Carta Galaxia Development Update #26

Carta Galaxia Development Update #26

Carta Galaxia Development Update #26

What’s this? A mere two days after the last update? I couldn’t possibly keep up this pace, but I got quite a bit of writing time this past weekend, so I figured I’d share.

In my last update I posted the new 2-pager of The Sword. Seemed to go over fairly well, so I tackled the next example: the Core. Those of you who have been following development may remember the ill-fated Core campaign setting that I ended up torpedoing a few months ago. The setting was bloated and over-designed, and doing something so detailed went against a number of designs and principles of the game.

I recovered and modified the central elements of the old Core material, and adapted them to the new two-page structure.

Unlike the previous Campaign example, where you had Factions and Points of Interest, the Core is a dystopian future where the Factions are the points of interest. Or rather; all interesting things are intrinsically tied to the faction.

So I changed up the layout a bit here; each faction gets a couple of points of interest, things to see and interact with, which will hopefully spark story ideas.

Rollers High – Casino in Space

Rollers High – Casino in Space

Rollers High – Casino in Space

I had an idea this morning about a UW game set around a casino ship that travels around the local cluster as a sort of Casablanca in the stars. All of the factions have agents and agendas based there, but it is considered neutral territory for the most part.

PCs will be gamblers, agents, diplomats, and adventurers whose residency on the ship allows them to be pulled into these issues and intrigues. Each episode, the ship might be parked over some busy port or a vacation destination filled with intrigues and opportunities…


Carta Galaxia Development Update #25

Carta Galaxia Development Update #25

Carta Galaxia Development Update #25

Really appreciated the feedback from the last update. I took all of it into account, and came to the conclusion that while I would really want to do one-page Campaign Settings, it would serve the audience better to go up to 2 pages (especially since I’m sticking to the 6×9 page format, so less text per page)

Here’s the new version of The Sword, one of several example Campaign Settings that will be available in the chapter.

I published another thing: “Traders” is a PWYW supplement aimed at providing ready answers for stuff that commonly…

I published another thing: “Traders” is a PWYW supplement aimed at providing ready answers for stuff that commonly…

I published another thing: “Traders” is a PWYW supplement aimed at providing ready answers for stuff that commonly crops up when using the trade system. So complications, flawed cargos, unique opportunities and so forth. Plus its got some simple flavour on economics, and a few Jump Points.

we may have swapped a bit to WOIN but we still use the super awesome cramped quarters mechanics from UW.

we may have swapped a bit to WOIN but we still use the super awesome cramped quarters mechanics from UW.

we may have swapped a bit to WOIN but we still use the super awesome cramped quarters mechanics from UW. Enjoy a cramped quarters episode!

I was bored while driving eight hours today and imagined a character or NPC to use in an Uncharted Worlds campaign.

I was bored while driving eight hours today and imagined a character or NPC to use in an Uncharted Worlds campaign.

I was bored while driving eight hours today and imagined a character or NPC to use in an Uncharted Worlds campaign. Feel free to steal or tweak at your leisure.

Edgar was a colonist living out on the fringe when, through some calamity that destroyed his home, he became psychically linked to a weird space crab monstrosity. It saved him from that horrible accident, and either awakened latent psychic powers or imbued him with them.

Now, Edgar is a glassy-eyed mercenary that has done a number of jobs in unpredictable and unsettling ways. He spends most of his time on and off the job encased in Cranc, the spacefaring bipedal. It serves as his workspace, drug, constant companion, and is rumored to provide a greater personal relationship.

When outside of Cranc, he carries a basic sub-compact pistol in his oversized coveralls and typically appears serene, if not vacant. As soon as there is a mission he sheds the clothes to ride Cranc into battle. He’s mentioned a neural link with his skin in the past, but previous crewmembers simply assume some sort of perversion even if it doesn’t explain his poorly shaved head.

Seen less often than Edgar wielding a pistol, speaking coherently, or not appearing sweaty, is his pair of psychic blades used to disrupt shields, other psykers, and scramble targets’ brains in a vicious sneak attack.

One of my players really wants to use the darkness and light parts of the skill Evoke to create illusions.

One of my players really wants to use the darkness and light parts of the skill Evoke to create illusions.

One of my players really wants to use the darkness and light parts of the skill Evoke to create illusions. I thought this might be a bit overpowered so I made this skill instead. Any thoughts?



You cast an intangible audio-visual illusion in a space you can see. Roll+an appropriate stat, then describe what can be seen and heard from this illusion.

• On 10+, chose one.

• On 7-9, chose two.

– The illusion draws all your concentration. You cannot use any other magical skills or traits while you maintain it.​​​​​​​

– The illusion is imperfect, and with close enough inspection obviously fake.​​​​​​​

– The illusion is taxing to the mind. Take a mental or emotional debility.​​​​​​​

– The illusion can only produce either image or sound, but not both.​​​​​​