2 thoughts on “Hi”

  1. By default, UW doesn’t.

    I you wanted, you could read between the lines of the upgrades: low TL societies simply won’t have access to many of the upgrades that other societies can take advantage of. When it comes to cost and acquisition, it will basically balance out without modification because what the spacefarer sees as a crummy stone-sword with leather grip not worth anything represents many hours of labor to those who made it, and will expect appropriate compensation. Market context will keep costs basically the same no matter where you go.

    In conflict situations, you don’t need to worry about what tech level looks like on your NPCs because NPCs are just represented by the fiction. If your tribal guys have armor, but you don’t think it will stand up to lasers, just write a note “Lasers suck” or give them a move “Flee from simple displays of firepower.”

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