An ask for idea help:

An ask for idea help:

An ask for idea help:

So I’ve done some build up for prom in my game and one player is going to do his swap characters (retire or become a paragon; changing from Interface the delinquent with a police detective mom to Kid Slueth the beacon). I’ve some ideas to make it a big deal for other characters (Nova’s going with a friend being more than friend; Outsider’s alien roommate going with her crush; doomed->protege being dragged along with other’s messes) but prom wasn’t a big thing for me growing up and I want to properly handle it. Are there any suggestions from the group think on how to handle prom?

So the new Doomed playbook involves some big changes if you are currently playing one.

So the new Doomed playbook involves some big changes if you are currently playing one.

So the new Doomed playbook involves some big changes if you are currently playing one. Figured I would show some of the modifications I did on mine in case someone needs ideas for their own. (note these aren’t the live copies)

Old version:

New version: