Hello, fellow UW-nauts!

Hello, fellow UW-nauts!

Hello, fellow UW-nauts! So, I’ve finally got a group together to play Uncharted Worlds! We’ve been playing Fragged Empire for about a year and are looking for a change of pace. I’m really excited! We spent last night creating our characters and the cluster of worlds in which we’ll be starting. We made 2 worlds each using a system from some Fate book which was pretty interesting. We ended up with 8 worlds, 1 at Tech class 3, 2 at tech class 2 and the most others at Class 1and a couple lower.

During character creation, I found one thing a bit strange, however. While I love the idea of workspaces, their implementation seems a bit limiting. For example, if I choose an Academic, with Chemistry and Surgery, I’ll be limited by my work space as to which one I can actually utilize.

Has anyone else found this to be a problem? How did you deal with it? Is there a way to expand a workstation? The GM proposed the option to expand a workstation once you had your 4th skill in that profession, but I’d like to hear if there are any other suggestions.

hey folks!

hey folks!

hey folks! I’m an academic, so I’m always doing some free writing before work to get into the swing of things, and writing up the synopsis for our last session proved to be a great way to start up work today. So here’s an intro to our characters, factions, and a synopsis of our first episode!


So what are our characters?

Xanthus Swift —The Adventurer: Human Galactic Personality Explorer — With her trusty droid Bernard by her side (think BB-8), and her squad of soldiers behind her, Xanthus explores the galaxy in search of something that has not yet been revealed to her crewmates. Despite Pickthorn’s presence, she is mistrustful of Collective androids and their supposed peace and helpfulness.

Youncy Grant — The Medic: Crystalline Regimented Military Academic — Youncy is a member of the Core, a medic assigned to this group to help them complete their mission. A member of the Crystalline species, a non-organic lifeform, they are naturally Resistant (immune to normal fire and freezing temps, but still use O2 and CO2 to fuel themselves, aka they still can’t exist without an atmosphere). He became a medic because he was fascinated by organics. Despite vowing to save lives, he’s willing to hoist his rocky frame into the frontline if it means protecting others from harm.

Pickthorn — The Inventor: Android Productive Industrial Technocrat — Pickthorn is an android freed from The Collective by the android rebel group the 141. A tinkerer and mechanical genius, Pickthorn is on the run from the Collective, hoping to get information to free more of his people. He can interface wirelessly with computer systems using his standard Collective Unit uniform, though it bares some scars from his perilous escape thus far.

Clyde Sandiego — The Assassin: Human Advanced Clandestine Scoundrel — A runaway son of the Dynasty mercenary family, Clyde stole the Dynasty Falco to escape (their ship). Although born on Earth (which must be advanced now, eh?), he’s been living out amongst the stars in this ship for quite a while, always one step ahead of the agents that have been sent to bring him back into the fold.

People wanted to be able to play aliens, so I rolled up a few rules for them. Androids get 1 mod from the cybermods in the Far Beyond Humanity preview. Aliens get a trait that lets them do something in the narrative they wouldn’t otherwise get to do. Humans to compensate, get 1 additional Class 1 asset. I let Xanthus make her droid as a crew.

The Factions:

The Collective — A species of sentient machines that age and have mimicked humans, they refer to themselves as Units to evoke their collectivist philosophy and machine past. Ruled by the oldest androids, they are a peaceful race and always providing help to the other species in the galaxy. Although individuals are separate and have emotions, the Collective seeks to return to what it sees as a purer machine past. Units are expected to act as emotionless and inhuman as possible by the ruling elite.

The 141 – This rebel group opposes the domination of androids by the Collective, encouraging free-thought, individuality, and emotion.

The Dynasty — An organized crime family that mostly trades on its ruthless assassins.

Erso Kingdom — An insular planet known for it’s overwhelming military might and defenses. Vaguely xenophobic, they don’t wish to conquer others, only to ensure that no one can ever take them down. Quick to lose trust, and hard to regain it, they will stop at nothing to prevent harm to their planet and culture.

The Core — Composed of members of every species in the galaxy, the Core is an elite military force and academy. Peacekeepers, they choose the ‘core’ or elite members of each species to monitor potential threats to all species.

WRAITH — World Research Alliance for Isolating Technological Harms — After the terraforming disaster on Beta Centauri 3, WRAITH believes that sufficiently advanced technology must be controlled by a organization working in the public interest, not private corporations. From scientists working on secure knowledge to politicians working on laws to prevent private use, WRAITH uses its public front to keep technology out of the wrong hands. Some say though that that’s not all they are doing to prevent work from falling into the wrong hands.

Last time on: The Dynasty Falco:

Pickthorn, Xanthus, and Clyde explore a derelict Dynasty ship floating in an asteroid field looking for sensor data that could help track all rogue android units in the galaxy. However, when Pickthorn restarts the ship’s computer, the automated defenses are triggered. Xanthus quickly hides with her droid Bernard while Clyde sneaks into the cargo hold to take out the defenses. Dispatching one of the hunter-killer droids with flung blades from his gauntlets, Clyde accidentally (or is it?) causes to smash against some precious cargo that appears out of place. To help her see inside the crate, Pickthorn restarts the ship’s life support and gravity, causing Xanthus to fall from the ceiling, hitting her head on a piece of cargo on the way down. Clyde is nowhere to be found [He unfortunately had to leave, but has stealth so he played it as part of his character].

Dazed, she convinced Bernard to go over. When he saw what was inside though, the little droid short circuited in fright. It was an Erso Kingdom fusion bomb with only 10 minutes to spare! It must have been triggered by the explosion of the HK droid!

Meanwhile, back on the Falco, Youncy convinces a Collective ship that appears from behind a nearby asteroid that they are on a medical mission buying his comrades precious time to find the sensor data. The Collective agrees to not interfere, but boards the ship looking for the data. Desperate to prevent himself from being discovered, Pickthorn, a rebel with the 141, shoots a hole through the side of the ship, and launches himself through space to Xanthus’s shuttle lying just outside the Kestral’s engineer section.

Replacing Pickthorn on the derelict ship, Youncy comes back to find three Collective androids with laser rifles trying to break into cargo hold. To keep up appearances of a rescue mission, Youncy cuts through the door and the three androids run inside to assist the injured. A medic attends to Xanthus, while another works on Bernard. A third attends to the bomb, communicating with his superiors. Youncy observes one droid talking to a newly awakened Bernard, offering to take him to their ship, and learns from the medic that they have been ordered to complete their mission at all costs, bomb or no bomb. Xanthus, having followed the third android down to the computer core to collect the sensor information, slices the android’s legs off in zero-g. Sensing trouble ahead, Youncy slices the tech android in half as Pickthorn patches into the medic’s link: “You can be free. Come with us.” Xanthus grabs the fragile floppy drive and they run for her shuttle.

As they lead Cindy Gutierrez (an inside joke, they named the android medic this) off to the shuttle, the Collective ship begins to fire on the Kestral. Pickthorn spins up the jump drive as the Collective ship begins to turn their laser cannons to the Falco and launches a missile at the shuttle. With some tight turns, Youncy manages to lose the missile in the asteroid field, but not without banging up the shuttle a bit. As they skid into the shuttle bay, Pickthorn yells, “HOLD ON! It’s going to be a WILD JUMP!”

A missile and laser shots fling through space, passing directly through the space where the Dynasty Falco was just moments before as it blips out of existence.

POP. The Falco emerges. Off in the distance, Chevron IV, the planet where they must drop off their information.

Next time, on The Dynasty Falco: Who do they need to get this information to? Who hired them to retrieve this information? Why did the Dynasty Kestral have it? Who did the Dynasty collect this information for? How did the Collective know to find the ship at this location, an astroid in the middle of unclaimed space? Why was the Kestral transporting a Erso fusion bomb? Where did Clyde disappear to and why did he disappear as soon as the bomb was activated? Did he get off the Dynasty Kestral before it was destroyed? What happened to the Collective ship? Did it get out in time before the Erso fusion bomb went off?

And most importantly, who is this Cindy Gutierrez? New rebel android, or Collective plant?

Thanks for reading! Hopefully we’ll get together soon and y’all can find out what happens next =)

A player has suggested an interesting asset: an attache case that has a secret compartment that could fit even a…

A player has suggested an interesting asset: an attache case that has a secret compartment that could fit even a…

A player has suggested an interesting asset: an attache case that has a secret compartment that could fit even a disassembled rifle but also be used to carry other things. How would you rate that as an asset? I’m thinking of basing it on the Concealable upgrade from firearms– a class 1 asset. Concealable means it can survive visual and security scans.

Does that sound balanced?

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #2

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #2

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #2

Here we are again. This was a bit of a tweak/polish week for me. No new chapters to show, but some solid revisions. As always, the link below will take you to the FBH preview folder on Drop Box.

New Markets (Chapter 5 – Assets)

After last week’s update, there was a very spirited discussion surrounding the Unique Markets. I found myself agreeing that it was essentially 2 pages with no GM tools, just fluff. It’s the kind of thing that belonged in a campaign setting (like the eventual Carta Galaxia) rather than a rules expansion.

So I went back to the drawing board. At first I toyed with the idea of making Markets “big Assets”, in that they would have Class and have upgrades, just like a gun or suit or speeder. The big issue is that it created even more tags to remember, and ones that would often have to be applied on the fly as new markets were introduced.

I figured that there was a simpler way of approaching the new “Market Descriptors” that didn’t add new tags/words to the game system, but rather attached new context to existing terms.

And thus the new Unique Market system: each Market has an associated Origin, which creates a stylistic/narrative structure. When you say that this is a Privileged Market, you know you’re dealing with high-Class goods and absolute snobs. When you say that this is a Crowded Market, you can already smell the sweat of massed humanity/aliens, feel the shoulder-to-shoulder press of bodies.

It’s not a hard-and-fast mechanic, but I feel it does a much better job at inspiring variety in the markets the characters will encounter. You can check it out right at the beginning of Chapter 5 – Assets.


One thing I’ve been correcting is the formatting of the documents. I really enjoy writing and doing layout at once, I like to see how my paragraphs will be spaced out, whether the text is too dense, whether a section could use a bit more verbiage to fill some blank space, etc. Not the most efficient way to write, but it’s my method and it keeps the writer chained up in my brain happy, so… eh.

Aaaaanywho. I started writing FBH on 8.5 by 11 with 1 inch margins… but that totally isn’t the formatting of Uncharted Worlds. While the initial release and kickstarter backers are getting a pdf, I do intend to offer Print on Demand. And it would rend my very soul asunder to think that my expansion book had different dimensions than the core book….


Anyway, part of this week was spent reformatting and re-font-sizing Chapter 5 – Assets, to match the proper page scale and margins. I’ll probably be doing a pass on Chapter 6 – Characters later next week.

FBH playtest

Ran a one-shot playtest for some colleagues (didn’t get a group picture, argh, kicking myself). Got some excellent testing in for various skills from the Kinetic, Telepathic, Arcane, Augmented and Fanatic careers. Was an amazing game, despite repeated failures (I have never seen so many failed rolls, they were well below the probability curve.)

Updated a bunch of skills in Chapter 6 – Characters.

What’s Next

I’ve almost got a solid Species chapter finished, so that’ll be coming next week. I’m also strongly considering re-writing the Arcane career, fiction-wise. Feels like it currently can’t support enough popular archetypes, so it may need some re-branding.

Comments, questions, etc are always welcome!


A group of friends and I ran our first ever RPG last night.

A group of friends and I ran our first ever RPG last night.

A group of friends and I ran our first ever RPG last night. My first time GM’ing and their first time ever with a pen and paper RPG. Uncharted Worlds worked so perfectly for it! I was worried at first about having to come up with so much on the fly without a ton of planning, but we quickly had a world they were all invested in. I genuinely was asking questions just to find out more about the world we were inventing. Now, the next day, they are all talking on our group chat about what’s going to happen to the rebel android they liberated from the collective and where they are taking the secret sensor information from the organized crime family about the AIs they got off of the derelict ship (One of our PCs is an android and made these rebels up as a faction). We ran The Derelict from the 21 Jump Points book and we had a blast as this wild story developed. Looking forward to our next session. Thanks to people here who’s work I read a lot of before running it and of course Sean, the creator!



Okay! So I juuuust bought a copy of this yesterday (have already read the PDF, waiting for the bound version), and I like what I see. Since space opera is my thang, that’s a compliment. I’m looking forward to running this at my (semi-)local con in a couple’a months (Who’s Yer Con, in Indianapolis).

Question, though: Did I miss it, or is there no Relationship stat? I like those. If there isn’t one, I’ll jam one in.

Some pretty fly art of spaceships, futuristic locales, and some other far out tech.

Some pretty fly art of spaceships, futuristic locales, and some other far out tech.

Some pretty fly art of spaceships, futuristic locales, and some other far out tech.

Originally shared by Erik Frankhouse

Found some fantastic sci fi styled art for a game called Quantum Rush. Their page is full of concept air you can use to inspire your stories in a tech advanced part of Numenera.

Website: http://conceptartworld.com/news/quantum-rush-concept-art/

Do I remember one of the awesome folks in this community created a roll20 sheet with macros for uncharted worlds?

Do I remember one of the awesome folks in this community created a roll20 sheet with macros for uncharted worlds?

Do I remember one of the awesome folks in this community created a roll20 sheet with macros for uncharted worlds? Or did I just dream that?

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #1

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #1

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #1

Hello all! It’s been a long while since my last official post.

What I’ve been up to: Shipping a game in the triple-a video game industry kinda leaves you squeezed dry afterwards, which chained beautifully into a bout of emotional… stuff (don’t ask, it was Not Fun), followed through with a holiday season full of travel, and stuck the landing with a cold/flu that hit the entire family hard, especially the (now very cranky and bewildered) toddler.

I appreciate that many of you kept the conversation going while I was on brain-burned hiatus, sharing your experiences and questions and thoughts. It made me super happy, and I’d love for that to continue, even if it’s just “here’s a cool skill combo I’d like to try” or “how would I re-create this archetype from my favorite book/movie/anime”.

(Hope you folks had a wonderful, safe, and peaceful holiday season, by the way. And all the very best for 2017.)


What’s next: Enough excuses! I feel terrible for having stumbled in producing FBH, and more importantly, in communicating with all of you. So I’m officially starting a once-a-week FBH Update, and re-committing myself to provide new updates to the book every week. The Weekly update will cover the work I’ve done on the book that week, talk about design decisions, playtests, issues and questions. I can’t guarantee a new Chapter every week, but I’ll try to have a few new pages written, or a section revisited and tweaked, or playtest-driven changes implemented, etc.

Also, I’m going to post a link to the FBH Preview Drop Box at the end of each of these posts, because that little community link up in the upper right is hard for folks to find. I’ll be putting each new chapter there, and any further changes to that chapter will be made live there.

(I’ll still be checking in regularly during the week, and will strive to be more active in the community.)

New to FBH this Week

– I uploaded (unfinished) Chapter 1: Intro. The chapter covers how to integrate the various components of FBH into a new or existing UW game, and offers a bunch of alternate stat and Move uses.

– Minor changes to Chapter 2: Assets and Chapter 6: Characters. Looking to do a second pass on them, but it might wait until I have more concrete stuff to show for the Technology and Arcana chapters, since those will provide me with more inspiration/reveal holes i nthe design.

As usual, I’d greatly appreciate any feedback, comments, questions, suggestions, etc. Especially about Chapter 1 so far. Is it useful? Interesting? Pointless? Inquiring minds want to know!
