A while back, I asked some folks about Assets and talked about a cheat sheet I was creating.

A while back, I asked some folks about Assets and talked about a cheat sheet I was creating.

A while back, I asked some folks about Assets and talked about a cheat sheet I was creating. I finished the cheat sheet, but then forgot to share it. D’oh!

This only covers Armor, Firearms, Heavy Weapons, Melee Weapons and Explosives. I found those were the most common assets and the rest all come in more sporadically.

Anyway, use if if you like. Give feedback if you like. 🙂 I know it’s helped my game out to have a few of these on the table.


So, in another thread Sean mentioned (with appropriate disclaimers) that the next book might be expanded combat…

So, in another thread Sean mentioned (with appropriate disclaimers) that the next book might be expanded combat…

So, in another thread Sean mentioned (with appropriate disclaimers) that the next book might be expanded combat systems and campaigns. Perchance were you pondering something like a Mercenaries book? Or were you thinking about an even bigger picture of militaristic campaigns like Babylon 5, Starship Troopers, Space Above and Beyond, Stargate, BattleTech, and the like just as the tip of the iceberg?

Wrote a review of Uncharted Worlds here:…

Wrote a review of Uncharted Worlds here:…

Wrote a review of Uncharted Worlds here: https://talesoftheone-eyedcat.blogspot.com/2017/08/uncharted-worlds-review.html

I haven’t played the game yet, but I love just about everything about it. Please feel free to subscribe to my blog, too. Can’t wait to play UW at some point.


this makes so much sense….

this makes so much sense….

this makes so much sense….

Originally shared by Rob Donoghue

So, I need to research this some more, but I just read a FASCINATING thing about conversational backchannels.

(Backchannels are the acknowledgements we give when someone else is talking to indicate acknowledgement and engagement. Things like “yeah” and “uh huh” and so on. These are a whole thing in their own right, and it’s something you can get better at if you want to.)

So here’s the thing: someone did a study of the impact of backchannels on STORIES. That is, they had people tell stories to varying levels of backchannel quality and level, and they discovered that it had a direct and palpable impact on the QUALITY of the story. Without good backchannel, endings were delivered poorly, over explained, and lots of other stuff went off the rails. The bottom line is that the speaker is not the only one on the hook for things going to pot when everyone is looking at their phone.

This intrigued me. Obviously it’s related to being a good listener, but “giving good backchannel” offers a space for active improvement without going all the way into active listening. That’s valuable because there are lots of situations (anything one-to-many) where active listening is the wrong tool, but we still would like improvement.

Which in turn leads to RPGs. We spend a decent amount of effort telling GMs to give engaging descriptions and keep player attention, but if the listener is also responsible for the quality of the outcome, maybe we also should consider some player guidance as well.

Which leads to the question of what good backchannel looks and sounds like at the gaming table. It’s probably a little specialized, but the bad backchannel (phones, side conversations, wandering eyes) remains pretty recognizable.

This prospect excites me because it offers a practical route to better games (because it is easier to fix specific things like bad backchannel with action than broader things like bad listening) but it also offers a very concrete manifestation of the philosophical idea that it’s everyone’s table and we’re all responsible for the fun.

(Apologies for typos. I was so excited by this prospect that I wrote this out on my phone. Will review when I get to a real screen.)


Question about the “Relic”.

Question about the “Relic”.

Question about the “Relic”.

So it’s a melee weapon, if you give it the “thrown” upgrade, it covers a number of small, thrown weapons. Eg. Throwing knives or something.

If you are making it a single weapon, could that weapon still be thrown? Say a hammer or something? So you could use it as a melee weapon or a thrown weapon?

Also, if it was to be used both ways, could you then give it the ricochet upgrade for getting it to return to you?

(I may have been watching Thor last night…)

Cheers everyone.

” “Vessel” is the catch-all term for large, powerful vehicles: colossal mechs, heavy tanks bristling with guns,…

” “Vessel” is the catch-all term for large, powerful vehicles: colossal mechs, heavy tanks bristling with guns,…

” “Vessel” is the catch-all term for large, powerful vehicles: colossal mechs, heavy tanks bristling with guns, sleek grav-platforms, titanic crawlers, and so forth. Most notably, starships are also Vessels.”

Does this mean ALL star-ships are vessels? So all rules that apply to vessels apply to star ships? How does that affect star ship creation? Have I misunderstood something?

Hello all!

Hello all!

Hello all!

In one week my gaming group and I will start recording our uncharted worlds podcast. We plan on running it round Robin style with a different GM every few episodes and heavy on the improv. If you are interested in following is and getting updates on our releases, follow us on Twitter @chaotic_podcast and the chaotic goodness podcast on Facebook.

I’m so very excited and more than a little nervous. Not only because my turn at GM is first, but also because I’m the sound editor.

Hey everyone.

Hey everyone.

Hey everyone.

Big UW fan, have managed to run two sessions so far of a game after about a year of trying to work around various D&D games to get my friends to play.

(If you’re interested in that game it’s all here: https://unchartedworlds-1.obsidianportal.com/wikis/main-page)

What I really love about UW though, is that you can really do anything with it.


So just for fun, I made an Auror.

Now, however hard it was to get people to play a scifi game, there’s no hope of a Harry Potter SciFi game, but one of the lads said he’d like to do a Spelljammer type game at some stage. If he does, I think I have my character ready.

Have a look and let me know what you think.
