So, writing up the Technology chapter and I’m kinda stumbling on the whole NeuroNet/Matrix/Cyberspace implementation.
So, writing up the Technology chapter and I’m kinda stumbling on the whole NeuroNet/Matrix/Cyberspace implementation. I find myself staring at a blank page and going “there is a full game system in just this little section”.
So I’m wracking my brain as to how to approach this. I want something elegant, that simulates the feeling of cyberspace. I want it to be robust enough that it can stand in for a number of different visions of cyberspaces. And I want it to be a component of the game, rather than the whole game (because holy crap this could easily be a whole new ruleset)
My current plan is to create an alternate Access Move (still using Interface), something approaching the back-and-forth multi-action implementation of Launch Assault or Face Adversity. It would only trigger when you try to Access through the cyberspace (which means you don’t have to physically be there, and can hopscotch from system to system).
Like: You enter cyberspace with a specific goal and tools, the GM describes the digital landscape/protections, then you Roll. The “Run” happens in a rapidfire back-and-forth of VR-spaces, shattered ICE, neural boobytraps, and shifting gridscapes.
The upside of this is that it adds a lot of VR action without adding more rolls. It only “exists” if the table has chosen to include cyberspaces in the game. And it plays well with the Technocrat (who gets a serious boost in cyberspace-active campaigns).
Sorry if that got rambly, it was useful to just write out my problem. That said, what do you guys think? Any issues or suggestions? I’d totally take links to specific, well-made cyberscapes as inspiration.
Also, is NeuroNet cool, name-wise? Or should I remain generic with “cyberspace”.