A question about Factions
A question about Factions
So, am I just missing something, or does your faction membership not really mean much to your character?
I know there’s the fiction to consider, and that’s great and important, but I’m looking at the faction rules and seeing the way that it gives all this mechanical weight to who belongs to what faction. It’s cool and elegant, the way it reminds you that nobody is really alone, everything’s deeply political, and you only really get anywhere in the city (i.e., character advancement) by knowing the right people.
So it seems kind of odd not to have any of those cool mechanics tie back into your own faction. The faction rules don’t really care about that, they just care about how “in” you are with the four factions, which is all about rank and doesn’t touch on membership at all. You’re not defined by your faction in any mechanically meaningful way.
There are advances that let you change your faction, but all these do mechanically is to change what other people roll and mark when they interact with you–which, I dunno, seems kind of underwhelming?
So, am I missing something? If not, is this worth thinking about?