crunch time at work, because of course it does.
I’m exhausted but kinda revved up.
Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #16
Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #16
Not much to report, sadly. Got the edited chapters back, doing corrections and assembling the book.
Since I can’t afford InDesign again, I decided to go with Scribus, which led to a LOT of frustration, swearing, and rhetorical questions about the nature of reality. So I may be doing the bulk of the layout in Word in the end. Aside from a few minor tricks that I can’t do, it seems to be holding up (fingers crossed).
Some of my favorite comments from the editor:
– “We’re talking mass and inertia here, right? You say ‘fundamental forces of the universe’ but I’m not seeing electromagnetism or nuclear forces…” Kinetic Career
– “Ew. Do you have to feed them? Ew.” Living Weapons
– “Megalomaniac Combo: Take “Obsession about yourself (when you would gain a Data point about something, gain it about your chosen subject instead), then combine it with Nemesis (gain a Data Point about the cause of a failed roll) and Scapegoat (pass on failures to others). Fail at something, someone else suffers instead of you, you blame a third party for the failure, but really it’s all about you.”
Fanatic Career, editor getting political
A pretty cool space sector generator!
A pretty cool space sector generator!
It gives you a lot of helpful info!
Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #15
Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #15
Hello folks! Two big announcements today:
All Chapters Complete!
The writing is officially done! All chapters are in the hands of the editor, who’s working diligently to get the corrections back to me. Meanwhile I’m wrastling with Scribus (Never Again with the InDesign Times) and getting ready to do the full layout this week. If all goes well, second-pass will be happening this weekend.
Uncharted Worlds is going to be at Montreal ComicCon!
I’ll have a booth in artist’s alley at Montreal ComicCon this July.
If you’re in the area feel free to drop by (I’ll post my table number when I get it). I’ll have the Lulu printed softcover and hardcover books for sale (the leftover high-quality prints from the Kickstarter), plus an associate of mine will be selling awesome pins with the career logos on them for the Industrial Scoundrel or the Academic Technocrat in your life.
Sadly, I had really wanted to have a small print run of FBH for ComicCon, but with all the delays and scrambling I fear that might not be possible. I’ll try my level best to get everything done and printed and available, but I can’t make any promises. So close!