Hot news from the crew of the John Henry.
Hot news from the crew of the John Henry. So, yeah. Two of the characters had sex. In zero-G. With machine parts and bits of torn schematics floating around. You’re gonna love it.
I know UW doesn’t have sex moves, but Todd Zircher did something cool that I’d like to point out. He asked us, as we faded to black, to describe the sex with a single word, which, without being gratuitous, put some character into the action. It went a little something like:
Me: Uh…vigorous. Yeah, vigorous.
Todd: Sounds a little like ‘desperate’, don’t you think?
Me: (pause) Yeah. Almost. Not quite, but almost.
Anyway, it said a lot without saying too much.
Do I miss sex moves? Maybe. Do I think UW needs them to really sing? Not really. The scene wasn’t about gaining leverage or numerical bonuses. It was about creating a moment where the characters could talk freely, without tension. Worked wonderfully.
The game’s still rockin’ (no pun intended) at Session 8 (or was that 9?).
For the inevitable uncut version (it’s on the Blu-ray):