One of the key pieces of my current revision of Wizard World (my Ars Magica hack) was arriving at some spellcasting…

…list! Current playtesting is mostly with my local groups but I’ll be doing a round or two of online as well in the fairly near future. Ville Halonen So much…

So I know people are making all kinds of cool things and I’ve seen a bunch of custom moves in threads as I’ve read…

…planned in terms of online presence. Sean Hess Andrew and Mark, thoughts? It might be fun to collaborate on something. I like making things but I hate promoting them. Danilo…

I love this quote from Vincent Baker : “The purpose of a game isn’t to balance, but to fall rapidly out of balance…

Chris Bennett I am GMing a game of En Garde online and thinking about this RIGHT NOW. So good. Richard Extall As roleplayers, we worry too much about ‘balance’. Unfortunately,…

So, just finishing to read the main book and planning a Monday game, I have some questions:

…is easily my favorite online GM to watch. They do spend an inordinate amount of time discussing what their characters are wearing though, lol. Chris “HyveMynd” Stone-Bush You could probably…