Hey everyone!

Hey everyone!

Hey everyone!

Things have been going pretty well with our group. We finally have a full team (Los Lobos) ready to go and our GM has put in work on our campaign (its now multi-arked and stuff. It seems super cool!) however. Schools been.. School. And with state testing on the rise. Shes been stressed. Us as the loyal players we are have our own plans to surprise her at the end of this week (When tests are over) with some stuff. Part of that is this… After asking (very discreetly) how she feels about needing NPC’s she said she honestly didnt have many plans for more minor NPCs. Major ones she had down,but could just make some on the spot. I said “well people could submit them” (Since her dream is to make an actual Play Podcast with the story shes telling).and she seemed very excited about that idea. ..

SO! This is where you lovely people come in…

Lets Populate Galestine City A little.

If you guys can make an NPC for her. That’d be. AWESOME!

We don’t need much. Honestly little more than a Name and some personality ideas.

Are they a ghost baker. AWESOME. Vampire attorney. Neat! Go to town! I would love to see what you guys can come up with!

So while you could do ANYTHING alittle background on Galestine is in order I think. The city is kinda based on New Mexico in many ways. As well as having a bad rep for crime, and just a city that is not as safe as it used to be. So make of that what you will.

Also! Me and the other PCs came up with afew sorta story hook things you COULD use for how your character fits in the world. Based on the city itself and the main PCs

The City:

– Do they run a business in Gale? How has the cities less than stellar reputation, crime rate and other things affect that?

– Do they have family here? Why do they stay in the city?

Aurelio Maldonado: (The Werewolf)

– Do you live in The Maldonado territory? Why?

– You met Aurelio once before when he was working a case with Nadia the hunter. How did you get along?

Maeve (the Fae)

– You are a member of the fey court Maeve stole a special item from and betrayed. How did her betrayal affect the court of the Night?

– You have made a deal with her before . What happened? Do you hold Ill will?

Gin Muko (The Tainted)

– You knew Gin before she… “changed”. (Gin was a college student who in a drunk driving incident was offered a second chance by her “patron”) Do you try and keep in contact?

– You saw a girl change into a demon before your very eyes. How did that affect you?

Nadia (The Hunter)

– You have hired Nadia for a case before. What was she hunting for you? Did she have a certain Werewolf Partner in crime with her?

– You heard rumors of a mortal out to hunt Demonic patrons. How does this affect you? Are you happy about less demons, or is that bad for business with you?

The Guild Of Good For Nothings (Our head NPCs and sorta “Home Base”)

– You have seen on TV a group from all over the faction spectrum trying to change Galestine. How do you feel about that?

– You are a student of Professor Kass Miller. He seems alright but then you saw he was leading this “social group” does that affect how you see him in class?

We are willing to answer any questions! And if you dont wanna or dont have the time we totally get it!

Thanks so much!


Some folks had expressed interest in seeing what I provided my players after I got it all written up.

Some folks had expressed interest in seeing what I provided my players after I got it all written up.

Some folks had expressed interest in seeing what I provided my players after I got it all written up. Here it is: http://secondcityshadows.obsidianportal.com/wikis/main-page

In addition, this is my threats writeup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UozmJShu_G0SJmbEL-7Fc8V58Zs2vgiR

Didn’t include anything explicitly in the threats concerning the gods of chicago yet. I’m pretty sure I don’t have enough threats yet (some, like the urbanophage, don’t adequately connect to all the PCs), but I’m hoping I can find ways to solve that in the second session tomorrow. Cheers!


Today I come to you with a MC and player conundrum.

Today I come to you with a MC and player conundrum.

Today I come to you with a MC and player conundrum.

Beware – it’s a long post with a twist.

Overall question is how to make PCs interact for a reason other than PCs are together because they are PCs?

I totally understand that PCs are together in Dungeon World because that’s the genre this game is about, a party of adventurers vs the threats of the dungeon and monsters.

In Urban Shadows there is this MC principle “Give everything a price, even friendship” plus US is also very political game with debts and factions etc. The genre the game is about (for my understanding) is politics and factions. I find it very super weird for a hunter, a wolf and a Fae to stick together just because they are PCs.

And I play with a group of individuals who think like me. We play together for some time, but we realized that sometimes there is a session where we don’t interact with another PC at all or very little like one short conversation and it started to bother us.

Each of us has his own political game, his own enemies and allies. Each one of us is (sometimes) playing his own campaign solo between him and MC.

When we do interact with one other it is short, usually debt exchange “I need you to do this for me” and then “I’ve done this for you, we are now square”.

Where have we gone wrong? Is it our PCs job to connect our political game or is it MCs duty to make our stuff connected?

Do we have wrong setup? should we discuss what is our political game about and have each player somehow attach himself to another player political game?

To give you some concrete examples.

My Vamp tries to play a local Hunters to assassinate Vamp clan leader so he can take his place.

A scholar is exchanging magical items left and right and tries to find a good husbands for his granddaughters.

A Veteran wants his revenge on Vamp clan leader as well, but so far he was working on stuff for Vamp or Scholar because we used debts we had on him.

Mostly the disconnect is between Vamp and Scholar – our political games don’t mix and interact in any way.

Conclusion and question:

Why should PCs be working together? Why are they working together in your games?

Is it because they want to get debts on another PC or is it because PC used debt on anther PC to get them involved?

Is it just PCs stick together because they are PCs?




We’re set to play a game of urban Shadows. Our MC is a first time MC. And I a, the only one who’s even played other tabletop games before, (Monster of the Week, D&D 5E). The rest of the party Is new, but they are really excited for it!

The city is made up but based on More of a New Mexico/Arizona feeling.

And the base story is a campaign for mayor where one of the main candidates is an oracle, and calls in the party because she’s seen her political assassination. That’s all the MC has told us plot wise. I’m playing a Wolf named Aurelio.(see art) We also have a hunter named Nadia, a Fey named Maeve And our last member hasn’t posted their character yet. We’re really excited, but If anyone has any advice let us know. Our MC really wants to do this right and I love my Hispanic wolf boy. XD

I’m preparing to run a game set in Chicago, and took a lot of inspiration out of the Dark Streets book.

I’m preparing to run a game set in Chicago, and took a lot of inspiration out of the Dark Streets book.

I’m preparing to run a game set in Chicago, and took a lot of inspiration out of the Dark Streets book. Of particular interest to me was the idea that Chicago’s iconic works of public art were gods, and that they could be interacted with. This stopped at the level of concept in the book, so I took a crack at fleshing this idea out, with the idea being that I can dole out access to these Gods as it is narratively interesting. It’s not my best writing, but it’s ok. Not at all sure how/if they will be useful, I tried to make them interesting above all else with the assumption they’d fall into place later. I welcome any thoughts, this was my first pass at making custom moves as well:

Chicago’s Gods

Summary: Most of Chicago’s iconic works represent the faces of the city’s gods, realistic beings each with their own worshipers to help bring about their will. Loyal worship is rewarded, and the gods trade favors like anyone else.


Fahim Ahmed – This drug-peddling Fae is said to deal in more than simple dope, for those that know the right questions to ask. Fahim is familiar enough with Chicago’s Gods, though he isn’t always on all of their good sides. In fact, Fahim often finds himself on the run from anyone who might wish to keep the city’s Gods secret. When all else fails and the desperate seek answers, Fahim can point them in the direction of whichever God can best help them… for a price, of course. Drive: Find a way to stay in this city/dimension.

Ceres – Chicago’s Goddess of trade and wealth, Ceres sits atop the Chicago Board of Trade Building. She has boosted many of Chicago’s wealthy elite to their positions in exchange for favors and debts that flooded her city with yet more wealth. She is represented by a nondescript man or woman in a pinstriped suit who will appear to anyone who drops something of substantial material value into a trash can on the trading room floor, the one with the mark of a scale carved into the side. Ceres wants business to always be booming in Chicago and may call in debts when she sees an opportunity to generate wealth.

Will of The Markets: When you leave something of substantial material value for Ceres on the trading room floor, roll with Wild. On a hit, she will make the markets obey a wish, the strength of the market shift being relative to the item offered. On a 10+, she allows the markets to move somewhat more strongly than your offering would normally allow. On a 7-9, you owe Ceres a debt. On a miss, Ceres’ avatar still takes your offering, but will only answer one brief question about the direction the markets are heading.

The Picasso Bull Woman – Columnist Mike Royko said of the bull woman at it’s unveiling “Its eyes are like the eyes of every slum owner who made a buck off the small and weak. And of every building inspector who took a wad from a slum owner to make it all possible…”. This is indeed what the bull woman demands of her worshippers. Represented by a seedy looking businessman in a crinkled suit to anyone who mistreats the downtrodden in her presence, the Bull Woman will call in her debts to keep the weak and unfortunate in their rightful place.

Keep Them In Their Place: When you mistreat the downtrodden in front of the Bull Woman, roll with Wild. On a hit, she’ll have a slimy but semi-powerful figure in the city carry out a minor favor of your choosing. On a 10+, pick 3. On a 7-9, pick 2.

• They carry out a medium favor instead

• The person(s) you mistreated and/or onlookers to your act won’t remember you

• You don’t owe the Bull Woman a debt

• You don’t have to mark corruption

On a miss, the downtrodden or nearby onlookers (citizens, police, etc) fight back against your behavior.

Sue the Tyrannosaur – The most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton ever found, Sue’s history is that of much of America: the subjugation of Native Americans. When the owner of the land Sue was founded on, a Sioux wizard, regained possession of the bones he channeled the power of his Native gods into them. Sue would serve as a conduit to spread his people’s desire for natural preservation from deep inside one of the world’s largest cities. Today, Sue sits in the Field Museum in Chicago. Those who present her with a gift of nature may be approached by the museum’s Sioux custodian, Lawrence Williams. Debts called in by Sue will always revolve around returning things to their natural order.

Mother Nature’s Roar: When you give a gift of nature to Sue, roll with Wild. On a hit, she’ll call upon a force of nature of your choosing to abide your wishes for a few hours. On a 10+, pick 2. On a 7-9, pick 1.

• The force abides your wishes for a day

• Lawrence is able to collect your gift before other museum staff take notice

• You don’t owe Sue a debt

On a miss, Sue may still grant your wish for a debt (or two), but someone notices your offering and informs someone powerful of your communion with Sue.

Eternal Silence – Statue of the Grim Reaper located in the Graceland Cemetery. It is said that gazing into its eyes will grant you a vision of your death. Bring the right offering, and you might even get a vision of someone else’s. He is represented by the elderly caretaker of the cemetery, the one who has always seemed to work there, who appears from behind the statue to anyone who offers a life in front of it. The Reaper occasionally calls upon those who owe it a favor to make sure its visions come to pass.

Vision of the Reaper: When you deliver a life to the Statue of Death, roll with Wild. On a hit, you are granted a vision of someone’s death, your choice whose. Take +1 ongoing towards attempts to make the vision come to pass. Additionally, on a 10+, pick 1. On a 7-9, both happen.

• You don’t owe the Reaper a debt

• You don’t have to mark corruption

On a miss, you suffer a violent and hazy vision of your own death and mark corruption. Take -1 ongoing in the next scene closely resembling your vision, and remember that visiting death itself is a risky endeavor.

I have a few more I’d like to do, might add them here later if I come up with something I like.

Hey there !

Hey there !

Hey there !

So after our current season of 1-on-1 Monsterhearts2 between my girlfriend and me concludes, it’s likely we’ll take a break from it and we’ll switch MC charges. I’d like to MC Urban Shadows (and just for kicks, have it take place in Portland, since our Monsterhearts setting is a fictional town near Portland). i had two questions.

1/ MH isn’t supposed to be playable with only one player and one MC, but we did it anyway and it’s working great, we didn’t even have to change anything in the rules (beyond a custom move to resist seduction when it comes from NPCs) : knowing this, would US be the same, do you think ?

2/ Among all the playbooks (both Core and Dark Streets), my girlfriend really really loved the Vessel. Of course, she chose the only one that breaks the mold of Corruption. Do you think it’s ok to play US for the first time like this, or will we miss a crucial part of the game by not experiencing Corruption ? (this really bothers me).

She doesn’t want to avoid Corruption, it’s just that as far as “monster types” are concerned, this golem/frankenstein creature archetype really excited her, rather than a more classic urban fantasy archetype.

I’m sad because one of the things I love in US is the fact that Corruption is so enticing; you can keep telling yourself that you just need this special power it gives and then you’ll be careful and never raise your score again.

Maybe it’s only me or the examples in the rule book are a bit off?Escape a situation and keep your cool are very…

Maybe it’s only me or the examples in the rule book are a bit off?Escape a situation and keep your cool are very…

Maybe it’s only me or the examples in the rule book are a bit off?Escape a situation and keep your cool are very close to be the same on some occasions.Some examples in the book are the same for both…