


Had a quick question regarding the Dragon move Fire Born:

Fire Born: When you let it out, add the following option to the list:

» Ignore all environmental harm (fi re, electricity, etc.), mundane or

magical, for the scene. Mortals who witness your resistance construct

mundane explanations to account for your abilities.

So the question is, are there three sepearate types of damage that you ignore here (environmental damage, mundane damage and magical damage) or is there just one type of damage that you ignore (environmental damage, created by mundane or magical means)?

I’m running an Urban Shadows game and I have a Revenant PC.

I’m running an Urban Shadows game and I have a Revenant PC.

I’m running an Urban Shadows game and I have a Revenant PC. The Revenant has the ability to instantly kill any NPC. While I’m okay with this most of the time, there are times when it severely undercuts the feel of some of the more powerful NPCs in their city. What are some ways to give those NPCs protection that don’t feel like I’m just turning off a PCs powers?

Ever since I moved to Richmond, VA, I’ve really missed the friends I used to roleplay with.

Ever since I moved to Richmond, VA, I’ve really missed the friends I used to roleplay with.

Ever since I moved to Richmond, VA, I’ve really missed the friends I used to roleplay with. I’d love to join a game for Urban Shadows or anything similar if anyone is looking for players. Online/offline is good for me, Wednesday evenings or weekends during the evening are best. I only got to play Urban Shadows for a few sessions before I left and I always wanted more experience with the game.

Alternatively, if anyone knows another good place to look for a game, I’d love to hear about it.

The Immortal Emerges!

The Immortal Emerges!

The Immortal Emerges!

There are some who have been cursed by gods or blessed by devils to walk this earth knowing neither disease nor age. They are immortals, fated to toy with the mortals whose lives remind them of their eternally delayed demise.

After a long wait, we’ve finished The Immortal playbook, complete with specific MC advice on how to handle The Immortal’s schemes. This digital only playbook is available right now through DTRPG:


Thanks again to all our Kickstarter backers and G+ community members for their support. It’s been wonderful to have such a great play community! Enjoy The Immortal!


Hi all

Hi all

Hi all,

I see some references in the rules to things that haven’t been explained. I’m guessing this is because readers are assumed to be familiar with these, but I’m wondering if Urban Shadows prefers one over another.

Things that I’m talking about here include:

– Fairy courts: what courts are there? What are their differences? Is there a universally-agreed point about each court?

– How is the wizard council structured? Do we have other councils?

– How can vampires turn other humans into vampires? Also, how can vampires be killed?

If you search about any of these on Google, different series have different ideas. I’m wondering if Urban Shadows prefers one over the other. For example, regarding killing vampires, I’ve noticed in the long game example that the vampire is killed with a gun shot, and because it’s to the neck and at intimate range, it’s assumed that the vampire can’t regenerate.

However, in some series, vampires re-animate after a while, and only garlic/holy symbols/wooden steaks/silver/fire (the weaknesses differ a lot) do the job.

I’m just thinking that if Urban Shadows picks one set of rules over another, I should get myself familiar with it because my players expect me to know those. If not, should I give people hints about what “I”, as the MC, think as “correct” in this game?

Thanks a lot!

Niche protection in Urban Shadows.

Niche protection in Urban Shadows.

Niche protection in Urban Shadows.

Following is my thought after many hours spent playing and MCing Urban Shadows.

I see that even if there is a niche protection regarding playbook selection, other than that nobody is really special and XP system further invites going to NPC Wizard rather than PC Wizard.

So let’s see an example. Players are a Wolf and a Wizard. A Wolf finds he has a problem than need Wizards knowledge.

If he goes to PC Wizard, PC Wizard might use his cool moves, chance are he will have to make investigation of his own and that can take 1-2-3 sessions (because some misses ware rolled and some other plots got in a way) to get back the answer and faction will probably not be marked, no xp will be gained.

If he goes to NPC Wizard not only he gets to mark faction, get xp, but also his problem might be solved far quicker.

Am I missing something, is my observation correct? Any way you see to make going into PCs better solution than hitting the streets with NPCs?

For example in Apocalypse Wold the niche protection is very strong. If we have a Chooper and a Savvyhead, for Chopper there is nobody else in a 100 miles who can fix his bike, Savvyhead is the only guy so he better keep a good standing with him.

Some Oracle questions for the weekend:

Some Oracle questions for the weekend:

Some Oracle questions for the weekend:

1. How to make an Oracle character relevant?

My other players seems to be politely ignoring and not really engaging Oracle. Why? Hard to say, we are learning how to properly implement Foretellings to be interesting and add to the story or maybe they are afraid they will have to owe Oracle.

So what can I do to make Oracle relevant, if talk to my players then tell them what?

“You have this amazing friend of yours who can see future and might tell you who will try to kill/trick/betray you tomorrow, why don’t you take advantage of that?”

2. How to make and play with and use Foretellings visions so that they add an interesting twist to the game?

So far we had two uses of Foretellings. In one Oracle has seen where a Revenant is about to kill a friendly NPC so that players could have went there and take action however Oracle herself had to go to another place to resolve another situation.

Second use was more complicated, as players have used debts and collected a whole Hallowed gang to go wage war on a demon, Oracle predicted that the demon will explode and kill everyone, she went there and tried to defuse a situation but other players ware already ready to wage war so in some regards such vision was counter productive because they’ve already used resources and made moves to set the stage for war.

3. Why does Oracle have to engage in intimacy move to be able to have a vision about NPC or PC that is not bad?

Both Foretellings and All Seeing visions are kind of on the spot and about bad stuff happening.

Hi fellow US’!

Hi fellow US’!

Hi fellow US’!

I just stumbles over a small passage on the Scholar Playbook from the Dark Streets supplemental, that bugged me a little.

The final Corruption Move states, that the Scholar can:

Retire your character. They may return as a Threat.

Who are they? I guess it’s the Network, but I’m not quite sure. Any ideas?