A couple of rules questions:

A couple of rules questions:

A couple of rules questions:

1. How do you resolve multiple players attempting the change the booking of a match? For example, a heel uses their move to win a match, but their opponent is a Hardcore that wants to use Rules? What Rules? which has the capability of also overriding creative’s booking. Is the Hardcore allowed to do this, negating the heel’s move? Or does the booking decision go to the first one to initiate it? And if someone wanted to run in after that, causing a third Creative override, would they get the final say?

2. When a player is in a tag match with a NPW partner, and the NPW is the legal wrestler and wants to tag out, should the player still roll for a hot tag on behalf of his partner? Or should it just resolve without a move?





Real life wrestling has finally exceeded the weirdness of my WWWRPG games!


A non-game thing, but it’s me and wrestling so WHAT I SAY GOES: I wrote a personal essay about being a pacifist but…

A non-game thing, but it’s me and wrestling so WHAT I SAY GOES: I wrote a personal essay about being a pacifist but…

A non-game thing, but it’s me and wrestling so WHAT I SAY GOES: I wrote a personal essay about being a pacifist but loving the everloving shit out of Shibata, who’s one of the stiffest wrestlers on the planet. It’s in this issue of the Pro Wrestling Feelings zine, which is done by a good friend of mine here in Chicago.

It’s kind of a wrestlebud issue – the publisher, me, the artist (who is also the new Gimmick artist for the Kickstarter) and the author of the other essay are the folks I hang out and watch wrestling with. There’s also an old interview with Ultramantis Black and a new one with another zinester (the guy who does Atomic Elbow).

Anyway, it’s $5, it’s good stuff, support independent publishing, etc etc.


How about a “second generation” gimmick where you play a wrestler with a famous father.

How about a “second generation” gimmick where you play a wrestler with a famous father.

How about a “second generation” gimmick where you play a wrestler with a famous father. Maybe a move where if you get injured, roll 2D6+real.

(10+) Your dad come out there like the stud of old to save you and helps you win the match. +1 audience cause the fans go crazy.

(7-9) He is a bit ring rusty but he still helps you win the match. +1 heat with opponent.

(Botch) He looks like a shadow of his former self and your opponent(s) kick both your asses and you lose the match. -1 Audience cause the fans are embarrassed for you.

I had never so much as seen an American wrestling match when two of my good friends suggested we try out WWWRPG on…

I had never so much as seen an American wrestling match when two of my good friends suggested we try out WWWRPG on…

I had never so much as seen an American wrestling match when two of my good friends suggested we try out WWWRPG on Roll20

Despite their initial fears that they’d be the only ones having fun, It was an instant hit with the whole group, and we’ve played several sessions since.

Many thanks Nathan Paoletta for such a fun, imaginative and accessible PbtA game.

Here’s a map of the ring I made for our group, please feel free to use and share it if it works for you. 1400×1750 if you’re sizing it for the Roll20 grid.