#UnchartedScience  Or #SciFriday , take your pick!

…those batteries and get the jump drive back online! – – Been Here Before: How the brain builds place memories http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/02/160204122050.htm Summary: Neuroscientists have succeeded in activating dormant memory cells…

One of the oldest, biggest cons on the US West Coast, Dundracon, happened over Presidents Day weekend.

…6 hour time slot. Works beautifully, even with 20 minutes for custom Mystery creation. Online games and most other PbtA games can really slog down with more than 4 players….

When someone doesn’t choose one of the Assets at Family creation, does that mean they have nothing at all in that…

…fair we are playing online and not using the official character sheets, so it may have been easier that way 🙂 Also my players didn’t realize the “thing you always…