Hey folks

Hey folks

Hey folks

I’m thinking of starting a bi-weekly sandbox campaign starting April 1st.

The goal would be to create the world and everything together and then we play to find out what happens.

Would anyone be interested in doing that?

8pm-11pm EST.

It would be played on roll20 probably and recorded to my YouTube channel.

Core book plus the new stuff Sean is coming out with is acceptable

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #7

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #7

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #7

Bloody slow week this week. Rather disappointed, to be honest. Still, such is life chipping away in the Word Mines.

Chapter 2 complete

The Technology chapter is complete! I moved the Scarce Fuel optional rules over there, since the chapter is very starship-oriented. I also added a section on alternate forms of FTL, just so people can simulate their favorite sci-fi settings. Admittedly, it’s all stuff people could come up with themselves, but it’s only a page and maybe it inspires someone.

Most importantly, the Vessel design rules are complete, including the various Forms. If anyone wants to take them for a spin and give their feedback, I’d be very interested in the results.

What’s next

I’ve got my rough outline down for Chapter 3 – Arcana. It’ll include rules for Villains and Monsters, Outer Realms (as a mirror of the SectorNet rules), and potentially Horror and Trauma (still exploring this aspect).


I have a question about the Symbiotic race, what happens with its mettle?

I have a question about the Symbiotic race, what happens with its mettle?

I have a question about the Symbiotic race, what happens with its mettle? Clearly it keeps its expertise, influence and interface and the text notes that its physique overrule the hosts, but what about its reaction speed and dexterity which seem to come under mettle.

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #6

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #6

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #6

Bit of a support/fill-in week this week. Many words were written, many sections re-written or altered or tweaked. Also that “throat thing” from last week evolved into full-blown bronchitis, so yaaay for failing my Face Adversity +Physique.

Characters Chapter

Formatting is finally finished on chapter 4! Huzzah. Also took the opportunity to revise a number of abilities, and to do that thematic overhaul of the Arcane career I’ve wanted to do for a while.

– Arcane Career is now known as the Shaper career. The career descriptions, workspaces and xp triggers have been updated to account for this slightly more generalized “reality shaping” career. The thematic shift should hopefully signal to more popular archetypes, such as the Babylon 5 technomagi, or the Mass Effect Vanguards.

– Skill change: Teleport (Shaper): While I liked the idea of a character being able to Wild Jump, the design of Wild Jump limits the Teleport to long-range jaunts. The new skill allows it to take a more action-oriented role when things get dicey, while still evoking a mini-Wild Jump. This incarnation also plays every well mechanically or thematically with a number of other skills, including Surveillance, Network, Clairvoyance, Recklessness, etc.

– Skill Change: Evoke (Shaper): This one has evolved a few times to get it to a point where it doesn’t just feel like a rehash of the Upgrade skill. In recent playtests I’ve got to see the new incarnation in action, and I’m pleasantly surprised at how creatively flexible it is.

– Skill Change: Launch (Kinetic): This skill now supports more build diversity by being allowing Mettle for small objects and Physique for large objects. Also makes it more logical when applied as the Origin skill of Primal.

– Skill Change: Telekinesis (Kinetic): Another one that went through many forms. Current implementation should be useful to many different archetypes.

– Skill Change: Terrify (Fanatic): Changed the effects of each level of success/failure slightly, to give better direction to the GM to adjust the NPC reactions. Got to playtest this one in multiple games, probably one of the most successful Skills in terms of story-driving and double-edged-sword-y goodness.

Technology Chapter

A first pass on the Vessel upgrades is up. The rules are coming together nicely. It’s quite feasible to custom-design Starships using this system, and I’m happy about that because it’s a design space I was never able to nail while writing Uncharted Worlds. The “Form” part is not in yet, but I’m sure you can make an educated guess: Form describes how the Vessel moves, whether it flies, is capable of exiting/entering atmosphere, how stable it is, etc.

New Art Preview – Characters

Another chapter art preview from +Juan Ochoa.


What’s Next

I’ll be trying to finish up the remainder of the Technology chapter, while tooling around with early chunks of the Arcana chapter. I’ll also be going back and looking at the chapter distribution and density, possibly moving sections around so that they’re with similar systems and rules. (For example, the Fuel Scarcity optional ruleset will likely go into the Technology chapter along with the Vessel design rules and the alternate Jump technology section).

Feedback targets

I’m especially interested in feedback for the careers and origins, since they are prettymuch done and unlikely to see major changes. If you have a spare moment, I’d invite you to make characters using the new careers and a mix of new and old. See if there are any problematic or contradictory skill combinations, try to remake some of the more esoteric archetypes from popular sci fi.

Similarly, feel free to take the Vessel creation rules for a spin. These ones are still being built, but I’d really like to make sure I didn’t forget an important component.

As always: comments, questions and suggestions are always appreciated.


Rather minor/inane question: Which works better as a term that encompasses super vehicles like mega-tanks, grav…

Rather minor/inane question: Which works better as a term that encompasses super vehicles like mega-tanks, grav…

Rather minor/inane question: Which works better as a term that encompasses super vehicles like mega-tanks, grav platforms, airships and mecha?

Creating a Vessel

Designing a Vessel follows a similar process as creating an Asset

• Choose a form to define how the Vessel moves.

• Select upgrades to define what the Vessel can do.

• Determine the Vessel’s tier based on the number of upgrades.

• Assign Sections for Tier II and higher.


Creating a Greater Vehicle

Designing a Greater Vehicle follows a similar process as creating an Asset

• Choose a form to define how the Greater Vehicle moves.

• Select upgrades to define what the Greater Vehicle can do.

• Determine the Greater Vehicle’s tier based on the number of upgrades.

• Assign Sections for Tier II and higher.

If you need some cool technobabble, check out this glossary. The ship’s ablation drives need more protostar fuel

If you need some cool technobabble, check out this glossary. The ship’s ablation drives need more protostar fuel

If you need some cool technobabble, check out this glossary. The ship’s ablation drives need more protostar fuel


So close to being done FBH, but one of the big writing challenges is looming on the horizon and I figured it might…

So close to being done FBH, but one of the big writing challenges is looming on the horizon and I figured it might…

So close to being done FBH, but one of the big writing challenges is looming on the horizon and I figured it might help to write about it here, blog-style.

While Uncharted Worlds has basic rules covering debilities, they’re all kinda lumped together (physical, mental and emotional) with a heavy focus on the physical because action adventure pew pew lasers. In FBH, I wanted to expand on the mental/emotional side of things, and open mechanical space for more Cosmic Horror style space opera (the Warp of Warhammer 40k, or Event Horizon, for example).

BUT, I worry I’m about to tread into very touchy subject matter. Stuff like PTSD, disorders and trauma are very real, very sensitive and can be very harmful if treated flippantly and disrespectfully. I’d love to give options to create a Horror setting, but still remaining respectful.

I guess I’m at the point now that I have to decide whether I should even make the attempt. Whether there’s enough value in the subject matter to offset both the effort of getting it right and the very real probability that I’ll get it wrong anyway. Whether it’s even possible for someone uninformed like me to handle this subject matter respectfully.

If anyone has any useful resources (blogs, reviews, whatever) about how other roleplaying games handle mental/emotional debility well or poorly, I’d be extremely grateful.

(I’m definitely going to be including a section about the X-Card, with or without any other Horror/Trauma mechanics. I’m just saddened that the X-Card wasn’t on my radar when I was writing UW).

Good morning folks. I’ve got a question that I hope the community can answer.

Good morning folks. I’ve got a question that I hope the community can answer.

Good morning folks. I’ve got a question that I hope the community can answer.

What combination of origin and careers would you use to simulate a Babylon 5 style technomage?

Any thoughts on how? I keep coming up with various combinations of Technocrat and other things.