Quick question: how do you handle Put a Face to a Name?

Quick question: how do you handle Put a Face to a Name?

Quick question: how do you handle Put a Face to a Name?

A lot of the time when a new npc or group is introduced, all the players want to roll Put a Name to a Face. Every time, all of them.

As we have 6 players, this breaks the flow of the game somewhat; but for me (MC) it also breaks immersion & narrative credibility , that quite often 5 out of 6 people already know every person around, with 5 different haphazard reasons/stories that don’t really mix or match.

We’ve discussed it and sort of agreed that not everybody has to roll; we usually get it to the first person that meets the npc, and then either the 2nd player in the scene, or the first time they tell of the npc to another player.

However, as it is a Faction move, and thus the way to leveling up, this has some considerable weight for some players.