Just finished the session and apparently I did quite well.
Just finished the session and apparently I did quite well. So much so that there’s interest in playing again and with my GM’ing again. I’ll take that as a win 🙂
There were some takeaways:
1) I bigfoot’ed it a couple of times, but primarily toward the end. I had an idea of where I wanted to end the game (it was a one-shot) and pushed it in that direction. Mental note to avoid, as it runs contrary to the spirit of UW.
2) The players loved the system, the nature of the setting, plot, rules, etc. It was the first time any of them had played any system that uses collaborative gameplay.
3) In the words of one of the players, what they liked best is that, “The rules don’t get in the way of the game.”
4) They could tell when I would direct a “setting question” to one of the players because I wasn’t sure what should happen and they really loved that it meant they could take a proactive role in figuring it out. I made a point of if I wasn’t sure how to respond to a player’s action I would ask a different player what they thought the result should be.
5) The fact that you’re more likely than not to have some sort of success meant they felt that they were willing to go out on a limb.
6) They dug the character-creation process. They said designing the characters were fun.
7) I said one of the best parts of UW is that it’s a fantastic hack of the PbtA system. The other versions are definitely good, but just not as smooth.
Serious props to Sean Gomes for a truly great game!