HEW S2E1 Highlights/notes
HEW S2E1 Highlights/notes
Pre Show:
Outlaw Jodie Wales (Joe Zantek ) and Prince Prawn (Justin Phillips )met with fans outside discussing the virtues of different snack flavors.
Henry J Husman and Outlaw met backstage to discuss the promotions financial woes and how the board was outlawing hardcore matches due to pending litigation
Boz Taggart (Adam Dunlop ) and DJ Monica Veronica (Adam Goldberg ) had a match where Ben Smith (James Reuben ) interfered after slooooowly making his way to the ring. The interference prompted Boz to lay him out.
Outlaw called out Prawn who refused to do the job. HJH attempted to rally the locker to go save the match, but no one responded. Outlaw eventually had enough and potatoed him.
A cameraman found Monica Veronica in a destroyed locker room staring at a picture of Ben Smith. Smith came upon the scene, but overcome with stage fright couldn’t mutter anything insightful to say and Monica stormed out. Ben Smith left the locker room as the camera panned to reveal Boz silently observing the scene.
Prior to Ben’s match, HJH pulled Boz aside and told him to “knock the stutter out of” Ben. During the handicap match between Ben Smith and Monica/Boz, Boz dislocated Ben’s shoulder. He then attempted to tag Monica, who refused and provided enough distraction for Ben Smith to get a roll up victory.
When asked to explain herself after the match, Monica cut a promo in which to cast off her foreigner gimmick and declared herself worthy of an HEW title. To which the estranged eXtreme BBQ Champion Deliscous Tommy Viscous responded by coming through the crowd to the ring and laying her out.
Post show:
Boz apologized to Ben and explained that he really needs to step it up to stay employed.
Outlaw and Prawn discussed their match and Prawn asked Outlaw to put in a good word for him.
Outlaw went to HJH with the intention of burying Prawn but ended up getting him put in a title program for the Outlaw’s championship.