The G1 Climax has been going on over the last week.

The G1 Climax has been going on over the last week.

The G1 Climax has been going on over the last week. This is an annual round-robin tournament held by New Japan Pro Wrestling, split between Japanese wrestlers and gaijin  – I don’t know much about it, but a lot of my twitter friends are REALLY INTO IT so I’ve been learning by osmosis.

It’s kind of as if the Royal Rumble happened over 5 days, every match was full-length it and featured all of the best wrestlers in the world that aren’t currently booked to WWE.

Here’s the Wikipedia page:

Anyway, there’s a person making astonishing gifs from the tournament, and here’s a gallery. Take a look! If nothing else, you’ll see some goddam amazing moves.

Here’s a match I just came across that I really like! And here’s why:

Here’s a match I just came across that I really like! And here’s why:

Here’s a match I just came across that I really like! And here’s why:

These are two of the most mythological wrestlers in WWF/WWE history. Neither guy is known for his incredible technical wrestling skill (esp not 1991 Undertaker), both of them have this “feel no pain” gimmick in their own way, but Taker is slow, plodding and methodical, and Warrior is juiced up, fast and brutal. It’s a total immovable object/unstoppable force kind of situation. So I figured “this is either going to be great or total garbage”.

Turns out it’s great! I don’t know the larger context, but it’s a “body bag” match, where you win by getting the other guy in a body bag. No DQs, no countouts, etc.

What I like about it is that everything in it makes sense in context of the characters. Of COURSE Taker is going to no-sell all those punches. Of COURSE Warrior is going to refuse to be beaten. And the finish makes sense too, as (spoiler alert) the Urn is the seat of the Undertakers “power”, whatever it is, and so that’s what Warrior needs to resort to to finish him off.

This is also worth watching to see Warrior hit Undertaker with 3 consecutive piledrivers. It’s like the best indy show ever.

Anyway. Great match!

Last few sessions on World Wide Wrestling…

Last few sessions on World Wide Wrestling…

Last few sessions on World Wide Wrestling…

So, we had a session that was just me, Shari (Nikki), Tim (Gryla), Brendan (El Presidente) and Rebecca (Dark Twilight).  Doc (The Prince) couldn’t make it, and Amelia (Sharknado) and James (Scorpio) are expected to be absent more likely than not.

Since we had a smaller group, one of the things that got brought up was having some behind the mask, off camera, scenes that involve the wrestler as person instead of persona.  Tim was really excited about exploring this and felt the game needed more of it.

We had:

A scene where El Presidente’s doctor tells him he needs to retire, and stop wrestling.

A scene where Nikki is bandaging herself up after her injuries, and Dark Diva is totally nice and caring and supportive and then Draco gives her a bag full of Oxycotin.

A scene where Gryla meets with his little sister from Iceland, who wants him to come home.  But since he won’t, she decides to join the show as Ice Princess.

The longest such scene was Bright Twilight clubbing with some of her fans and getting completely in over her head.  I cobbled together basically an act under fire move for this situation, since there really wasn’t any mechanical support.  A too-drunk wrestling fan noticed her and really wanted to fight her.  On a 7-9 on her roll to deal with it I offered her the choice to kick his ass and throw him through a glass table, or have Johnny Saturn show up and intervene; she chose the intervention.

With Doc missing, we didn’t want to do the Deportation Match, so we had a couple of matches against NTC: El Presidente against mountain man Grizzly Bob, where Bob got wrapped up in a Mexican flag and then got the tar beat out of him.

Bright Twilight got “educated” by the Professor on his School of Hard Knocks segment, but she beat the Professor with his own Board of Education to turn the tables.  (The Professor is totally Terry Crews in a tear away grey tweed suit, wearing spectacles and smoking a pipe as he enters the ring.)

Nikki had a match against Rock Lobster, she cut promo to add the stipulation that it was fought in two feet of warm “butter.”  Nuff said.

Gryla got to joyously beat down Eric Thorrson.

A couple of opportunities were made for promos and vignettes.  Twilight/Annabelle had a “locker room” scene where Annabelle said she had a lot of respect for Twilight, but wasn’t going to go easy on her.

I have in my notes that there was an Unholy Alliance vs. 3 Faces match.  I don’t remember if that happened, or was swerved, or what.

(Also had on my notes that Nikki was going to get booked in a match against Twilight to strip her of #1 contender status, but that didn’t happen.  Maybe Nikki botched her finisher in the 3v3 match, leading to an Unholy Alliance victory and Johnny Saturn having more faith in Bright Twilight?  Geez, this was like a month ago.)

The championship match was Bright Twilight vs. Miami Annabelle.  I had Annabelle booked to win, but told Rebecca it was her choice if she wanted to use her heel move.  It’s the Freestyle Championship, so anything goes.

El Presidente was announcing in character, explaining how horrible both wrestlers were and that he would do it better.  Eventually, he couldn’t take it any more!  He needed to get down there and show them how it was done.  El Presidente did a Run In against Bright Twilight (allowing her to win, but by DQ, letting Annabelle keep her belt, right?)  But then, he activated his heel move, and picked up the Belt- citing an obscure league rule that in a freestyle match, any belt placed on the ground is in play.  (I ruled he could totally steal the title, but I wasn’t giving him an advance for it.)

Ok, wrestling fans! I’m working on getting the Kickstarter campaign set up, and I wanted to float y’all an idea.

Ok, wrestling fans! I’m working on getting the Kickstarter campaign set up, and I wanted to float y’all an idea.

Ok, wrestling fans! I’m working on getting the Kickstarter campaign set up, and I wanted to float y’all an idea.

I’m a big fan of using the video as a teaser trailer, and not just shooting my floating head yammering. So, my thought for the trailer was to get video of people cutting promos in-character and edit it together with some narration or overlays about how the game works. These would be short clips, I’d probably take 2-3 sentences out of a longer bit and stitch them together. I’m aiming for, like, 2 minutes max. 

So, are there any volunteers willing to cut a promo or two into their webcam and send it to me? Bonus points if you happen to have a luchadore mask on hand or something like that. You’ll get super-special thanks, a link/shoutout to whatever website or whatever you’d like associated with it, and maybe something else special if I can think of something cool!

Also/alternately, other ideas for a fun, short, energetic video?

Yet again showing that you don’t need to “make sense” to convey emotion and make a point in your promos.

Yet again showing that you don’t need to “make sense” to convey emotion and make a point in your promos.

Yet again showing that you don’t need to “make sense” to convey emotion and make a point in your promos.

(This Tower of Doom match, for the record, is absolute 100% garbage)

Just back from DexCon where Irven Keppen ran us through a Regal Wrangle.

Just back from DexCon where Irven Keppen ran us through a Regal Wrangle.

Just back from DexCon where Irven Keppen ran us through a Regal Wrangle.

One thing that I think everyone agreed on,  myself mostly, was the desire to see a Ring side Announcer playbook.

As it stood We did things differently by having two static players playing the announcers, Me doing my Ventura, and Irven being the play by play. 

What we changed from the normal Announcer starts with 3 momentum to spend for the other Talent, was that every time a wrestler (Talent or NPC), was eliminated from a match, was the Announcer gained another momentum to be used for talent, by verbally building them up, or tearing them down.

The problem we witnessed, was I was playing the announcer more than my wrestler, and I myself, just felt weird using the announcer to spend momentum for my Wrestler. 

Thoughts on  an Announcer playbook? One thing I could see is them also having a “Interview Move”.  But not sure how that would work out.

New playsheet and play reference files have been uploaded to my website.

New playsheet and play reference files have been uploaded to my website.

New playsheet and play reference files have been uploaded to my website. I’ll reconcile the rules PDF with them at some point, but the play materials are the more important thing to keep current!

Anyhow, check ’em out if you have a chance! For you patrons, these are new since the ones I sent out before Origins.