My son has asked if I could put together a PbtA style game where the characters are all players in a futuristic…

My son has asked if I could put together a PbtA style game where the characters are all players in a futuristic…

My son has asked if I could put together a PbtA style game where the characters are all players in a futuristic version of today’s MOBAs (such as League of Legends and Smite). The idea is that the MOBA is a virtual reality game with its players actually in the game (both Shadowrun’s matrix and Sword Art Online came up in the discussion). Talking it over with him and one of the other possible players we were thinking the game would have scenes both in the ‘real world’ and in the digital world of the MOBA where we would want to be able to play out at least portions of the character’s matches.

Are there any particular PbtA games or hacks out there that would be suggested to either run this with or as a good starting point to build off of to put the game together? We have played DungeonWorld and Masks and I have access to several other PbtA games, but I would be curious what suggestions the community would have in case I’ve missed any good options.