I’ve been really enjoying the WWE CruiserWeight Classic series this summer, and it’s inspired me to do a bit of…
I’ve been really enjoying the WWE CruiserWeight Classic series this summer, and it’s inspired me to do a bit of fantasy booking, in regards to what I’d like to see in WWE in the future.
Of the people we’ve seen perform, here are the ones I’d most like to see signed to join WWE’s roster, either in NXT or on one of the main rosters for Raw or Smackdown:
Brian Kendrick
Mustafa Ali
Akira Tozawa
“Gentleman” Jack Gallagher
Kota Ibushi
Cedric Alexander
Brian Kendrick’s got an angle ready-made for primetime. He’s best friends with Daniel Bryan, the current General Manager of Smackdown, so you draft him to that show. And he starts running roughshod over people, using dirty tactics and dangerous moves that would be forbidden to anyone else — but when people complain to Daniel Bryan, all the DB can see is his old dear friend, which leads to him either giving a blind eye to Kendrick’s sins, or even enabling them indirectly, until someone has finally had ENOUGH, and moves to take out Kendrick no matter what obstacles Daniel Bryan puts in their way.
Mustafa Ali jobbed out in the first round, but I found him charismatic and interesting, so I really want to see him given a chance in NXT, to see what else he can do.
I want to see Kota Ibushi and Akira Tozawa arrive in NXT — and immediately align themselves with NXT’s current top champion and their former colleague in New Japan PW — SHINSUKE NAKAMURA. This would lead to the three of them forming a new power faction that rules NXT with deadly force. Maybe even have Asuka join them, cementing the faction’s dominance over NXT by having it include both their men and women champions.
But a faction needs at least one solid talker. Shinsuke’s good, but not great, Kota doesn’t appear to speak any english at all, and Tozawa doesn’t seem like he’s much of a talker, more of a shouter-grunter — so “Gentleman” Jack Gallagher gets recruited by them to be their mouthpiece.
Then you’ve got Cedric Alexander. His match against Kota Ibushi has been one of the major highlights of the CWC so far, so he could be used in one of two ways — either Ibushi’s rival within NXT, constantly pushing himself to catch up to Ibushi’s sky-high level, or Ibushi takes Cedric under his wing as a student/sidekick, making Cedric the newest member of this faction I’ve talked about.
Your thoughts, fellow wrestling fans?