Time for a little sneak peek at the upcoming update!

Time for a little sneak peek at the upcoming update!

Time for a little sneak peek at the upcoming update!

Ministerial Injunction – Mindless Threat

The Ministry can lay an injunction on any perceived threat to social order while they observe, research, and assess. Targets caught under a Ministry edict find themselves locked out of travel, commerce, information services and entertainment. Unless overcome, Injunctions can last years, possibly decades.

Agenda: Prevent acquisitions, restrict information, deny travel clearance.

“What do you do?”

Does anyone know of a good resource similar to Dungeon World’s Instincts, Knacks, and Quirks for NPC generation?

Does anyone know of a good resource similar to Dungeon World’s Instincts, Knacks, and Quirks for NPC generation?

Does anyone know of a good resource similar to Dungeon World’s Instincts, Knacks, and Quirks for NPC generation?  Most of those should work for UW but I’m wondering if there’s something that has more of a space opera flavor.




I spent today throwing together a “pull list” of names for my IRL campaign of Uncharted Worlds that starts this Friday. I know how hard it can be to put on the spot and name things — especially locations — especially in settings that can be so removed from any context the players are familiar with. So, I spent today with some random planet generators, did some trimming, did some tweaking, did some inventing, and I share the results with you.

172 Planets, split into two lists of 86.

The first 86 are intended to be “far-flung” alien worlds, for campaigns where your space opera has no ties to Earth, Earthlings, Earth history, or the like. I’ve done my best to scour this list and remove or modify foreign language words that the generators decided sounded “weird enough” to be alien. I’m sure I haven’t gotten all of them.

The second 86 are various words, primarily but not entirely in English, that I could imagine getting bolted on far-flung space opera worlds as names. Some of them are folk lore or historical, some are simply colors, others suggest a planet’s features are responsible for the name, and others are just fun nouns and adjectives that sound great if you say them in a Darth Vader or Han Solo voice.

There’s no details to go with any of these names: they’re arranged randomly so that I or any of my players can just choose one and make up the rest as we go along. The second list is the more evocative of the two, and should definitely paint an image in the players’ minds about what the world is like, so you can mine their thoughts for details. The first list, though, GM’s will have to make use of some canny follow-up questions to figure out what the planet or system is like.

Please enjoy! If you like some of these, feel free to say so in the comments — maybe even share what kind of ideas are inspired by one of these!

I’m trying to wrap my head around the wealth system.

I’m trying to wrap my head around the wealth system.

I’m trying to wrap my head around the wealth system.  I get that UW by default abstracts wealth to ‘lifestyle’, but is the intent that anytime a PC acquires something of significant value (ship, weapon, vehicle, etc) that you either use cargo as a boost in an Acquisition or you call in a favor/take on debt in order to acquire it?  I think one of my issues here is that we have 6 players in our game; trying to give each person a share of the wealth from a job means I either need to have 6 assets awarded, figure out a way to break down rewards into chunks or have those awards go back to the PCs faction/team/corp and then dole out stuff to them from said faction/team/corp.

I can foresee my players wanting to become personally wealthy…how would this system handle that?  Multiple favors being owed them by factions perhaps would be an indicator of wealth.  A favor that explicitly says “Pick out any Class 3 ship and it’s yours!” maybe?  

What if they’re just interested in stockpiling credits?  I had considered putting a base price on each class of asset (e.g. Class 0/1/2 weapons are 10/100/1000 credits, Class 0/1/2 vehicles are 1000/10000/100000 credits, etc) as an exchange rate…berfore I even suggest it, does that break this system in some way I’m not seeing?

As I start to read through the rules and wrap my head around some of the game’s concepts, I thought it would be…

As I start to read through the rules and wrap my head around some of the game’s concepts, I thought it would be…

As I start to read through the rules and wrap my head around some of the game’s concepts, I thought it would be useful to brainstorm some basic threats. This has helped me think through how threats would act and respond (if intelligent) in different situations.

This also is the beginning of a grab bag of threats I can draw upon for reference during play.

I figured I would share the few I have created so far. Hopefully this will spark some interest in others doing the same.

Feel free to leave feedback about content or formatting. 



  – X >> Y: Order of agendas. This is the order of behavior that the threat will typically follow depending on the narrative. Failing to deal with the current agenda of a threat could result in it escalating based on the next behavior.

  – Intelligent threat states: These are used as guidelines for ways to modify an intelligent threat’s agendas based on its current behavioral state.

    – Default: Default behavior of the threat when they are not being attacked, suspicious, or on alert.

    – Alert: Behavior of threat when they are suspicious or on alert.

    – Threatened: Behavior of a threat when are threatened. Typically reserved for combat.

[Security System]

  – Agenda: Track and expose target

[Shock Troop]

  – Agenda:

    – Default: Follow orders >> Complete mission objective

    – Alert: Investigate >> Raise the alarm!

    – Threatened: Surpress and flank enemy >> Incapacitate enemy

  – Gear

    – Assault Carbine (class 2 +rifle +2-handed +close/far +rapid fire +stabilized)

    – Combat blade (class 0 +melee +severing)

    – Ceramaplate armor (class 2 uniform +2-armor[armored] +comms)


[Detention Center Guard]

  – Agenda:

    – Default: Detain prisoners, Follow routine

    – Alert: Call for backup-up >> Investigate >> Raise the alarm!

    – Threatened: Fallback to defensive positions >> Wait for reinforcements or opportunity >> Incapacitate enemy

  – Gear

    – Shock baton (class 1 +melee +shock +stun)

    – Shock Pistol (class 2 +pistol +1-handed +adjacent/close +stun +shock)

    – Body armor(class 1 uniform +1-armor[meshweave])


  – Agenda:

    – Default: Access system undetected >> complete objective (retreive data, falsify data, corrupt data, hide data, inject virus, inject spyware)

    – Alert: Prevent trace (obfuscate: falsify data/misdirect) >> complete objective

    – Threatened: Prevent trace (brute force: crash system)

[Undercover Agent (Disruptor/Agitator)]

  – Agenda:

    – Default: Gain trust >> Sow discord

    – Alert: Misdirect attention

    – Threatened: Escape

[Bounty Hunter]

  – Agenda:

    – Default: Track target >> Incapacitate target >> Return target to client

    – Alert: 

    – Threatened:

Starting a game of UW next week.

Starting a game of UW next week.

Starting a game of UW next week. We’ve played some DW, a lot of Pathfinder, 5e, etc. It’s going to be a Star Wars themed universe, but one of our players wants to play a cleric/mystic type; think the Shepherd from Firefly. I started putting together a career path for it, but was wondering if someone else had something simliar, better or playtested? Not sure if I’m just missing potential options that already exist in game or good 3rd party resources. I’m open to any options anyone has, I’ll throw them all in front of the player and let him decide.

Here’s what I had started putting together. If it sounds a lot like a Jedi, I was trying to merge Jedi/Mystic/Cleric into one career.
