So I’m going with everyone’s recommendations and not giving the players the Jump Point ahead of time.
So I’m going with everyone’s recommendations and not giving the players the Jump Point ahead of time. But the one I want to use is longer (a few paragraphs longer) than the example in the book. I figure it’s my chance to set the initial stage and then really open i up to the players. I wanted to get folks thoughts on it:
Over the course of your travels you’ve seen what feels like countless dirtside receiving warehouses. Massive, impersonal buildings covered in drab, gray paint flaking from equally drab, gray durasteel, leaving Rorschach-like patterns on the walls.
Automated, autonomous hovering flatbeds shuttle trade good from across the galaxy, sliding silently over the ferroconcrete, moving along A.I.-generate paths toward their storage destinations. Giant multi-jointed metal arms reach down from their floating control units, lifting the massive crates and placing them in their pre-determined bays. All of the activity bathed in bright white light streaming from bulbs hanging hundreds of feet in the air.
Seen one, seen them all.
That said, there’s something different about this place. Something stands out, your brain informing you, “Hey, we haven’t been here before.”
Most likely, it’s the blaster bolts and bursts zipping over your heads, rebounding off walls, stripping away more layers of flaked paint. It’s like they say, there’s nothing quite as memorable as being on the receiving end of gunfire.
Where are you?
Who’s shooting at you?
Where and what are the exits?
What do you do?