Looking for one or two more players for my Dark Matter/The Expanse Mashup game titled Lost Memories.

Looking for one or two more players for my Dark Matter/The Expanse Mashup game titled Lost Memories.

Looking for one or two more players for my Dark Matter/The Expanse Mashup game titled Lost Memories. Sean Gomes​ and Aaron Griffin​ are playing and we need a couple more. Let me know if your interested. 9pm Eastern this Friday

Preparing character sheets for a new playtest I’ve got scheduled a week from now.

Preparing character sheets for a new playtest I’ve got scheduled a week from now.

Preparing character sheets for a new playtest I’ve got scheduled a week from now. The main goal of this test is to try out some of the new Species rules (which I’ll be posting soon).

The Weekday Apocalypse Presents: Uncharted Worlds episode 2, tonight at 9 pm EST.

The Weekday Apocalypse Presents: Uncharted Worlds episode 2, tonight at 9 pm EST.

The Weekday Apocalypse Presents: Uncharted Worlds episode 2, tonight at 9 pm EST.

The crew of the Bluetooth has escaped from the planet Afta but at what cost? We’ll play to find out as we move undoubtedly move towards another intergalactic incident. Come check us out if you’re so inclined.

This time, we’ll aim to stream with sound for the entire two hours! Big aspirations.


Join us tonight at 9pm EST for The Weekday Apocalypse Presents: Uncharted Worlds episode 1!

Join us tonight at 9pm EST for The Weekday Apocalypse Presents: Uncharted Worlds episode 1!

Join us tonight at 9pm EST for The Weekday Apocalypse Presents: Uncharted Worlds episode 1!


So I finally started moving towards more improvising and conversational GM:in style, and right away found myself in…

So I finally started moving towards more improvising and conversational GM:in style, and right away found myself in…

So I finally started moving towards more improvising and conversational GM:in style, and right away found myself in a situation I’m not really sure where to go. As I and players both are not used in playing like this and I really wouldn’t like to leave everything at my players, I’d like to ask for some advice. I also realized that I’ve never really watched/read Star Trek or other space exploration stuff, which could have helped in improvising situations we’re in currently.

And my Uncharted Worlds players at Tampere, please stop reading now! >:)

Last session, the group found a wreck of a glowing semi-transparent ship of butterfly -resembling shape, among thousands of other wrecks floating around. They managed to salvage a glowing small pyramid -shaped from it before they attracted some very unwanted attention from a nearby planet… Story for another day! Anyway, they managed to make a wild jump, resulting in finding an ocean planet, and landed on a ~300ft diameter floating white glowing platform, resembling a pyramid’s base (there were numerous such floating around).

Now, I’m a bit lost what to do. I figure the planet belonging to a perished civilisation with very alien tech. The small pyramid -artifact is obviously connected to this place, I think it could give some insight to the civilisation (and who knows what else players invent with it), but I have no idea what alien things the heroes could confront, what kind of hooks/hints I should give them, what kind of artifacts the heroes could bring to the next starport, and how the heck could the group fix their ship that barely made it to the surface in once piece! Please give me some ideas 😀

Station security is pounding at the door!

Station security is pounding at the door!

Station security is pounding at the door! Omega has gotten the crew in trouble! A dressing down by the Station Master! What more could happen!

Download link: http://sunday-skypers.podbean.com/e/uncharted-worlds-part-3/


Hot news from the crew of the John Henry.

Hot news from the crew of the John Henry.

Hot news from the crew of the John Henry. So, yeah. Two of the characters had sex. In zero-G. With machine parts and bits of torn schematics floating around. You’re gonna love it.

I know UW doesn’t have sex moves, but Todd Zircher did something cool that I’d like to point out. He asked us, as we faded to black, to describe the sex with a single word, which, without being gratuitous, put some character into the action. It went a little something like:

Me: Uh…vigorous. Yeah, vigorous.

Todd: Sounds a little like ‘desperate’, don’t you think?

Me: (pause) Yeah. Almost. Not quite, but almost.

Anyway, it said a lot without saying too much.

Do I miss sex moves? Maybe. Do I think UW needs them to really sing? Not really. The scene wasn’t about gaining leverage or numerical bonuses. It was about creating a moment where the characters could talk freely, without tension. Worked wonderfully.

The game’s still rockin’ (no pun intended) at Session 8 (or was that 9?).

For the inevitable uncut version (it’s on the Blu-ray): https://youtu.be/WhF6dpY5E3A

Interest post – Lost Memories

Interest post – Lost Memories

Interest post – Lost Memories

A Mashup of Dark Matter and The Expanse. You wake up aboard a space ship with no memories. You awaken because you have come out of hyperspace and are orbiting a moon of Jupiter. Your ship’s life support is failing and you have no memories of who you are or what your doing here. But you need to do something or your quickly going to run out of air. What do you do?

I want to test out Uncharted Worlds with this premise and I want a few folks to help me play to find out what happens. If the idea interests you and you might want to play please let me know (date and time considering).

Note: this would be played on Google hangouts and recorded on my YouTube channel.

When: Late August date and time to be determined.

Ran UW with my experimental group yesterday–used the pregens from the website and the Jump Point from the main book…

Ran UW with my experimental group yesterday–used the pregens from the website and the Jump Point from the main book…

Ran UW with my experimental group yesterday–used the pregens from the website and the Jump Point from the main book so as to get play moving quickly. Worked like a charm. Everyone was new to this system, but the players had a great time and embraced the game. We’re going to run a mini-campaign with everyone crafting new characters and factions from scratch.

After playing Apocalypse World, FATE, and several mini-games like Sorcerers & Sellswords, they picked this one for our first extended run. Kudos!

My observations as GM: much easier to dig into quickly than other PbtA games I’ve run. The special abilities offer the right mix of fun and allow for players to set up their own niches easily. The default Firefly setting makes for easy entry, and the players frequently referenced TV tropes when describing actions. The moves were intuitive and felt genre-appropriate. Bracing for Impact and the injury rules are potentially pretty brutal, so I’ll use more Face Adversity rolls before I move to damage. Everybody got a chance to shine, and by the end of the game, there were definite high-fives all around.

The Jump Point’s questions and set up really drove play, and offer a textbook example of how to construct interesting scenarios that are fleshed out on the fly.

So yeah, this was a great debut, and I look forward to an extended run using this.

The Crew of the John Henry dig a deeper pit for themselves!

The Crew of the John Henry dig a deeper pit for themselves!

The Crew of the John Henry dig a deeper pit for themselves!

Download link: http://sunday-skypers.podbean.com/e/uncharted-worlds-part-2/
