Station security is pounding at the door!

Station security is pounding at the door!

Station security is pounding at the door! Omega has gotten the crew in trouble! A dressing down by the Station Master! What more could happen!

Download link:

Hot news from the crew of the John Henry.

Hot news from the crew of the John Henry.

Hot news from the crew of the John Henry. So, yeah. Two of the characters had sex. In zero-G. With machine parts and bits of torn schematics floating around. You’re gonna love it.

I know UW doesn’t have sex moves, but Todd Zircher did something cool that I’d like to point out. He asked us, as we faded to black, to describe the sex with a single word, which, without being gratuitous, put some character into the action. It went a little something like:

Me: Uh…vigorous. Yeah, vigorous.

Todd: Sounds a little like ‘desperate’, don’t you think?

Me: (pause) Yeah. Almost. Not quite, but almost.

Anyway, it said a lot without saying too much.

Do I miss sex moves? Maybe. Do I think UW needs them to really sing? Not really. The scene wasn’t about gaining leverage or numerical bonuses. It was about creating a moment where the characters could talk freely, without tension. Worked wonderfully.

The game’s still rockin’ (no pun intended) at Session 8 (or was that 9?).

For the inevitable uncut version (it’s on the Blu-ray):

Seeking players for Uncharted Worlds play-by-post using Tavern Keeper.

Seeking players for Uncharted Worlds play-by-post using Tavern Keeper.

Seeking players for Uncharted Worlds play-by-post using Tavern Keeper. You need to be able to post 3 times a week for 12 weeks. We’ll pause at the two week mark to adjust if that proves to be too much.

If interested, email me at

Just finished the session and apparently I did quite well.

Just finished the session and apparently I did quite well.

Just finished the session and apparently I did quite well. So much so that there’s interest in playing again and with my GM’ing again. I’ll take that as a win 🙂

There were some takeaways:

1) I bigfoot’ed it a couple of times, but primarily toward the end. I had an idea of where I wanted to end the game (it was a one-shot) and pushed it in that direction. Mental note to avoid, as it runs contrary to the spirit of UW.

2) The players loved the system, the nature of the setting, plot, rules, etc. It was the first time any of them had played any system that uses collaborative gameplay.

3) In the words of one of the players, what they liked best is that, “The rules don’t get in the way of the game.”

4) They could tell when I would direct a “setting question” to one of the players because I wasn’t sure what should happen and they really loved that it meant they could take a proactive role in figuring it out. I made a point of if I wasn’t sure how to respond to a player’s action I would ask a different player what they thought the result should be.

5) The fact that you’re more likely than not to have some sort of success meant they felt that they were willing to go out on a limb.

6) They dug the character-creation process. They said designing the characters were fun.

7) I said one of the best parts of UW is that it’s a fantastic hack of the PbtA system. The other versions are definitely good, but just not as smooth.

Serious props to Sean Gomes for a truly great game!

So, do you guys tend to have the characters introduce themselves to each other before the first session or do it…

So, do you guys tend to have the characters introduce themselves to each other before the first session or do it…

So, do you guys tend to have the characters introduce themselves to each other before the first session or do it in-game? I’m trying to figure out if they should know each other before the jump point. Or should I ask them, “So, how do you know each other?”

Hey Sean Gomes was wondering if drivethru is correct, in that the book and pdf bundle is more than just the book?

Hey Sean Gomes was wondering if drivethru is correct, in that the book and pdf bundle is more than just the book?

Hey Sean Gomes was wondering if drivethru is correct, in that the book and pdf bundle is more than just the book? Typically from what I’ve seen it’s just the same price to get the book as well as the pdf not more to get both?

So I’m going with everyone’s recommendations and not giving the players the Jump Point ahead of time.

So I’m going with everyone’s recommendations and not giving the players the Jump Point ahead of time.

So I’m going with everyone’s recommendations and not giving the players the Jump Point ahead of time. But the one I want to use is longer (a few paragraphs longer) than the example in the book. I figure it’s my chance to set the initial stage and then really open i up to the players. I wanted to get folks thoughts on it:

Over the course of your travels you’ve seen what feels like countless dirtside receiving warehouses. Massive, impersonal buildings covered in drab, gray paint flaking from equally drab, gray durasteel, leaving Rorschach-like patterns on the walls.

Automated, autonomous hovering flatbeds shuttle trade good from across the galaxy, sliding silently over the ferroconcrete, moving along A.I.-generate paths toward their storage destinations. Giant multi-jointed metal arms reach down from their floating control units, lifting the massive crates and placing them in their pre-determined bays. All of the activity bathed in bright white light streaming from bulbs hanging hundreds of feet in the air.

Seen one, seen them all.

That said, there’s something different about this place. Something stands out, your brain informing you, “Hey, we haven’t been here before.”

Most likely, it’s the blaster bolts and bursts zipping over your heads, rebounding off walls, stripping away more layers of flaked paint. It’s like they say, there’s nothing quite as memorable as being on the receiving end of gunfire.

Where are you?

Who’s shooting at you?

Where and what are the exits?

What do you do?

Thoughts on sharing the Jump Point with the group ahead of time?

Thoughts on sharing the Jump Point with the group ahead of time?

Thoughts on sharing the Jump Point with the group ahead of time? None of the players have played before and lik I said this is my first time GM’ing anything in 20 years. I have one written, it’s a little longer than the sample in the book. I want to send it ahead of time and ask each of the players a scene-setting question, having them answer sequentially so we all get an idea of where to start the session.

Interest post – Lost Memories

Interest post – Lost Memories

Interest post – Lost Memories

A Mashup of Dark Matter and The Expanse. You wake up aboard a space ship with no memories. You awaken because you have come out of hyperspace and are orbiting a moon of Jupiter. Your ship’s life support is failing and you have no memories of who you are or what your doing here. But you need to do something or your quickly going to run out of air. What do you do?

I want to test out Uncharted Worlds with this premise and I want a few folks to help me play to find out what happens. If the idea interests you and you might want to play please let me know (date and time considering).

Note: this would be played on Google hangouts and recorded on my YouTube channel.

When: Late August date and time to be determined.

Jump networks and the actual position of their destinations.

Jump networks and the actual position of their destinations.

Jump networks and the actual position of their destinations. How do you concieve of them in your game. Does each jumppoint lead to a star that is physically nearby (case 1), or can a single jump take you two light years or a thousand (case 2)? The latter means that a bunch of worlds might be close to each other be jump travel but scattered all over the galaxy. I’ve seen at least one map on this forum that assumes Case 1. Has anyone used Case 2? What was your experience of how it contributed to play?