From my file of “random stuff to write about in Carta Galaxia”: Popular galactic music styles.

From my file of “random stuff to write about in Carta Galaxia”: Popular galactic music styles.

From my file of “random stuff to write about in Carta Galaxia”: Popular galactic music styles. It’ll just be a short mention, because I’m not too savvy as far as music goes. But I’m thinking something along the lines of “Galactic News Inserts”, like a news ticker. “Anthrovox music made a big comeback in popularity across the Marchessa cluster and the stations of the Cascade thanks the the combination beat-boxing/throat-singing of the Cascade’s own Ultine Kova. While most people find the un-electronic “natural” human voices of anthrovox to be quaint or strange, Ultine’s new single proved catchy enough to make consumers take a second look.”

Wish I knew more about music-theory, though. Feels like I’m going to make a bunch of silly mistakes or just miss an obvious extrapolation.

So that’s a first.

So that’s a first.

So that’s a first. My provincial ISBN was vacc’d by the dirts at the bureau for being repeatedly and un-repentantly anglophone. That’s… not good. I’ll have to go up a step to the Federal level, which utterly and completely blades my plans to publish in the next few days, missing the skinning “deadline” of “end of Sept”.


On the other hand, the Galactic Cant I’ve been working on is coming along nicely.

Dirt: Planet-bound nobody, annoyance, thing that makes you choke.

Blade: Backstab, undermined, prevented, stopped.

Skin, skinning: Vulnerable, weak, unprotected.

Also, uh, pdf coming very very soon!

I’ve been tucking away fun, setting-specific things for Carta Galaxia, to keep the core game as setting neutral as…

I’ve been tucking away fun, setting-specific things for Carta Galaxia, to keep the core game as setting neutral as…

I’ve been tucking away fun, setting-specific things for Carta Galaxia, to keep the core game as setting neutral as possible. One of them is insults/swearing. Those who know me know that traditional swearing doesn’t come easy to me. And while I’m sure that the future will still have its “shits” and whatnots, I wanted something a little more unique to the setting. Not “alien”, nonsensical words like mivvons and frak and frell, but oaths who’s etymology you can track. I was a big fan of the Sigil cant/slang from Planescape, where you could see where the root idea came from (Rattle your Bonebox = run your mouth, talk too much)

The four I have so far are Jacksocket (“asshole” with vaguely penetrative cyber-sexual connotations), Vacc (because you never want to be exposed to vacuum, plus it has a nice short four-letter-word exclamation), Vacc Sucker (again, soooorta sexual (?) but used as a “really stupid person” insult) and Plasma Gargler.

You know how there are always those niggling little details you miss?

You know how there are always those niggling little details you miss?

You know how there are always those niggling little details you miss? The questions you forget to ask yourself until it may be too late?

“How am I going to distribute the PDF to the backers?”

Yeaaaah. Specifically, how am I going to distribute the PDFs only to the backers, and not the general public (’cause I’d like to be able to sell my work on DTRPG afterwards :P). Surely an email service would block me from BCCing 400+ people with a zip file. Even if they didn’t immediately block it for looking like a mass virus attack, it would likely end up in everyone’s Junk Mail.

Having it available for download somewhere is possible, but then all it takes is one backer to share the link and suddenly everyone is getting the final PDF, whether they paid or not.

Uhhhhh. Crap. Does it show that this is my first Kickstarter? Hahah.

Any advice suggestions?

So I’ve been designing some stuff for an open table dungeon world  campaign I’ve been thinking about for a while,…

So I’ve been designing some stuff for an open table dungeon world  campaign I’ve been thinking about for a while,…

So I’ve been designing some stuff for an open table dungeon world  campaign I’ve been thinking about for a while, and I just realized uncharted worlds has an amazingly easy set up for that. 

Instead of having one fantasy location where everything is set around, the location is either the ship (star trek style), a huge battle cruiser (star wars style) or a colony or spaceport somewhere. Characters can be introduced and benched with ease, and each adventure can be another encounter with a craft or a world. 

Has anyone thought about hex-crawl style systems like west marches (or dungeon world perilous wilds) for space exploration and uncharted worlds as well? 

Hey, gang.

Hey, gang.

Hey, gang. Threw together a minimal fillable character sheet based on a preview I found somewhere or other. It’ll probably see some alteration when the final product drops, but maybe it’d be handy if you’ve got gamers who like having their tech on hand?

I’m going to start a game of Uncharted Worlds tomorrow, and in doing my prep for it I noticed a reference to blank…

I’m going to start a game of Uncharted Worlds tomorrow, and in doing my prep for it I noticed a reference to blank…

I’m going to start a game of Uncharted Worlds tomorrow, and in doing my prep for it I noticed a reference to blank ‘galaxy sheets’ in the previews – is there a preview of those to go along with the character sheets?

I may be leaving this a little late to ask for on the day before my game, of course… but I thought I’d ask!

Listening to Civilization: Beyond Earth soundtrack while doing layout.

Listening to Civilization: Beyond Earth soundtrack while doing layout.

Listening to Civilization: Beyond Earth soundtrack while doing layout. Beautiful, very fitting with the themes of sci fi and discovery. I’d love to use it as background music in an actual UW session at some point. But makes me sad, because the game itself wasn’t all that great.

Of course, my mind being what it is, I start thinking about what I would have done differently with the IP, if I had the chance. And I have to keep shunting my brain back on track. >_<

I just came across this game and have been going through the the kickstarter and the Google+ group to get more…

I just came across this game and have been going through the the kickstarter and the Google+ group to get more…

I just came across this game and have been going through the the kickstarter and the Google+ group to get more information. I wanted to ask two things.

Firstly – how much of setting is built into the rulebook? Is there a way to play this as a hard sci fi for one campaign (no ftl, limited to our solar system?) and then subsequently ratchet it up to gonzo levels for a different campaign? 

Secondly, and I do apologize as I’m sure you hear this all the time – is there a tentative release date? End of this year or early 2016?